My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - Chapter 148

Chapter 148

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"Boss called for me? When? I didn't get any call from him . " Liang Li replied in panic .

"He didn't contact you?"

Both Si ying and Xianw.a.n.g were shocked .

"No . I haven't heard from him since he left . "

"And you didn't try to contact him?"

"Well, it's normal to us . Whenever he goes for any business trip, he becomes out of contact . So we don't call him either . "

Xianw.a.n.g found it weird that Han Yefang told him that he has called for his secretary and took Yuerui as his subst.i.tute . But in reality he didn't called him at all .

Xianw.a.n.g took his put and wrote to Si ying to tell Liang Li to come to China as soon as possible .

Si ying read his text then said to Liang Li, "Well then I suggest you come to China as soon as possible . "


"Actually he had some trouble with the presentation and budget sheet and all . So you better come here . "

"Oh sh*t . Okay . I am taking the next flight to China . Thanks for the call Mr . Si ying . "

"Welcome . "

The call got disconnected .

"What's up with this man, Xianw.a.n.g?" Even Si ying got suspicious .

Xianw.a.n.g didn't reply anything . He was in deep thoughts .

After a while he looked at Si ying and asked, "Do me a favour first . "

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"Deliver something for me . "


After Yuerui was satisfied with cutting the dress she packed them back and gave it to the delivery man for delivery .

It was already time for lunch . She and Ning tan both went to the kitchen and cooked their lunch together .

They made some sus.h.i.+, rice cakes and egg rolls .

After having a good lunch they turned on the laptop and started a horror movie . It's been a while since they watched any movie together .

In the middle of the movie the doorbell rang again .

"Who is it again?" Yuerui became annoyed .

She opened the door and found another delivery . Yuerui closed the door and found Ning tan giggling at her .

"Someone's having gifts lately . "

"I swear if it's him again I am gonna burn it . " Yuerui seemed serious .

She opened then box and found a card on the top .

"Tomorrow there is a party and I a.s.sume you have to attend as Mr . Han's secretary . Were this dress . It will be fitted for the party . - KXW"

She went through the box and found a peach colored dress .

"Does the whole world thinks I am so poor that I can't even by a dress?" Yuerui said as she put the dress down .

"Kong Xianw.a.n.g knows that you are rich . "

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Ning tan replied immediately .

"Yeah right . Then how come he also sent me dress?"

"May be he wants to see you in this dress . " Ning tan teased her friend .

"Ha . . . . Ha . . . So funny . " Yuerui tried to change the topic .

"No not funny . It can be true . May be he succeeded to see the beauty that you hide behind these . "

"He . . . Hey . . . Don't scare me . "

"If it's true you can give him a chance, Rui rui . "

This time Ning tan seemed serious . She wants her friend to be happy .

"There is no such thing left in my life, Tan tan . Please don't say that . "

Ning tan definitely knows that Han Yefang might still be holding a place in Yuerui's heart . She tried her best to help her friend let it go but failed . She just hopes one day she will be able to let it go .


The next day, Yuerui didn't need to go to office since she was granted an off day for the party . Her friend was still rolling her body over her bed .

Yuerui was having a great time with her friend . Sometimes it feels bored to stay alone .  

She got ready quickly and prepared to leave .

"Are you sure you are gonna wear that, Rui rui?" Ning tan asked anxiously .

"Yes, I am sure . " Yuerui put on her heels and left the place .

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At the party, all the prestigious individuals of the construction industry around the world were present . Famous actors and actresses were present as  well . Reporters were making a huge crowd to take interviews of them .

Han Yefang has planned to enter with Mai Yuerui . So he parked his car in a distance from the vanue . He was waiting for Yuerui to come .

It was already 7 am . Han Yefang kept waiting for Yuerui but she was no where to be seen . He was eagerly waiting for her to see her in the dress he gave her .

He came out of his car and started to take a stroll around his car . He was so excited to see her that he keep on watching time in his watch .

In his excitement, his looked forward and he was stunned .

Mai Yuerui came in a wine red strapless satin ball gown . She tied her hair in a low bun and loose a few strands of hair in the front . The strands of hair were perfectly curled and was tickling her delicate cheeks . She wore a light makeup enhancing her true beauty .

Han Yefang was mesmerized as well as a little hurt since she wore black contact lenses over her blue eyes . He was eagerly wis.h.i.+ng to see her bare eyes .

Although Mai Yuerui didn't come in the way Han Yefang imagined . But she was looking beyond his expectations . He had the urge to touch her delicate cheeks . He didn't care about his sorroundings anymore . He just wanted the time to stop .

While Han Yefang was admiring her beauty Mai Yuerui elegantly came across him and said,

"Aren't we late, sir?"

"Ahh . . . Ye . . . Yes . . . "

"Then let's go . "

"Yes, of course . "

He went over to the other side and opened the front pa.s.senger door for Yuerui . But Yuerui dozed him and went for the backseat .

"I prefer sitting here . "

"I am not your driver . " Yefang replied while holding the door .

"I know . " Yuerui replied without looking at him .

"You are my date today . So come at the front . "

"Date? I am afraid you are wrong, Mr . Han Yefang . I am just your mere secretary who had to obey your orders . "

"You are getting it wrong . " He tried to convince her .

Yuerui didn't say anything . She just went inside and sit on the back seat .

"If you are not coming out then we are not going . " Yefang said with stern voice .

Yuerui was boiling with anger . She clutched her hands tight and came out of the car . She didn't even looked at Yefang . She pushed him aside and went inside car at the front .

Han Yefang hurriedly closed the door and went to the driver's seat and drove his way to the restaurant .

There was pin drop silence at the car .

"You didn't were the dress I gave you . " Han Yefang said .

Yuerui didn't reply to him . She kept on scrolling on her mobile screen .

After a pause Yefang agany said, " You didn't wear this type of bright colors . But you are really looking . . . . "

"Who said I don't wear bright colors?" She stopped him in the middle .

"I didn't saw you wear before . "

"Well . . . May be you didn't know me at all . " Yuerui razzed .

Yefang was actually true . Yuerui indeed don't wear bright colors . But she had to prove him wrong .

After that, the car again went to pin drop silence .

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