Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 783

Chapter 783

Although this is not the first time players have witnessed the wormhole travel with their own eyes, the significance of this wormhole trip is extraordinary.

They left the Vatican galaxy on the first big map and came to a new galaxy, and they are about to face new NPCs and events. And judging from the shining starlight of Tuss, this galaxy is obviously more prosperous than the Vatican galaxy, and there must be more plots and events.

The mechanical fortress completely passed through the wormhole, and the surrounding pictures changed from colorful to galaxies.

Welcome to Santa Sula.

Suddenly, everyone thought of such a sentence.

Link stood by the porthole like the player, and Saint Sula in the distance was just a bright spot the size of a pigeon egg in the field of vision, and it would take a day or two to reach it.

Saint Sula is still a lot more prosperous than the Vatican galaxy. The level of technology on both sides is similar, and the difference is very small. However, Santa Sula has abundant resources, and it is precisely because of these resources that this star system is very lively, and there are even docking ports such as the Yuanda Dock on the periphery of the main interplanetary interstellar, and businessmen who trade with each other are in an endless stream.

In the Vatican galaxy, the star system where the novice planet is located is extremely lonely. Only one star system is civilized, and because there is no ship, it is impossible to mine the resources in the star system. If you pass a long-distance survey, you will get this It is the illusion of a barren galaxy.

However, in addition to the planets where Santa Sula lives, other planets in the star system can also see many large facilities around the stars, many of which are space stations, small berths, or transport ships of resource companies. The entire star system is showing a lot of busyness. scene.

After the behemoth mechanical fortress entered Saint Sula, it headed towards the target planet Yuanda Dock.

However, within half a day, the behemoth that appeared in the star system attracted people's attention, and the mechanical fortress received an information signal from Santa Sula.

Santa Sula's attitude towards the super-large spacecraft that suddenly appeared in this star system was not only surprising but also elusive.

After preliminary investigations, there are not many firepower devices on the outer body of this super-large aircraft, but there are aircrafts and sub-spouses leading it. For this kind of aircraft that only advanced civilization possesses, the senior management of Saint Sula adheres to the attitude of "no offense and no provocation", tentatively sending out information and communication.

After receiving the signal, Yazhizi and Troy informed Link of the news.

The temptation and negotiation between such big forces cannot be decided by subordinates.

Seeing Saint Sula's cautious tone and carefully considered words, Link only found it funny.

Just because he was driving a mechanical fortress, Saint Sura was so careful, much more careful than the interstellar predators he had encountered before.

[Hello Saint Sula, this is the Vatican Wasteland Expeditionary Army. We are here to stop in your galaxy only for supplies and trade. We will carry out various matters in accordance with the interstellar trade treaty, and please allow it to pass through. -Lin Ke, leader of the Vatican Wasteland Expeditionary Force]

When Link's reply appeared in the Santa Sula Federal Assembly, all members of the Federal Assembly expressed their opinions.

"There have been advanced civilizations and super-large aircraft in the Tus galaxy, but this is the first time this level of aircraft and civilization has entered Saint-Sura. I think this may be an opportunity for us. Saint-Sura's business in Tuz Although it ranks in the top three, there is still a gap between it and the first place. If we can develop friendly business relations with this super-large aircraft force, it will be a publicity card and an affirmation to the outside world."

"I have different opinions. This super-large vehicle says that he is from the Vatican Galaxy. As far as I know, the Vatican has only one lawful civilization in the first order, and the level of civilization is comparable to ours. I have never heard of the Vatican galaxy having a higher level. The figure of civilization. The Vatican galaxy is barren and does not have the soil for the development of advanced civilizations, so I doubt the other party's words. Even if it is true, I also recommend a strict review to ensure the safety of Saint Sula and various trades. Orderly."

"Since the other party has expressed willingness to abide by the Interstellar Trade Treaty, we only need to follow the procedures to scan and routinely inspect the other party's aircraft. If there is really no danger, then we can follow the normal process. If the other party is hostile, then we It can be lured to the planetary belt and counterattack."

In the end, the President of the Federal Parliament lifted his glasses and looked at the people who have ideas: "Since everyone has ideas, then we should vote according to the parliamentary system."

The final result appeared, and the Parliament approved the mechanical fortress to enter the planetary belt of Saint-Sulane by a majority vote.

At the end of the video conference, Santa Sula gave the results back to the waiting mechanical fortress in the outer planetary zone.

[Santa Sula welcomes you, please follow the instructions to stop at the planetary belt for inspection. Saint Sura Star is rich in mineral resources, orderly civilization on the planet, and strong commercial atmosphere...]

Link shrugged helplessly, driving such a behemoth as a mechanical fortress is really hard to move. Although there is a sense of security, for other interstellar civilizations, this ultrlarge-scale aircraft is really scary, and every time it appears, it will definitely make the other side vigilant. This is a trip to Santa Sula, and it took several hours for the other party to agree to let it go. It must have been a federal meeting.

"It seems that the reputation is still too low. If the reputation is high, you know that my Wasteland Expeditionary Army is a teacher of benevolence and righteousness, then I will definitely enter and exit all kinds of galaxies as a guest, and no matter how bad it is, it will not be censored."

Link took a look at his current influence.

Vatican Galaxy (4)> Waste Saturn (18)> Slevin (15)> Pandora (15)> Victoria (14)

The influence of the Vatican Galaxy already has 4 points, which is quite impressive, but there is no influence above it.

When I came to Saint Sula this time, I just felt a wave of existence.

