My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - Chapter 149

Chapter 149

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In 10 minutes they reached the hotel .

The moment Han Yefang's car came at the entrance reporters gathered around his car .

He went out with his no expression face and went straight to the other side to open the door for Yuerui . But before he could open the door Yuerui already opened that and went outside .

Han Yefang offered his hands to her but she rejected them . Before she could walk past him he grabbed her left hand and showed her the way .

He grabbed her hand so tight that Yuerui couldn't release them .

On the other side, reporters were shocked to see Han Yefang coming with a companion . In every public gathering like this he always comes alone . But today he has a partner .

The camera were flas.h.i.+ng over them with lights making them blind .

Yuerui had a hard time to cross them .

Seeing Yuerui walk with dilemma Yefang hold her by her shoulder and pulled her towards him . He switched his hands to grab her hands, still didn't loose her hand .

Yuerui tried to struggle to get free from him . But he went close to her ears and whispered, "Follow my lead and stay still . Or else I will kiss you in the public . "

Yuerui was so shocked and scared that she followed every single step of Yefang obediently .

After pa.s.sing the crowd they stood at the interview section where photos and interviews are taken .

"Mr . Han, who is this pretty lady with you today?" That was the first thing he was asked .

"I suppose this question is irrelevant to this gathering . " Han Yefang replied straight without any expression . It was more like a warning to them to forbid asking this type of questions .

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So the other reporters then asked him other questions on his projects, company etc .

Just when he was about to leave a reporter asked him, "Mr . Han one last question . "

Yefang stopped and turned to the reporter .

"Whenever you go on projects outside Germany you do not stay for too long . But since you are here in China and you are also a Chinese will you stay here for more time?"

Han Yefang looked at the reporter with straight face and replied, "Country doesn't matter . "

Then he looked at Yuerui and added," But this time I am planning to stay for a long while . "

His voice became calm and relaxed, not like the stern and robotic voice of his .

After hearing his reply Yuerui looked at him who was looking elsewhere all this while .

'Not leaving? What are you planning to do?' she thought .

After the interview they entered the party .


Xianw.a.n.g came before them at sharp 7 am, just like a discipline freak . But his mind was not here . He was looking for Yuerui the whole time . He came at the party in time but she was late .

"Well, what can I expect from someone who comes late at the first day of office . " He murmured .

"Did you say anything?" Si ying asked .

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"No, nothing . Enjoy the party . " Xianw.a.n.g said .

Xianw.a.n.g run over his gaze through out the whole hall and suddenly stopped at the entrance .

He saw the gorgeous and elegant looking Mai Yuerui . His eyes fixated on her, didn't want to to move at all .

Her slow and careful steps while holding the hem of her gown made Xianw.a.n.g want to give her his support .

He left his friend on his own and walked towards her . But he had to slow down his motion the moment he saw her with Han Yefang . They were holding their hands .

His left eye twitched .

He wore his cold demeanor and approached them .

"Good evening, Mr . Han . " He greeted .

"Good evening . " Han Yefang replied .

"You came late . Was there any difficulty to know your way?"

"Well . . . The function hasn't started yet . So I can say I am not late . In case of the way, Ms . Mai was really cooperative to show me the way . She is really very diligent about her work whether in your company or as my secretary . " Han Yefang looked at Yuerui as he finished his sentence .

His eyes were playing with her .

'Look somewhere else . Or I swear I will poke your eyes with my sharp nails . ' Yuerui sneered .

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Her eyes were blazing with anger, Han Yefang knew what her expression meant but he ignored it .

Although she was angry, she immediately changed her expression and faked a smile .

"Cough . . cough . . . " Xianw.a.n.g made a coughing sound to bring them back to reality .

"By the way, Mr . Han, I have a good news for you . " Xianw.a.n.g said .

"What would that be?"

"Your secretary has informed that he has already reached China . So you will not be having any more problems anymore . " Xianw.a.n.g said with his normal accent but it has a bit of taunt in it .

Han Yefang squeezed his eye brows .

"You didn't know?" Xianw.a.n.g asked him .

"H . . How can I not know?" Han Yefang tried to remain calm .

"Then I suppose you won't be needing Ms . Mai anymore . " Xianw.a.n.g smirked .

While they were talking, the function had already started and the host asked everyone for a dance at the main hall .

"Oh! They are asking for dance . " Xianw.a.n.g said looking at the dance floor .

He then added, "If you don't mind, I will take my employee for a dance . " After finis.h.i.+ng his sentence his grabbed Yuerui by her waist and went for the dance floor leaving Han Yefang alone .

They didn't heard the cracking sound of Han Yefang's knuckles which he did out of dissatisfaction .


"Who told you that I will dance with you? Did you ask for permission?" Yuerui said to Xianw.a.n.g as they were dancing .

"But you are already dancing with me . " Xianw.a.n.g smiled at her .

Although Yuerui was thankful to Xianw.a.n.g that he took her away from Han Yefang she still can't show that to him and has to show her dignity .

"Yeah, because you dragged me here without even asking me . "

"Then I ask for your forgiveness . " Xianw.a.n.g said apologeticly . His voice had a sweet as well as flirty tone .

Yuerui didn't say anything . She just tried herself not to smile .

"You are smiling . Right . . . Right?" Xianw.a.n.g tried to make her smile .

"No I am not . " Yuerui pressed her lips tight and tried not to smile but she couldn't help it .

"Then I take it as forgiveness . "

"Whatever . . . . " Yuerui rolled her eyes .

While the two of them were having a good chat, one sour soul was filling it's jealousy with liquor .

After having two of wine he couldn't take it anymore and rushed to the dance floor .

By the time he reached them it was time for the dancers to change their partner and Yuerui was about to fall on Yefang's arms but the moment she realized that it was him, she forced herself from falling on him . It made her loose balance and she was about to fall on the ground . But Han Yefang caught her in time .

"You would rather fall on the ground then in my arms?" He asked . There was pain in his words .

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