My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - Chapter 138 - He Is So Obvious

Chapter 138 - He Is So Obvious

An awkward silence is surrounding all over Yuerui's tiny apartment.

The four of them are just looking at each other's face.

Su and Kai has so much to talk about. But with Si ying being present there, they are feeling awkward.

After office today, they decided to visit Yuerui. They decided it at the main gate.

"Kai, I think we should visit Yuerui."

"Yes, she might be having problem since she is sick."

"Hmm. Let's buy dinner for her and visit her home."

They just started for Yuerui's house but were stopped by someone.

"h.e.l.lo, there." Si ying said from behind.

"h.e.l.lo, secretary Si." They said.

" I am sorry I overheard you. Are you visiting Ms. Mai?"

"Well.. ummm.. yes." Kai hesitated.

"Can I come too? I also wanted to visit her too."

Si ying asked with so eagerness that they couldn't reject him. Hence he tagged along with them.

The awkwardness still didn't leave the room.

"Oh... Wow... You bought dinner for me? Thank you." Yuerui started the conversation since no one was talking.

"Yes.... We have your favourite too, chicken alfredo. And my favorite chicken feet. Yummy!" Su said.

'Chicken Alfredo for Yuerui and chicken feet for Su. Noted down.' Si ying memorized them in his mind.

"Jeongmal[1]" Yuerui said in excitement.

"You know Korean language?" Si ying asked.

"Yes. You too?" Yuerui was amazed.

"Yes. I know Chinese, English, French, Korean." Si ying said with pride.

"Whoa.... You are really genius, secretary Si!" Su said in amus.e.m.e.nt which made Si ying blush. He scratched his head out of shyness.

"Let me warm the food." Yuerui took the food to kitchen.

"I'll help you." Kai also followed her.

"Hey, I wanna help to." Su shouted.

"No need. You help with setting up the table." Saying so Kai looked around for table but couldn't find any.

"I do not have any. I live alone. So there's no need for table." Yuerui said in embarra.s.sment.

"Then where do you eat?" Si ying was surprised. The second daughter of one of the wealthiest family of the country is not only living in a tiny apartment, but she also doesn't have any dinning table. He was surprised.

"I eat in my bed. Hehe." Yuerui foolishly smiled.

"Okay, then. Su, set up the bed. Let's go, Little cat." Kai ordered Su and dragged Yuerui to the kitchen.

"How can I do that alone?" Su pouted.

"I can help you." Si ying said with enthusiasm.

How can he let go of the change to get close to Su.

"Thank you, secretary Si." Su said.

In the kitchen,

"You did that intentionally, right?" Yuerui said to Kai.

"What?" Kai replied obliviously.

"Living them alone?" Yuerui said mischievously.

"You also noticed that?" Kai laughed.

"Of course, He makes it so obvious." Yuerui said with mischievous smile. She was enjoying how Si ying was behaving. Just like a teenage lover.

"Even you noticed that? Who doesn't know what's happening even in 1 mitre radius around her? My my.... Si ying really should know how to hide his feelings." Kai teased both Yuerui and Si ying at the second time.

"Hey, I am not that ignorant."

"Yeah...." Kai sighed.

"Humph...." Yuerui pouted.

"Hey, do you know recently Si ying interrogated me?"

"What are you saying?"

"Yes, he thought that there is something between me and Su. You know, I laughed like crazy that day. Unfortunately I couldn't share it with anyone."

"We can share it with Su." Yuerui said.

"That stupid fellow is so stupid that, she doesn't know any ounch of it."

"What! Even I know that. And she doesn't know it?" Yuerui was shocked.

"Hahaha... Now you are admitting that you knowing is a big thing."

On the other hand,

Thousands of roses are blooming in Si ying's heart. Helping Su fold the blanket was like the most satisfying work Si ying has done.

"Ms. Su, I can do the work alone. You don't have to do anything." Si ying suggested.

"No, let me do it. Or else, Kai will find an excuse to nag."

"You seem to care about Mr. Sheng's nagging." Si ying faked a smile.

