My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - Chapter 137 - Another Day Off

Chapter 137 - Another Day Off

The next day, Yuerui woke up with swollen and puffy eyes. Her head was aching since she didn't get any sleep last night. The whole night she was just rolling over the bed.

"He will be there today as well." She said.

"Should I take a leave today as well?"

"Yes... I should. The less I see him the more I will be comfortable."

Yuerui took her phone and texted Su that she will not be coming today.

-Su, I will not be coming today.

-Are you alright, Little cat? You suddenly left yesterday. You didn't even finish the meeting.

-I just have a fever.

-Is it serious? Should I come?

-I am fine. Don't bother.

-Okay, Little cat. Rest well. I will inform the HR.



Yuerui threw her phone on the bed. She got off the bed to pick up the pillow she threw at the floor. Then put it in the bed and again went back to sleep.

When she get up from sleep in was 10 am. After sleeping she was feeling fresh. She took her phone out of habit. She saw that she had a message from an unknown number.

She opened the message. It said,

-Are you that much scared that you didn't even come to office. I didn't know I am that scary.   

                     ---you know who I am

"How the h.e.l.l did he find my number? Is it really this easy to find someone's phone number?"

She read the message again.

"Is he mocking me?"

"Does he think I still hold him any importance in my life, No!"

"He has no importance."

Yuerui got off her bed and went to her wardrobe to pick a dress. Suddenly she halted.

"Wait a minute, if I go now, it will prove to him that I came to the office because of his text."

She retreated her hands from the clothes.

"Whether I come to office or not, that's totally my business. It has nothing to do with him."

"I will not let him control my life again." Yuerui clenched her fist.

"No... Not again." She murmured.

She closed the wardrobe and went to the kitchen to make her breakfast.

She cooked a sunny side up egg, toasted bread and b.u.t.tered them with peanut b.u.t.ter. While she was placing food in her bed, her phone chimed in.

She looked at the phone and saw that Xianw.a.n.g's name was floating in the screen.

After seeing her leave yesterday like that and now not coming to the office, Xianw.a.n.g became worried. So after his meeting he texted her to know if she is fine.

-Ms. Mai, are you okay?

Yuerui looked at the text but didn't reply immediately.

"What is wrong with everybody? Why is everyone so concerned with the fact that I skipped office today?" She wondered.

After finis.h.i.+ng her breakfast Yuerui again looked at Xianw.a.n.g's message. She thought that it would be rude if she doesn't reply to him. After all he isn't just any normal guy. She should at least respect him.

So, she picked up her phone and texted him back.

-I got cold and fever. Thank you for your concern, boss.

Even though she is perfectly fine, she has to lie. Or else how can she get a day off?

After breakfast, she washed the dishes, did some dusting of her house. It's not so long she rented the house but it's already filled with dust.

While she was dusting she heard the doorbell. She opened the door while she was coughing because of dust. She was surprised to see that it was Xianw.a.n.g's driver.

"Uncle Luo, why are you here?" She asked.

"Young master, told me bring this for you." He handed her a thermoflask.

"What is it, Uncle Luo?" 

"It's chicken and ginger soup, dear. Young master told me to buy this for you."

Yuerui was confused. She couldn't understand why is Xianw.a.n.g sending soup to her.

"Young master also told me to give this to you." Uncle Luo gave Yuerui an envelope.

She opened it in front of him and read what was written.

-There's no hidden intentions behind it. Just a simple soup so that you can recover fast and continue your work. Work has more prority to me.

'Don't worry, I won't affect your work.' Yuerui thought.

She smiled at Uncle Luo and accepted the soup.

After Uncle Luo left she warmed some of the soup and poured it in a bowl. 

"Mmm... It's good."

While she was watching drama and drinking the soup, her doorbell rang again. She opened the door and found that it was Uncle Luo again.

"What's the matter, Uncle Luo?"

"You were coughing earlier when you opened the door before. So I brought this medicine for you. Make sure to eat it."

Yuerui didn't know what to say. She can't even say that she was coughing because of dust, not cold. She gave a gentle smile and accepted the medicine.

"That's so sweet of you, Uncle Luo. You didn't have to do this." Yuerui bwas touched.

"It's nothing, child. Take care."

"Thank you, Uncle Luo."

"You're welcome."

After Yuerui closed the door, Uncle Luo went back to the car. He got in and started the car.

"I gave her the medicine you bought, Young master."

"Hmm, head back to office."

Uncle Luo looked at the looking Gla.s.s and smiled at Xianw.a.n.g.

When Xianw.a.n.g heard from Uncle Luo that Yuerui was coughing, he immediately rushed to the pharmacy and bought medicine. Then told him to give this to Yuerui. But forbid him to tell her that it was him who bought this. He doesn't wanna freak her out.

It was the first time he has seen Xianw.a.n.g to show concern to anyone other than his family.

Xianw.a.n.g knew what his mischievous smile meant. But he still maintained his poker face.

"What?" He said.

"Nothing, young master."

Uncle Luo shook his head and headed back to the office.

After Yuerui finished the soup, she was feeling a little relaxed. She also got relieved that Xianw.a.n.g is not persuading her anymore.

While thinking about Xianw.a.n.g now, she realized that she is not mad at him anymore. Whatever he did, he had a reason behind it. If things go well then they can be friends after she resigns. She can also help him go on blind dates.

The whole afternoon and evening Yuerui rolled in her bed and slept as if she hasn't slept for a month. In the evening she was woken up by the sound of the doorbell.

The person outside was belling the doorbell vigorously and banging the door at the same time.

"Calm down, I am coming." Yuerui shut her ears with her hands and yelled at the person.

She was surprised when she opened the door.

"Surprise!" Her two friends came to visit her.

"Aw... You guys came to visit me?" Yuerui was touched.

"No, we came to make you wash our clothes." Kai mocked.

Yuerui pouted in reply.

"Little cat, you are actually looking like a little cat today." Su exclaimed.

Yuerui looked at herself and realized that she was in her bunny pajamas. She immediately crossed arms around her body as she was feeling shy.

"Why are you blocking? We have already seen you." Su said.

"Well, yeah. You have already seen it anyway. So this is my cozy look in my house, guys." Yuerui raised her right hand upwards to pose for them to have a look at her dress.

"Cough.. cough... Good evening Ms. Mai." Suddenly Si ying's sheepish voice was heard.

Yuerui was shocked to see him here. She immediately shut the door and shouted from inside, "Wait a moment please."

She ran all over her house, changed her pajamas, tidied up her bed within five minutes.

Then she opened the door.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, please come in." She said while panting.

The three of them chuckled silently as they entered.