My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - Chapter 133 - Bullsh*T... The World Knows Bullsh*T

Chapter 133 - Bullsh*T... The World Knows Bullsh*T

"G.. Good morning, senior." She greeted.

"Oh my! Why are you greeted us. We should be the one greeting you, little cat. Oops sorry I mean Ms Mai." One of them teased.

"N... No, senior. Why would you greet me. I am your junior. It should be me."

"O really. Then greet." Another one said.

"Good morning, again seniors." Yuerui tried to maintain her smile.

"Is this how you call a junior greets her seniors?"

"I don't get it, senior."

"Your parents didn't teach you how to bow? You have to bow when you greet."

Yuerui have never bowed to anyone. She only nods her head when she greets anyone.

She rarely bows to her parents. So bowing to them would be the least thing she would do.

She was absolutely reluctant to bow to them. But she still remained calm and

slightly bowed.

But one of the girl came close to her and pushed her back downward with force to make her bow.

"This is how you do a bow. You really don't know a general courtesy. And you were trying to seduce big boss. How funny."

Yuerui was feeling so angry that she clenched her fist tightly, nalis digging into herĀ  soft palm. But she didn't say a word.

'If you guys knew that one 'Yes' from me can throw you girls out of this company, you would have never messed with me. But I feel pity for you. It's my kindness that I don't want to make people jobless.' Yuerui thought.

After the bow Yuerui still remained calm and returned them a huge smile. The smile was more intensified then the previous smile.

"I am sorry that I lack such a common courtesy. Thank you for you teaching me today, senior. Please teach me more later. So that I can fix my att.i.tude." Yuerui said.

This reply of Yuerui made everyone stunned. They were not thinking that they would get such a reply. They thought that she would cry or throw a fit, or even worse that she would threaten them by saying she can complain to Xianw.a.n.g about them. But here, Yuerui was standing in front of them with a smile on her face.

But they were still not over with bullying her.

"You wanna fix your att.i.tude? Then go and bring coffee for us. You know what we prefer right?"

'Of course, how can I forget. You tried to use this trick before. But you failed. I guess today I have to fulfill your dream.' Yuerui thought.

She nodded with excitement and ran to the nearest coffee shop.

After a while she returned with handful of coffees and teas. The male co-workers were feeling pity for her. So they immediately gave her a hand.

Yuerui thanked them cordially and pa.s.sed the coffees to their designated drinker. The female co-workers were so shameless that they didn't even pay for the coffee. Poor Mai Yuerui had to pay for their coffees as well.

But it's not that she can't afford. Hehe! If sheĀ  had not enough cash that there is still.her little brother of course. If he can't help his sister in this crisis then what's the use of him.

The whole day, Yuerui had to run arrands for them from here to there. Su and Kai both tried to help her. But whenever they tried to help, the jealous ladies to give much more work to Yuerui.

In this way the whole day pa.s.sed off with a huge ha.s.sel.

After work when Xianw.a.n.g returned home he was welcomed with a huge feast.

All his favorite foods were cooked. And his parents were waiting at the door to welcome their child.

"How was your day, child?" Kong Aobing said.

Xianw.a.n.g knew that why his parents are behaving weird. So he just said good and went to his room.

When he went to his room he found that his t-s.h.i.+rt and want were already in ready for him lying on the bed.

Xianw.a.n.g's mom came and said,

"I did it."

"It's been a while that you picked up my clothes, Mom." Xianw.a.n.g said.

"You are already a grown up. That's why I don't do these anymore. But after your marriage, this will be you wife's job. So thought I can spoil my child a little while I have time."

"Marriage! Who's getting married?" Xianw.a.n.g mockedĀ  at himself.

"You, silly." His mom said.

"Mom, please don't nag now. Let me sleep."

"Okay sleep. But tell us about you girlfriend first."

"There's no girlfriend."

"Don't lie now. The whole world knows."

"Bullsh*t. The whole world knows bullsh*t. There is no one yet. Now please let me rest." Xianw.a.n.g was so p.i.s.sed that he yelled at his mom.

Even if his mother was hurt, she was still a reasonable person. So she left without saying anything.

The next day all the female workers again rolled their rollercoaster over our innocent Yuerui. But Yuerui didn't even frown a bit. Even though she was cursing them in her mind non-stop, she didn't let that surface on her face.

To everyone's surprise, Yuerui did all the work with enthusiasm.

The jealous ladies waited for the third day. They thought that if Mai Yuerui is acting in front of them and want to attack them from the back then by this time she might have complaint about any of them. But they were surprised that the whole office was calm.

On the other hand, seeing how the women have been bullying Yuerui, the male workers started to sympathize with her. And when saw that Yuerui was neither biting them back nor playing the victim card instead treating them cheerfully they started to admire her.

They started to understand if there is any authenticity in the news then she is indeed someone who their boss can choose.

So whenever the jealous co-workers gave any work to Yuerui the male co-workers to help her from behind.

By the time of fourth day the jealous co-workers were also done with all their schemes. And they were also convinced that Yuerui is actually different. So they also put their gaurds off. They still didn't want to believe the news. But they were not angry at her as well.

In this way, another three day pa.s.sed with no schemes and no CEO mischiefs.

Munich, Germany....

It's almost 9 PM.

It's one of the most highest buildings of the city. Through the gla.s.s wall of the building, the whole busy city can be seen.

A man in a blue bath robe is standing in a dark room, scrutinizing each single lights dazzling in the night. The lights of the busy streets is reflecting on his dark black eyes.

His big masculine hand is holding gla.s.s of red wine. He is taking small sips from time to time. This 6 feet tall guy has broad shoulders. Seems like he has just taken a shower. His dark black hair is a little long. Water is still dripping from his wet hair and sliding through his beard faceĀ  and making his exposed chest wet.

Knock... Knock...Ā 

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." His deep and clear voice permitted the person to come in.

A man in his sixties came with a trolly of food. He seems like he is the housekeeper.

"Master, your suitcase has been packed for your flight." The old man said.

The man in blue robe nodded silently.Ā 

The house keeper went near the table and started to serve dinner for his master. There were Roast beef stew, Egg noodles, Potato dumplings for dinner and cheesecake for dessert. He set the table like a five star hotel and called his master for dinner.

"Master, you dinner has been served."

The man didn't say anything just raised his hand and signaled him to leave.

"Master, for how many days are you leaving?"

"Not sure yet. But I might need to stay for some time."

"Do you need to pack more stuff?"

"No need. I can buy them if I need."

"Your flight is in 12 AM for China. Do you need anything else for the flight, master."


"Then I will take my leave." Saying so the housekeeper left.

The food in the table is getting cold but the man doesn't seem to have any appet.i.te. He left the gla.s.s of wine in the side table and sat in a sofa beside the side table.

He opened a drawer and pulled out a diary. An old one. The pages are crooked. Seems like they have been turned around many times. He kept on turning the pages slowly and finally stopped at a picture. A picture of a girl. A girl in her twenties, smiling innocently to the cameraman. There is also shyness in her face complementing her innocence. The picture is old and the color has started to become yellowish. But still he held the picture so gently in his hand as if it is the most precious thing in the world.

"I don't know why but I am missing you so much today."

"Is it because...."

Knock... Knock...

The housekeeper knocked.

"Master, it's almost 10 PM. Your car is ready downstairs."

"Okay. I am coming in ten minutes." He replied.

He left the diary on the table and quickly dressed up in a black suit.

When he came for his suitcase his eyes fell on the diary. Without any hesitation he grabbed it and put it on his suitcase then left for the airport.