Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 910

Chapter 910

Chris and Ning Chengqi reached an agreement, which is the last cornerstone of the cooperation between the Umbrella Foundation and Qunxinggang.

Originally, Chris planned to arrange Ning Chengxi to become a team captain, but after meeting Ning Chengxi and inspecting him, he directly promoted Ning Chengxi to be the captain of the team, second only to Jia Wen.

That's it, because of the idea of taking care of the members of the gendarmerie, I didn't give too high positions at one time. Otherwise, Chris should have waved his hand and made Ning Chengxi and Jiawen equal in official positions.

There is no obstacle to the cooperation between the two parties.

The decision of the six powerhouses of the Qunxinggang Autonomous Committee was quickly known by the eight major families.

The Eight Great Families had paid attention to Link and his Umbrella Foundation before, but they only regarded him as a passer-by on the interstellar journey.

It just didn't occur to him that Link would change his body and become the partner of Qunxinggang. And the six powerhouses of the committee decided to train Link to become the second level powerhouse in the Morvol galaxy.

This news shocked the upper floors of Qunxinggang no less than an earthquake.

An unnamed person has won the unanimous favor of six powerhouses at the same time, and even shouldered the responsibility of becoming the second level powerhouse in the Morvol galaxy cluster.

Now, the pattern of Qunxinggang is about to change, and Link and his umbrella foundation will become the most powerful forces in Qunxinggang.

The investigation departments of the eight major families have all begun to investigate the origins of the Umbrella Foundation. After confirming that it is harmless, preparations for cooperation between the organization and the Umbrella Foundation have begun. The will of the six strong men cannot be changed or transferred. Since all six people agreed, it means that there is no room for change in this matter, and the best way is to comply.

The Eight Great Families are the top forces in Qunxinggang.

Their predecessors were the forces led by the six strong men of the Autonomous Council. After several people jointly established Qunxinggang, with the increasing improvement and strength of the Autonomous Committee, in order to maintain the rule of several people, and to eliminate the doubts and prejudices of other civilizations and forces, they separated from the forces they led and let them use The form of the eight major families continued to exist, and the control of the important production materials of the Morvol galaxy cluster was completed.

With the improvement of the strength of the six powerhouses and the tacit understanding formed between them and the eight major families, they have gradually separated from the eight major families. It is this decisive attitude that dispels the doubts of small and medium-sized forces, and joins Qunxinggang with confidence.

With the actions of the eight major families, some news gradually penetrated into the middle-level forces. Medium-sized forces are still holding a wait-and-see attitude towards the news of catching the wind.

But while they were watching, the Qunxinggang Gendarmerie Guard directly handed over an invitation letter, inviting them to attend the gendarmerie Guard's dinner tomorrow. The purpose was to cleanse the new special advisor of the Gendarmerie Guard, and the specially invited advisor was Link. . Such straightforward news quickly spread throughout the entire Qunxinggang, and the eight major families and various medium-sized forces were eligible to attend the banquet.

The small forces in Qunxinggang didn't even accept the invitation, because their status and energy were simply not enough to participate in this level of dinner, but the news spread throughout Qunxinggang almost instantly. For the upper and middle classes, all they need to know now is the background of the Umbrella Foundation and Link's preferences.

But for the small forces and the lower classes...

The small forces are now too busy to take care of themselves, and Link is now a special advisor, so the fact that the small forces jointly reported Link must not be able to hide it. What they need to consider now is how to extinguish Link's anger or bear his revenge. For the lower level, a new leader is airborne above, and it will not have any intuitive impact on their lives. After all, they are people who earn dozens of universe coins every day and spend dozens of universe coins to survive. Being alone, what is there to be afraid of?

A message brings different reactions at different levels. If there are social problem scientists, they will definitely think that this is a phenomenon and topic worthy of study.

Just as everyone was scrambling to learn about Link and the Umbrella Foundation, no one noticed that the deputy captain of the gendarmerie, Jia Wen, took several members of the gendarmerie into investigators and left Qunxing Harbor in an aircraft.

