Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 911

Chapter 911

Battings did not expect that so many things happened in Qunxinggang during the month that he and the mercenary chapter left for the mission.

He also understands the reason why people are suddenly so sought after for him.

Link's arrival was really unexpected, and it was not in anyone's plan in Qunxinggang.

The special advisor of the gendarmerie even has the right to mobilize the gendarmerie, whose rights and status are not under Captain Chris.

Moreover, the six members of the Autonomous Committee have the intention to train Link to become the second rank of the Morvol galaxy cluster. At that time, Link's status is detached, and it will be difficult for them to curry favor.

And when Link came suddenly, his identity and background were no longer testable.

Only Batins and Link got along for a while, and lived in the mechanical fortress for a period of time according to his own words, and had a basic understanding of Link and his forces. These forces came to Batins just to get Link's preferences out of Batins, and to find a way to have a good relationship with Link.

When he was on the ship, Battings thought that these people were looking for him, but he just wanted to know Link's preferences from him.

Although the Batins Mercenary Chapter has a strategic partnership with the Roseville Foundation, the Roseville Foundation is only a medium-sized force, and there is still a big gap between it and the eight major families.

Whether it is to rely on the Rosewell Foundation for a lifetime, or to climb the high branch of Link, Battings already has his own ideas in his heart.

Eggs cannot be put in one basket, and a strategic partnership does not mean that he can only cooperate with the Roseville Foundation.

After all, when Link first came to Qunxinggang, all he saw were unfamiliar faces. At this time, he appears to be reminiscing about the past, which may have unexpected effects.

Battings decided to "activate" Link's favor by himself, so he would naturally keep his mouth shut about Link and the former Black Throne.

At the same time, he also issued a gag order to the members of the mercenary chapter.

Know the reason and state the pros and cons.

If anyone dares to leak the information out, they will be expelled from the mercenary chapter.

After the last time that David had fornicated with the interstellar predators, which almost wiped out the entire mercenary chapter, Battings has not relaxed the spiritual construction of the mercenary chapter.

After Battings ordered it, the members also supported his decision. Before the banquet began, no one revealed the leak, which led to the fact that all parties' plans to collect Link's intelligence before the banquet were completely voided.

Similarly, the impeccable "defense" of the Batins Mercenary Chapter has also won the affirmation of Qunxinggang.

If it is said that the Roswell Foundation has pushed the Batins Mercenary Chapter to gain fame before, then this time it has been affirmed by the majority of the forces because of his monolithic psychological construction and defense. Breathtaking.

The big and medium forces are a little confused about the attitude of the Batins mercenary chapter. On the one hand, the Batins Mercenary Chapter has strict privacy regulations, which can protect the privacy of employers to the greatest extent. But on the other hand, they were so infiltrated that they couldn't get the slightest bit of Link's information. Obviously, Link can't be impressed in the follow-up social aspect, and there is even a chance of hitting a mine.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the banquet.

The invited representatives of the big and medium forces arrived at the scene and were greeted by Chris in the hall. It can be said that the scene is full of stars, and the forces of all parties have rarely dispatched people at the level of the head of the family this time, rather than the official spokesperson.

Chris knows that this is not to give him face, but to give face to future level powerhouses.

This is the first time that the six-member group of the Star Harbor Self-Government Committee has so publicly admired one person, which shows that Link is more worthy of training than the previous young talents.

In addition, Link is also the president of the Umbrella Foundation and the owner of the Black Throne, such a force has a promising future.

Link and everyone from the Umbrella Foundation waited early in the gendarmerie.

When the guests arrived, the living room was crowded with people.

Everyone is waiting for the protagonist to appear today.

All the topics at the scene were also related to Link. Everyone tried and communicated with each other, and there was a hidden murder under the elegant tone, forming a chain of suspicion between each other.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Gendarmerie. I invite you to gather here today to announce a major event." Chris walked to the center of the stage and said.

Holding champagne, everyone looked at the stage in unison.

The spotlights in the hall fell on the stage, and Chris was full of emotion.

"So far, Qunxinggang has been the flagship of the Morvol galaxy cluster. It leads the harmonious development of all peace-loving and orderly races in the Morvol galaxy cluster.

