*locations: ruins of Iloilo city*
*month: unknown*
*day: unknown*
*Time: early morning*
Lying on the blood covered rubble's Neo slowly opened his eyes, unlike his previous condition before, his body was now feeling a lot more refreshed, and a tiny bit ligther than before. even though the pain in his back still stings every time he move, it didn't really constrict him too much.
after standing up then Neo realized that he wasn't hungry anymore, looking down on the ground, he saw dried blood covering the ruins rubble's underneath him. plus his body was also covered by so much dried blood.
"that means everything that happened that nigth wasn't a dream!" a pure shock and horror appeared Neo's face,
many questions suddenly drown his mind with thought like, how can a huge monster, fit in his stomach, or how did he even ate that whole monster.
but before, he can got lost in his sea of thought, a familiar sound rings in his mind while blue colored words slowly materialized in the middle of his eyes.
*Ding* "Host state: fully awaken"
*Ding* " Integrate system manual(Yes/No)"
Neo is trying so hard to calm his heretic state of mind, because, from all the strange things happening in earth, this thing rigth now was the weirdest.
moving his hands to the floating words that is follow his eyes, he wasn't so surprised that he could not touch it. and his hand only pa.s.s thru the letters.
inspecting the strange phenomenon, Neo's curiosity suddenly brougth him in trying, to move his fingers to the, red YES words that was floating in the air.
*Ding* "System manual integration confirmed"
*Ding* "System manual integration process.....starts"
a suddenly flow of informations started barged in Neo's mind, it wasn't to painful, but only a little uncomfortable, it only lasted for 1 or 2 seconds before the a notification rings ring one's again
*Ding* "System manual integration success"
the information about, how to use the system has been stored to Noe's mind, he felt like he was very familiar to the system for a long time.
Neo didn't know what kind of existence the System was ,or why it choose him as an host, it might be some kind of parasite like existence ,or just a *normal* cheat that, he luckly obtained.
after knowing what the system could do, thanks to the information the *System* gave to him, he became sure of one thing, it can be a useful tool to survive in this world.
"Status" Neo murmured. before suddenly a huge white screen covered his view.
NAME: Neo Jones
AGE: 18
t.i.tLE: u003cu003cjust an average joeu003eu003e
BUFF:u003cu003cG.o.ddess Approval:"i have sent a one of my subordinate to guide you in your journey, child please help us, save humanity" +10% increase in stat gainsu003eu003e
DEBUFF:u003cu003cINJURED -12%in Str,Agi,Vitu003eu003e
STRENGTH: 4.5 u003cu003cweaku003eu003e
AGILITY: 3.4 u003cu003cvery weaku003eu003e
VITALITY: 1.3 u003cu003cmehhu003eu003e
INTELLIGENT: 6.4 u003cu003c.u.mm...ehh?u003eu003e
MANA: 0.1 u003cu003cpfffffff, hahahau003eu003e
CHARM: 35.4/100 u003cu003cU_G_L_Yu003eu003e
LUCK: 21.9/100 u003cu003ccan avoid trippingu003eu003e
KARMA: 96.6/100 u003cu003c wait your a nice guy?u003eu003e
computer programming(4)
hiding(7) u003cu003clove hiding so much?"u003eu003e
Neo was amazed at first, but after seeing that a G.o.ddess want him to save humanity, he could not help but to scratch his head, how can he save humanity if he can't even save himself.
after reading further, he saw someone or something is commenting on his stats, seeing this Neo didn't know if to laugh or cry, and as for someone who did it , he had a wild guess that it wasn't the system but the G.o.ddess subordinate who altered the display
and what does he/she mean by ugly, Neo knew his not that hideous enough to be called ugly.
closing his status bar Neo took a deep breath, to slowly digest all the crazy things that just happened to him.
he concluded after he evolved, a G.o.ddess, or what ever she is, had suddenly come out of nowhere and order him to save humanity, so she gave him this rpg like power called system, and ordered a subordinate to help him.
"wow, just, wow, i mean, great! look at me i'm going to be a hero!, i will save humanity!, im about to save lives bo...hooo.... please G.o.ddess of...what ever kind of G.o.ddess you are...can you please pick somebody else?"Neo said sarcastically, while looking above Sky.
*Ding* "Shut it, human! , be honored the G.o.ddess has approved of you!"
looking at the message In his eyes, Neo was surprised that the system has answered him. or the subordinate of the G.o.ddess answered him, and he also was little triggered.
"and if i dont?" Neo asked raising his eyebrow.
*Ding* "i will manifest a heavenly ligthing to smite thee, for reason of defying the G.o.ddess orders"
suddenly a dark cloud suddenly started to form above Neo head. seeing this Neo's face became a little cold.
"fine!..fine!...you win!" Neo said emotionlessly, as he put his hand up and the air.
after Neo said that, the dark clouds dissipate, as the clear blue sky returns.
*Ding* "its good you understand, just do your job and everything will be fine"
"fine my a.s.s" Neo thought.
*Ding*" i can hear you"
"what the actual f*ck" Neo subconsciously yelp