The first mechanical star ring port of Qunxinggang, Emeris' magic power enveloped the entire aircraft, and several magic runes appeared out of thin air around the aircraft, surrounding the aircraft.

Although Emeriss didn't show up, she used the teleportation circle of the level great magician to directly teleport Jarvan and several investigators to the galaxy that required nearly ten jumps to reach. This galaxy is roughly halfway between the Star Harbor and the Vatican galaxy, which greatly reduces the time it takes to go back and forth.

With the disappearance of a white light, the aircraft disappeared in the port of the first mechanical star ring. Instead, he came to the vast universe. At this moment, Emeriss's voice sounded in the void of the universe.

"I will set up an enchantment here. Once you arrive, the enchantment will be activated. At that time, I will use the magic transmission circle to bring you back together. I hope you can bring back good news."

As soon as the voice fell, Emeriss' figure disappeared from the universe, as if it had never appeared.

Jia Wen and several other investigators were shocked, although they understood that every level was called a natural disaster-level combat power. Emorys usually hides in her mage tower and rarely goes out, but once she does it, it is an earth-shattering force.

The ability to send them to several galaxies with just a single magic circle is beyond their imagination.

Jia Wen took a deep breath and said to several investigators around him: "We are secretly operating this time. When we reach the Vatican Galaxy, we must investigate the ins and outs and system of Link. This is the next policy direction of Guan Qun Xinggang. Now It's all up to us!"

The arrival of the Black Throne itself is a big news in Qunxinggang. Now there are rumors that Link will be a special advisor to the Gendarmerie Guards of the Star Harbor. He has nose and eyes.

However, the large and small forces of Qunxinggang and Link had never intersected before. Facing the mechanical fortress docked at the second mechanical starlink port, everyone suddenly felt that they had no idea what to do.

At this time, someone suddenly thought that Batins mercenary chapter returned a few days ago. At the dinner, Batins, the leader of the chapter, once talked about encountering a super-large aircraft in the universe, and he also mentioned that super-large aircraft. The aircraft is made of keel, and its main attack method is a psionic cannon.

His description is exactly the same as the Black Throne right now.

In the past, some people thought that Battings was bragging, but now, if you look closely, it is completely realistic depiction, without any metaphorical exaggeration rhetoric.

If you want to know about the Umbrella Foundation, you can only start with the Batins Mercenary Chapter.

Coincidentally, the Battings mercenary group went out to perform a mission before, and according to the records of the sailing log outside the star port galaxy, they will return to the star port later this afternoon.

For a while, the Batins mercenary group became a favorite in the eyes of Dazhong forces.

Whoever can pry out the situation and insider of the Umbrella Foundation from Batins' mouth will have the advantage in the next contact with Link.

A competition begins in the dark...

The Batins Chapter soon returned from a mission. There is no change in Qunxinggang, but they feel that there are changes everywhere. The attitude of each person who interacts with them has become different, and even anticipation and envy can be seen in their eyes.

Everyone in the mercenary chapter could feel the change, as if they suddenly became the center of attention.

"Captain, do you feel that something is wrong! After coming back this time, why do you feel that other people's attitude towards us is a bit strange!"

Battings also felt a little unbelievable. Those who used to ignore him in the past sent greetings to him this time.

Those enemies who didn't deal with him didn't have the same hostile attitude towards him as before.

These strange behaviors are really abnormal.

Battings was thinking, could it be the time when he left Hong Kong to work for the Roseville Foundation before, and the mercenary group had a good reputation? Or what is the publicity of the Roseville Foundation?

"No matter what happened, the current situation should not be a bad thing. After docking and entering the port, you should know what happened."

Battings made an accurate judgment, and all doubts will be revealed after the port stops.

But Batins never expected that when the mercenary chapter assigned the second mechanical star ring, they saw a dense crowd already standing at the port.

Battings, who was originally calm, was completely messed up when he saw the crowd waiting at the port.

I saw that the port was waiting for representatives of various forces.

At first glance, except for the Rosewell Foundation, the representatives of other forces are all well-known forces in Qunxinggang.