The Self-Government Council is dedicated to its business, and is dedicated to the members of the galaxy cluster's race. Now that there is a new opportunity and opportunity for Star Harbor and the cluster of galaxies, the Six have decided to spread the good news. "

Chris glanced at the audience, and everyone's attention fell on him.

Chris understands that everyone here already knows what he is going to announce, but he still needs to say it himself.

"In order to deal with more complex cosmic relationships and emergencies, Mr. Link is hereby invited as a special consultant of the Gendarmerie Guard to participate in the daily management and tactical planning of the Gendarmerie Guard, and he can exercise the command of the captain when necessary."

"Next, let us warmly welcome Mr. Link from the Umbrella Foundation to give a speech."

Chris stepped aside slightly, and the spotlights all turned to the side of the stage.

Amid a burst of warm music and thunderous applause, Link stepped onto the stage from the side.

Link is wearing a black combat uniform with golden gilded energy wires on the personal combat uniform, and the whole suit is full of power.

The black scepter in his hand added a lot of majesty and bearing, and his whole body revealed an extraordinary temperament and extraordinary charm.

Link walked to the upright microphone in the center of the stage and glanced at the scene.

The people invited to the banquet this time were all well-known large corporations and institutions in Qunxinggang, and even those who attended were not the spokespersons of these forces, but were directly family leaders. This shows how much these families attach great importance to this banquet.

"Thank you very much for Captain Chris's wonderful speech. I am flattered to be the special advisor of the Gendarmerie Guards of the Stars Harbor. I will definitely be a special advisor with the idea of contributing to the Gendarmerie and the Stars Harbor. In the days to come, I can spend a pleasant time with everyone present.

After Link said his thank you speech, his expression became slightly solemn, and he glanced down the field.

"As the entropy of the universe increases, all matter will eventually change from order to disorder, which is the destiny of our universe. Therefore, in the days to come, a peaceful and stable life is destined to be short, and we will face various challenges. It is a crisis and challenge from the local galaxy cluster or other galaxy clusters. What the Star Harbor and the Gendarmerie need is a way to face new threats, and it is imperative to establish a complete notification mechanism for the Morvol galaxy cluster, using trade groups and commercial ships. The ship as a medium for the exchange of information

Link said a lot, mainly aimed at Qunxinggang's control over the Morvol galaxy cluster.

Chris, who was standing on the side stage, agreed with Link's suggestion.

Gu Qunxinggang's control over the Morvol galaxy cluster is still insufficient, mainly through the indirect control of the caravan and the eight major families. However, the eight major families are also mainly engaged in business, and they have no direct contact with the six members of the committee, so they are only engaged in business, and there is still competition with each other, so no data sharing mechanism will be established.

For the caravan, this is information that can make money, how can it be easily disclosed to other forces.

For Qunxinggang, this information is an important node for the construction of the big data circulation of the Morvol galaxy cluster, and it is necessary to ensure the smooth flow of all links in order to know the big and small things happening in the Morvol galaxy cluster at the first time. Only by building such a complete information network, no matter which version of the disaster it is, can be quickly known.

These are all experiences that Link has drawn from the lessons of blood and tears in his previous life.

Chris listened deeply and nodded.

He had also thought about this issue before, especially after seeing the unscrupulous destruction of the galaxy civilization by Thanos in the Vatican galaxy, he felt a lot.

If they could know the situation of the Vatican Galaxy in advance, they might be able to send reinforcements, or mediate between the forces of the two sides, so that the two sides would not fall into endless internal friction.

You must know that even the establishment of Qunxinggang is only nearly a thousand years old. The battle between the two forces in the Vatican galaxy lasted for 1,500 years.

If the disputes can be put aside for joint development, then the Vatican Galaxy may now have surpassed the scope of primary civilization, at least stronger than it is now.

The exemplary leading role of Qunxinggang is not only to protect the civilization and forces in the Morvol galaxy cluster, but also to maintain the harmonious development of civilization in the galaxy cluster.

Now, the news in Qunxing Port is blocked, and information communication only exists at the business level.

Regarding Link's opinion, the powerful leaders in the audience had different opinions.

Some people who lack information channels strongly agree with Link's proposal, and feel that information should be disclosed rather than used as an economic resource.

However, some people with information channels scoffed, and their impression of Link was greatly reduced, thinking that this guy was going to cut off their financial path.

Everyone present thought that Link would exchange a word or two when he took office, but they did not expect to directly address the current shortcomings and propose optimization of the Qunxinggang system.

