My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - 132 I Think I Have To Give Up

132 I Think I Have To Give Up

This whole thing took place in front of Si ying and he was just standing there speechless. He didn't know Mai Yuerui's ident.i.ty at all. Even his friend didn't tell him.

After Yuerui left Xianw.a.n.g didn't say a word. He went back to his seat and started to work.

Si ying didn't find this normal. But he was also curious to know about Mai Yuerui. He came closer and took the file to have a look.

But before he could open the file, Xianw.a.n.g s.n.a.t.c.hed it from him.


"What?" Xianw.a.n.g said with no expression. It was so creepy that Si ying gulped the words that he was about to say.

But he also wanted to see what's inside.

"At first you didn't tell me that she is The mysterious 2nd daughter of Mai Minghui. And now I just wanted to see the file and you are s.n.a.t.c.hing it away from me."

Xianw.a.n.g didn't say a word.

"Aiyo, w.a.n.g'er. Please let me take a look. I am just curious."



"Because she doesn't want to be known to the public."

"Aiyo...  How thoughtful of you! I didn't know you have such good husband quality in you." Si ying teased.

"I am just protecting her privacy." Xianw.a.n.g said as he was looking at his desktop and clicking on the mouse.

"At least let me see any photo of her."

"Nothing special. Typical and those messy s.h.i.+rts."

"O... I thought I would get to see her in attire of how rich girls are always in.

"Haven't you seen enough yesterday? Besides have you forgotten your Miss Su?" Xianw.a.n.g was a little irritated.

"No I will never forget her. But look who's being so protective today. Great man! But, my friend, her ident.i.ty will be exposed anyway when she gets married to you. So what does it matter if I see it now?"

This made Xianw.a.n.g stop his work.

He coldly replied, "I don't think that's gonna happen."

"What do you mean?" Si ying was shocked as well as confused.

"I guess I have to give up on her, man." There was a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"What? You are giving up on her?" Si ying couldn't believe his ears.

"Well... You can say that."

"But why? You were so much pa.s.sionate on persuading her. Then why are you giving up?"

Xianw.a.n.g stopped his work and took a deep breath. Then he replied, "Do you know that the entire time Yuerui was in this room, her hands were shaking continuously. She was holding her hands tight so that she doesn't look nervous in front of me. She didn't even comb her hair properly today. I know she always does a messy hair style but today she looked more disheveled. I bet the moment she saw the news she got so panicked that she didn't know what to do. She just knew that she had to confront me and she did that. But there was nervousness in her face all the time which says that although she barged into my room, she didn't decide anything on what to say. Whatever happened today was too much for her. She really got scared. I saw that in her face. I know it's not my fault but I still don't wanna push her too much. So I decided to quit."

Si ying stood beside his friend speechless.

The Kong Xianw.a.n.g, he knew would never admit defeat to anyone. But now for the first time he has seen him accepting defeat.

"You are really quitting?" Si ying asked again.

"I just don't wanna push her too much. And also wanna have my mind in peace for a while."

"Then how are you gonna fix your previous scandal?" Si ying asked.

"Well, it's already under a little control as you can see. Since my new scandal has overshadowed the previous one a little." Xianw.a.n.g chuckled.

"So you are not gonna take off this news?" Si ying was confused. He thought that Xianw.a.n.g is gonna burn that channel too like he did previous time.

"I said I am not gonna persuade her, it doesn't mean that I am gonna listen to all her demand. Besides this scandal is on my favour. So why should I take that off? If she is that p.i.s.sed, that she should turn that off. It's not like she doesn't have the power." Xianw.a.n.g shrugged his shoulder.

"You have a point." Si ying agreed with his friend.

But he knew that deep inside Xianw.a.n.g was upset. He thought he should change the topic and cheer his friend. So he tried to pull his leg.

"By the way, my friend, shouldn't we talk about how sloppy your spies are? I mean, you claim that you have set spies on every employees of the office. Then how come you didn't know about her earlier?"

Xianw.a.n.g wanted to dug his grave and hide. He was also embarra.s.sed about that.

"I have already fired them who were in charge of her. Besides she was the one who spent tons of money to forge her information. It's not my fault." Xianw.a.n.g was refusing his mistake like a ten year old child.

Seeing his mood lift up a little Si ying got relieved and he could finally went back to his work. Because if his boss is in bad mood, then he is the one who will suffer the most.


On the way back to the marketing department, Yuerui was still in fowl mood. She rubbed her hands to make it warm. Since it became cold due to her nervousness.

"Ma... Mai Yuerui, don't get nervous. You have successfully got rid of this mess."

Her mood lifted up a little.

She was scared and nervous in the beginning. But after giving it a thought she understood that if she can use this scandal wisely she can free herself from Xianw.a.n.g.

First of all, her face was not seen in the news. So she got a huge relief from that. And secondly, if she had to think about her colleagues, then it's just a matter of some days. After that she won't be coming to this office. So she just had to endure them for some days. And thirdly, her friends, she can manage them.

While thinking all these she finally reached at the door of marketing department.

"Mai Yuerui, let's go. Just endure them a little. Khaja [1]" 

Yuerui looked around to see if there is any one around. She tiptoed to the nearby Piller and hide behind it. When she saw the road was clear she ran towards her room.

But..... How can Yuerui be this much lucky!

She opened the door and found a bunch of women sitting inside.

"Oh my! my! Look whose here?" One of them said.

'Here we go.' Yuerui thought.

Yuerui looked at her friends and saw them sitting helplessly at one corner of the room.

'Oh boy! Looks like they can't help me today.'

Yuerui scratched her head and gave a foolish smile.

"G.. Good morning, senior." She greeted.

"Oh my! Why are you greeted us. We should be the one greeting you, little cat. Oops sorry I mean Ms Mai." One of them teased.

"N... No, senior. Why would you greet me. I am your junior. It should be me."

"O really. Then greet." Another one said.

"Good morning, again seniors." Yuerui tried to maintain her smile.

"Is this how you call a junior greets her seniors?"

"I don't get it, senior."

"Your parents didn't teach you how to bow? You have to bow when you greet."

[1]= Let's go.