The people of Wuyangyang don't even have a spokesperson for a small force! Battings even saw people from the eight major families, which was really unexpected!

Battings was stunned for a moment, the current situation was beyond his comprehension. The members around him had never seen such a battle before, and their voices trembled with fright.

"Captain, what's the situation now!"

The Batins mercenary chapter can only be regarded as a medium-sized mercenary chapter in Qunxinggang. After completing the task entrusted by the Roseville Foundation, he received strong support from the foundation and became a close partner, thus becoming a hot mercenary group in Qunxinggang.

But even with the support of the Roseville Foundation, the Batins Mercenary Chapter should not have this level of appeal.

Battings was pale, although he didn't know what happened, but it must be a big event to be able to alert the forces of Dazhong to dispatch.

Although Batins is good at dancing, he cannot perform well in front of large and medium-sized forces.

"Whether it's dead or alive, go down and take a look." Battings took a deep breath and walked in the front.

With the connection of the ship and the port, Batins took the lead out of the battleship.

Then a group of representatives eagerly crowded in front of Batins and started the interview.

"May I ask Captain Batins, do you know more about the Umbrella Foundation?"

"I heard that you had contact with Link before. May I ask what kind of person Link is? What hobbies and habits do you have?"

"Captain Batins, we can exchange resources or money for information about Link~"

Battings really didn't return to his senses. He didn't know why these middle and upper forces were suddenly so interested in Link.

I remember the last time at the banquet, the people who were interested in Link and the Wasteland Expedition Force were some ladies.

Although there was a lot of noise in his ears, Battings still grabbed someone next to him and asked, "What kind of organization is the Umbrella Foundation in your mouth? I've never heard of it."

Now it was the power representative's turn to be surprised.

"Isn't the Umbrella Foundation the force controlled by Link? Didn't Captain Batins claim to have had contact with Link in the universe? Why doesn't he even know about Link's forces?"

Now Battings is even more confused.

At this moment, Colby, director of the External Coordination and Affairs Division of the Roseville Foundation, squeezed through the crowd and came to Battings, and said to Battings: "Captain Battings, later today at the Gendarmerie Guard meeting. Hold a dinner to congratulate the president of the Umbrella Foundation, Linke Rongsheng, the special advisor to the gendarmerie. I heard that you and Link had a relationship in the universe, and you happened to be there. Our Roseville Foundation may be able to make peace with it. Linkla gets involved."

Now Battings understood.

Colby wanted him to connect the Roseville Foundation with Link.

Battings said to Colby, "I don't know what happened, maybe we can find a quiet place to talk more."

Since Batins opened his mouth, Colby must help cover.

The strategic partnership between the Batins Mercenary Chapter and the Roseville Foundation is well known in Qunxinggang.

Now that the two sides want to leave, it is not easy for other forces to stop them. UU Reading

Although Batins has left, other members of the mercenary chapter can also be interviewed...

When he came to the site of the Roseville Foundation, Battings had a chance to breathe and to ask his doubts.

"Why are so many big and middle forces suddenly so interested in Link? And you said that Link will be appointed as a special advisor to the Gendarmerie Guard. What's going on?"

Colby talked about the fact that Link arrived at Qunxinggang during this time and was valued by the Qunxinggang Autonomous Committee.

After listening to the ins and outs, Battings took a deep breath, all kinds of thoughts churning in his heart.

I didn't expect to meet in a hurry in the universe and meet again in Qunxinggang. I don't know if this is fate or what.

Link and his Black Throne impressed Battings. Thanks to Link, he was able to successfully complete the mission of the Roseville Foundation and become the hottest mercenary group in Qunxinggang now.

"If it wasn't for Link's help, then I wouldn't be able to complete the mission of the Roseville Foundation. I'll go to the ceremony at night, and I want to thank Link face to face again."

ps: I would recommend the new book "lol: I restart the dark forces" by a good friend [desperate since childhood], "I'm already pulling!" "Can't you accept any criticism? It's your rebellious period. ?" Ye Shangming, who just woke up, looked around in confusion... Readers who like lol can go to Kangkang!