*locations: ruins of Iloilo city*
*month: unknown*
*day: unknown*
*Time: early morning*
ignoring the System for now, Neo hurriedly tried to seek his sister.
"brother...Neo?" but before he could even take a single step, a voice his young sister, rings from the building.
after hearing his young sister, Neo turned his head toward the building and answered "im here!"
"brother....where are you?" Alice yelled again.
"Alice, i'm outside the building" Neo answed, while trying to clean the dried blood in his face. Neo also felt that his wound was somehow st.i.tched to stop it from bleeding, so he guessed that her sister must have did it.
the sun can finally be seen from the horizon, when Alice crawled from the gap of the collapsed ruins
and as soon as she saw her brother on the top of the rubbles, staring warmly at her. Alice could not hold her tears any longer, as she rushed forward to where Neo is sitting.
"brother" Alice hugged his brother. "i thought..sniff... you will ..sniff..be gone ...sniff..forever!"Alice said with shaking voice, while crying from joy.
Neo smiled, as she patted his sister's head gently to comfort her, "little Alice, im glad you feel that way but..please... my back wasn't healed yet."Neo said . because his sister his hugging his waist tightly making his wound sting a little.
"i don't care!, you deserved it for making me worry!" Alice said as she puffing her cheeks, while she continued hugging her brother.
ignoring the little discomfort from his wound, Neo asked gently "when did you learn to st.i.tch wounds?"
" few months ago, learned from watching, Miss Jessica when she was healing wounded people" Alice answered chearfully, but then a trace of sadness suddenly paints her face. "i wonder if, she survived" she,murmured.
Jessica was one of the nurse, in Final Hope Fortress A3 which only have 3,450 survivors. she's was a young woman the same age as Neo, she got long blond hair, pet.i.te body, and pretty face"
its been 1 year ago, since Neo and Alice first arrived in LHF-A3, in the lublub valley, one of the last 3 surviving Fortresses in the Visayas island in the Philippines, when there previous home LHF-A5 in Tambobo, was destroyed by hords of monster,
when Neo and Alice first arrived in LHF-A3 . After traveling with a truck with the other few survivors of LHF-A5, they are greeted by the doctors and nurses of the LHF-A3 in the Lublub Valley, one of the nurses that took care of them is Jessica.
Alice and Jessica became close friends, after only such a short time of knowing each other, Neo also thinks Jessica was a good natured and friendly girl, so he didn't object having her as a friend in the fortress.
Neo's love for technology, has led him to learn few thing about computers, from the computer engineers that was maintaining the fortress's computer system. until such time that he could even help in maintaining it.
while on the other hand, Alice often followed Jessica like a tail, and when she's working, Alice will keep quiet and watch Jessica work diligently.
after 1 year, they have been separated when a disaster happened, the LHF-A3 was overrun by monster, few weeks ago,
because of that Neo prioritized saving his sister and packing some supplies before escaping, he didn't had time to check at Jessica because the monster had already occupied 3/4 fortress. when he arrived home at the nigth.
due to being in the far side from the gates of the fortress, Neo and his sister followed the last group of people to escape, and because all the vehicle's has been taken, they are forced to travel by foot.
but when a monster attacked there convoy and killing the only evolved human that was leading the group, the people panicked and started to escape fanatically that resulted to separation of there group member, that was the reason why Neo and Alice are by themselves rigth now.
"im sure she escaped, she's a smart woman after all "Neo comforted Alice. he thinks that jessica must be in the other group that took a truck, if she manage to flee in time,
"i hope so."Alice answered in a weak voice.
"don't worry maybe she is waiting for you in the other fortress, we don't want her to wait too long rigth, so , we must get moving" Neo said towads Alice, who is currently hugging him,
understanding what her brother meant, Alice let go of her brother. only to see that her brother is currently soiled with so much dry blood covering his body.
"whwhat happened to you!" that is the only words that left Alice mouth, after she realized how unclean her brother looks
after explaining everything except for the System, to his shocked sister, Alice was amazed that his brother has become an evolve human,
as for Neo, he was a little worried, that he migth really need to hunt a monster soon, if his hunger strikes again,
he was also curious, why there's no monster that manage find him with all the blood in the ground. so Neo thinks he better get away from this place as soon as possible. before a stronger one shows up.
fixing his broken bag with some duck tape and wire, Neo retrieved all the things that he could find on the rubbles.
after few minutes of searching he only manage to find 2 day worth of food ration, and his broken water container which didn't have any water left. that means they just loss there water supply. *great*
Neo decided to continue there journey, but before that he cleaned himself with rag that he found in the of the ruines, while changing his blooded white clothes ,with a dusty hooded jacket, and his jeans with an oversize pants.
Neo tried to solve there water problem, after he found some suitable water containers from the ruins, he open his map and use his compa.s.s to check the nearest river on his way to Fortress N1,
.Neo and Alice travel is like a gamble, because if the fortress N1 was also destroyed there travel will be all, for nothing and there chances of survival will be severely lowered