"Heh... h.e.l.l no. You don't know how annoying it is when he starts to nag. It's soo annoying." Su replied.

Si ying was satisfied with Su's answer. He smiled in his mind.

"By the way, we are not in the office. So you don't have to formally address us. You can call us Su, Kai and Yuerui. Besides we are younger than you. So we don't mind." Su said.

This was like hitting an arrow in Si ying's


"I am not that old. Only 1 year and 10 months." Si ying immediately.

"I didn't mean that, secretary Si. I was just that you can talk informally with us."

"Then you should also call me by my name." And Si ying's flirting started.

"How can I?" Su hesitated.

"Then I will be formal too."

"Okay, Si ying. I will call you by your name."

"In the office too."

"Huh!" Su was a little surprised.

"Is it difficult?"

"No. I mean what will others say?"

"It's just calling by each other's names. There's nothing wrong with that."

"O.. okay" Su hesitantly replied.

"You are done setting up the bed?" Yuerui and Kai came with food.

"Yes. We just finished." Su replied.

After the food was served all were ready to dig in.

"Here you go, secretary Si." Kai served Si ying some food.

"Kai, we are not in the office, so Si ying said we don't need to be formal. We can call him by his name."

"It's okay, you can be formal Mr. Sheng." Si ying immediately said.

'Only Su can call me that. You, Mr. Sheng, never!' he thought.

Seeing this cute side of Si ying Yuerui chuckled inwardly.

"Then can I call you by your name too?" Yuerui asked mischievously.

"Of course you can." Si ying nodded.

'Sister-in-law.' he thought.

After the dinner the three of them left Yuerui's house. It was already 10 PM. Si ying wanted to drop Su on his way. But Su insisted on going with Kai. It would be too awkward if Si ying still insisted. So he didn't say anything else and bid them good bye.

He was walking along the footpath across the street. He likes to take a walk after dinner. On his way to his home when he was about to cross the road he was stopped by a white car.

Si ying looked at the car. After a while a woman in white dress came out. It was Xingtian.

"I have been waiting for you, brother ying."

"How did you know that I was here?"

"I saw you leave with Mr. Sheng and Ms. Su. I thought you were meeting Yuerui. So I followed you." Xingtian crossed her arms as she leaned on her car.

"Then why didn't you come along?" Si ying asked.

"It would too be much crowd then. She is already sick. How can she take care so many guests at that time."

"Yes, how thoughtful of you. Then you should have left. Why did you wait?"

"For you?"


"If I didn't wait then how did you go home."

"Tsk.... Silly girl, it's not like I can't go home alone. You didn't eat your dinner, right?" He teased as he poked her head.

"Yes, I am so hungry." Xingtian hugged her belly.

"Let's go. Let me buy you dinner."


Si ying went inside the car and went for a nearby restaurant to treat Xingtian.

In the restaurant Si ying ordered for a rib eye steak and cola. Since he already ate dinner he didn't eat anything. Just a cola for him.

After the food arrived he cut the steak into bite size pieces and gave them to Xingtian.

 Xingtian sat like a obedient child until.he finished.

"Brother ying, I have seen thatrecently you have been close with Mr. Sheng and Ms. Su. Are they your new friends?" Xingtian asked as she took a bite.

"It's just for work."

"Oh. Then how come you went with them today?"

'If it wasn't for your brother, who forced me to get news on Yuerui since he was so worried about her, I wouldn't have gone there. But luck was on my favour that I b.u.mped into Su.' Si ying thought.

"Oh. Since Mr. Lin isn't here, Mr. Sheng and Ms. Mai are in charge of his work. So I needed to consult with them. That's all."

"How rude, Brother ying. Yuerui was sick. And you went to her house to give her more work!" Xingtian said with disappointment.

"I can't help it when it's about work." Si ying smiled awkwardly.

'Wow. For no reason I became the bad person. Thanks xianw.a.n.g.' Si ying cursed his friend.

After the dinner Xingtian dropped him home and bod him goodbye.

[1]= Really