The attitude of the protagonist is obviously that he doesn't treat himself as an outsider!

After finishing his prayer for Qunxinggang, Link changed the subject and talked about his umbrella foundation.

"In addition to being a special advisor to the Gendarmerie, I also serve as the president of the Umbrella Foundation. Our Umbrella Foundation has professional supporting services, including but not limited to security, mercenaries, pet rentals, etc. If you are interested in cooperation You can talk to me in detail. My view has always been that as long as we join hands, we can expand our business. Instead of continuing to fight in the Star Harbor. The Morvol galaxy cluster is just an inconspicuous one of the Karl supercluster, we You should look a little longer..."

After Link finished speaking, he walked off the stage, and this time there was finally a lot of applause.

They are still more interested in the Umbrella Foundation than as a special advisor to the Linke Gendarmerie.

Originally, these medium and large forces were very interested in having a close relationship with Linkla. Right now, Link took the initiative to mention cooperation. The eyes of these leaders and patriarchs were bright, and they were all holding champagne and wine, ready to discuss in detail after Link stepped down.

Sure enough, after Link stepped down, a group of people who had been waiting below for a long time immediately gathered around them and reported themselves to their homes with smiling faces.

"President Lin, I'm XXX..."

"President Lin, hello, the industry in my hands is somewhat similar to the Umbrella Foundation, maybe we can..."

Just when the crowd surrounded Link to the point where he couldn't breathe, Link quickly grabbed one person, pushed the others away, and walked out with a smile.

"Captain Batins, don't you remember me?" Link activated the force field all over his body, dispersing everyone else half a meter away.

Batins, who was standing with Colby of the Roseville Foundation, was waiting for Link at the outermost edge.

Although among the medium powers, the Rosewell Foundation is a very strong presence. But at the moment, not only the medium-sized forces, but also the eight major families were invited to the dinner party.

Compared with the Eight Great Families, the Roseville Foundation pales in comparison, not to mention the Batins mercenary chapter.

Therefore, they have no ability or position to squeeze into the center at all.

However, he never expected that Link would push away the head of the eight major families and take the initiative to chat with him.

This kind of feeling is like a sudden windfall, and a bunch of people in front are robbing it, but this windfall falls into his hands impartially.

Battings was stunned for a while, until Colby next to him pushed him with his elbow, he suddenly woke up, and hurriedly said: "Fhrer, long time no see."

Battings used Link's old name, which he introduced when he and Link first met.

As soon as these words came out, the relationship with Link immediately became closer.

Battings used his actions to prove that he was different from the others on the scene. He and Link were considered "old acquaintances".

"It's been a while. I didn't expect your mercenary group to be doing well. I've heard about it several times in Qunxinggang."

Facing Link's praise, Batins was flattered.

"I would also like to thank the head of state for your help. If it weren't for your help at the time, the mercenary team members and I would have become skeletons in the universe, and we would not be able to complete the task, and UU Reading would not have the status today. ." Battings changed the conversation and continued: "I just heard from the Head of State that the Umbrella Foundation cooperates. I wonder if our Batins mercenary group will have the opportunity to repay your help that day?"

Battings' strategy of retreating to advance and seeking cooperation under the pretext of repaying his gratitude is truly irresistible.

Link replied with a smile: "To cooperate with the hot mercenary group in the Star Harbor today, the boys in my foundation are indeed lucky."

Link resolutely agreed. On the one hand, he really wanted to cooperate with the Batins Mercenary Chapter. Another aspect is to monitor the mission trends of the mercenary chapters.

He had investigated before, the Batins Mercenary Chapter is now a strategic partner of the Roseville Foundation.

That is to say, the subsequent tasks of the Roseville Foundation to find clues to the Five Sages will be handed over to the Batins Mercenary Chapter. Link arranges players to cooperate with NPCs and mercenary chapters, so that they can clearly understand the movements of the mercenary chapters, which is to understand the progress of the Roseville Foundation in disguise.

Of course, in addition to Batins, Link is also willing to cooperate with other forces.

Only the more cooperation is open, the more entrusted tasks he can have.

We don't produce tasks, we only work as porters of tasks.

Move the mission back to the Umbrella Foundation, get a commission from it, and steal information. It's just lying down and making money, a win-win situation!

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