My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - Chapter 106

Chapter 106

"I have quit the job . " She announced in to the persons in the room .

' . . . '

' . . . '

There was a deep silence for about a minute . n.o.body said any word in reply . They just kept looking at Yuerui and blinking from time to time .

"You are not serious right?" Kai asked .

"I am serious . " Yuerui replied determinedly .

"What! But why?" Kai stood up from his chair again .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"I have some reasons . " She replied in low voice .

"I don't know anything . You are Su and my friend . I don't want you to leave . Besides you have to be there to help me out . Or else I don't know how I will manage . "

"Old man, please select some other person . " Kai was throwing a fit .

Zongguan deeply sighed in front of them .

"Haaahhhhh . . If you don't want then what can I do?" Zongguan said made a sulking face .

Even though Yuerui was showing a guilty expression on the outside but  actually she was happy inside .

'Thank G.o.d . I don't have to work here . ' she got relieved .

But to her surprise Zongguan was trying to get up from the bed .

"What are you doing? You have to take rest . " Yuerui got panicked .

"No . Please don't stop me, Yuerui . " Zongguan said . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

"Where are you going?" She asked .

"Where else? To the office . " He replied .

"What! Why in the world you are going there? You need complete rest . " Both of them shouted at the old man .

"Since n.o.body is willing to help me then what do you expect me to do?" Now Zongguan was getting sentimental . It was more like he was emotionally blackmailing them .

Hearing such heart breaking words Yuerui was feeling guilty .

'No, Yuerui you can't let Zongguan suffer just because of your small problem . It's only for some days . On the other hand you will get to earn some money as well . Just don't come across Xianw.a.n.g and everything will be okay . ' she thought to herself .

"Please don't say it, Zongguan . Okay I will help Kai and will not quit the job . "

"Yeah . . . That means you didn't gave your resignation letter yet? Kai asked .

"No . Not yet . I was thinking about it . " Yuerui replied .

"That's great . " Kai was overjoyed and Zongguan was smiling at the little cat with satisfaction .

"No, Yuerui . I don't wanna force you . " But he still insisted on going to office .

"No . n.o.body is forcing me . I am doing it willingly . " Yuerui said with her sweet smile .

Zongguan nodded and patted her head .

"Then you better start working . " He said .

"Yeah . . . If you don't need anything then we will take our leave . " After that they left .

After Kai and Yuerui, Su and some other employers visited Zongguan .

After everyone left the hospital Si ying entered in Zongguan's ward .

"How are you feeling Mr . Lin?" He said with a small bouquet in his hand .

"Hahaha . . . You didn't need to bring any flowers . You know exactly how I feel . " Zongguan said with a laugh .

"Hope you didn't get caught . " Si ying said with a mischievous smile .

"No I didn't . Thanks to you, secretary Si now I get to enjoy a good vacation . " Zongguan replied .