My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - Chapter 105

Chapter 105

Yuerui was terrified seeing him pa.s.s out like this .

"Zongguan, wake up . What happened to you?" Yuerui kept shaking him and trying to wake him up .

Other employers there rushed towards them and made a crowd there .

Yuerui yelled at them in panic .

"What are you guys doing, give some s.p.a.ce to flow air . Somebody please give me a gla.s.s of water . "

After she got the water she tried to sprinkle water at him but it was of no use .

Lastly Zongguan was admitted to hospital .


In the hospital Zongguan was admitted in the emergency word .


Yuerui was loitering around the place in panic .

Si ying, Su and Kai also accompanied them as soon as they heard the news .

After the examination the doctor came to them and said that he had pa.s.sed out due to exhaustion . He had been taking so much stress without any concern of his age and health . And he needs at least 3-4 weeks rest .

'Wow . . . This place is such a trash . It depresses people to the point of pa.s.sing out . Good thing I have quit the job in time . Or else might be lying in one of these places (emergency word) in future . ' Yuerui thought .

The trio asked the doctor if they can meet Zongguan now . The doctor allowed them but only two people can go inside at a time .

So Kai and Yuerui went first .


"Zonguuan are you okay?" Mai yuerui entered the cabin with panic .

Zongguan tried to get up from his lying position but Yuerui caught him and helped him as she placed the pillows on his back to help him lean on them .

"You are a really good little child . May G.o.d bless you . " said Zongguan in his tired voice .

Yuerui only nodded to him and took a sit beside him .

"You really made us worry old man . " Said Kai as he also took a sit .

Kai and Zongguan have always been close . Since they were not in the office they were talking casually .

"Isn't it your fault?" Zongguan smirked at him .

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"If you guys had done your job properly then I wouldn't have to work so hard and get sick . Now you have to take responsibility!" Zongguan said with his seniority pride .

"Responsibility! What responsibility!" Kai stood up from his sit in shock .

Zongguan coughed a little . Then he looked at Yuerui with tenderness and kindness then said, Yuerui, my child I know I can't trust this brat . But I have faith in you . "

Yuerui looked at him with confused little eyes .

'What does he mean?' she thought .

"You know that the doctor has prescribed me at least a one month rest . Even though I won't take that much leave, but I have to stay for at least 2-3 weeks . So…"

Yuerui knew what was coming . Her sixth sense was warning her not to let him finish . But she couldn't do so because zonnguan finished his sentence before she could interrupt .

"So I want you two to handle my work for the time being . "

'Na kkeutna.s.seo…' [1] she thought .

"I know you two are still not qualified enough . But since Ran Ruo is not around and Su Dan also has many works under her supervision, so I couldn't find any other person to give this responsibility . I know you will handle it beautifully . And I want Yuerui to help you manage my work during my  absence, Kai . " Zongguan said .

"B . . . But I don't have enough work experience . " Yuerui said .

"I know dear . That's why I asked you to help him . In this way you can learn your work well . I know you will do a great job . I have faith in you . " Zongguan said .

'Zongguan put so much trust in me . ' Yuerui got emotional .

'But no! I can't work there again . I have to put my dignity first . ' but she changed her mind immediately .

'Yes I have to refuse him now . ' she thought .

"Zongguan, I have something to tell you . " She blurt out in panic .

"Say . " Zongguan gave her the permission .

Yuerui took a deep breath and continued .

"I have quit the job . " She announced in to the persons in the room .

[1]= I am done .