The review enters, and the farewell leaves.

The mechanical fortress was docked outside the planetary belt as required, and soon a small inspection operation ship of Santa Sula appeared outside the planetary belt and began to identify and scan the mechanical fortress for danger.

The staff driving the inspection ship can be said to be working with a heart hanging on it at the moment. If the other party is really ill-intentioned, they are the first to offer sacrifices, and they are the most nervous at the moment.

"The tonnage of this super large aircraft is really terrible. I don't know how long it will take to scan for such a large one." Although a staff member's tone was pretending to be relaxed, the sweat from his forehead still betrayed him.

"Oh, forget our fate, although we are the lowest level administrative staff. If the other party really makes a move, with the level of civilization of the super large aircraft, we should not feel pain... Yes, even the internal defense is not turned on. My detector can directly identify the inside, and the other party is completely open to us!" Another staff member was frustrated at first, but when he saw the inside of the mechanical fortress displayed on the device , The whole person was dumbfounded.

It stands to reason that this kind of detection is only after they speak, and the other party removes the protection. In the past, there were even cases where the other party's civilization level was one line higher than theirs and could not be detected. They had to drive the detection ship into the other party's aircraft for investigation, and the other party's attitude Arrogant situation.

However, this kind of super-large aircraft is open to them in all directions. This situation can be said to be unprecedented, and the inspectors were caught off guard for a while.

"This...really removed the internal defense signal. I am now 90% confident that the other party is here to do business and communicate normally."

The rest of the inspectors also breathed a sigh of relief, and they finally didn't have to worry about becoming cannon fodder.

The mechanical fort is huge, surpassing the various aircraft that have entered Saint Sula in the past. However, the mechanical fortress was completely open, except for the frequency interference at the core engine that could not be detected, and the other parts clearly appeared in front of everyone.

After two hours of uninterrupted operation, the staff of the inspection ship finally breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly sent a message to the rear to pass, and then sent a signal to the mechanical fortress.

[Dear guest, you have been waiting for a long time, our inspection has been completed, and your ship is allowed to pass without any problems. Thank you for your patience and support, and I wish you a pleasant experience in Santa Sula.

Following this message, Link raised his hand, and the mechanical fortress transnational asteroid belt continued to advance.

On the road, Link explained to Helen and Troy: "Most of the star systems and civilizations in the Tuss galaxy are Orderists. The so-called Orderists are a kind of general camp in the universe, representing rules, institutions, and friendliness. They treat everything. Civilizations and creatures that abide by order are open-minded. Corresponding to this is the chaotic faction. The chaos faction is self-centered and does not mind taking war, plundering and breaking the rules on the road of civilization development, but if there is Interest orientation can also cooperate with orderists, so chaotic factions are also called neutral factions. As long as they don't use force and disrupt the rules, orderists will usually welcome chaos factions."

Link paused for a moment, glanced at the few people who were paying attention, and continued: "But there is one faction that is completely different from the previous ones, and that is the Dark faction, also called the Adventist faction. This faction believes in all kinds of things. The evil existence of the dark dimension aims to transform the existing universe into a dark universe. The purpose is to destroy all opponents, even the dark factions who believe in other evils. They are like predators in the dark universe, hiding in the dark, taking advantage of you It suddenly appears when you are not paying attention, launching a surprise attack to solve the battle and destroy civilization and galaxy."

"For this kind of dark school with a strong idea of destroying the world, whether it is the order or chaos, the idea is to solve one by one."

After listening to Link's account, Helen thoughtfully asked: "Is the Alien Star a chaotic faction or a dark faction?"

"In fact, don't you already have the answer in your heart?"

Helen was discouraged for a while, and sighed: "If the alien is the dark faction, then the First Order must have sought help from the outside world a long time ago, and it won't be a stalemate for a thousand years."

And there is another reason that makes Helen really sigh. The alien stars are already so innocent, and they are classified as chaotic factions. She can't imagine how terrible the real dark faction is.

Link told the senior cadres of the Expeditionary Army about the forces and knowledge in the universe bit by bit. After all, this knowledge is necessary after entering the universe.

Saint Sula's attitude towards the mechanical fortress is sincere and fearful, and the other party is very cooperative with the rules, which also made them flattered, and they rubbed their hands and expressed that they would treat the distinguished guests from Lin's nearby galaxy.

Several inspection ships were leading the way, and the oppressive behemoth of the mechanical fortress followed behind.

The crew inspecting the ship has never felt like it is now, as if they have become the focus of much attention.

And at the great dock in Santa Sula, he was also busy at the moment.

The Yuanda Dock has never received a ship of such a tonnage. When the mechanical fortress data was transmitted to the Yuanda Dock, the person in charge of the dock was sweating and went to the dock to participate in the dispatch to make room for the mechanical fortress.

And when the merchants who were resting in the Yuanda Dock had seen Santa Sula in such a battle, the news that the super-large aircraft would arrive in a day's time spread like wildfire, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. What does the super-large aircraft represent? It represents advanced civilization and advanced knowledge. This advanced civilization is here for trade. If they can match each other, they will not have the opportunity to obtain advanced knowledge or even items of advanced civilization!

When I thought of this, various ship caravans were all gearing up, ready to wait for the arrival of the super-large aircraft to fight for it.

The time of the day is fast or not, slow or slow.

These businessmen who are struggling for profit have already inquired about each other's background, but the results have left them at a loss.

The wasteland expeditionary force of the Vatican galaxy next door?

Everyone frowned and was a little at a loss. The only impression of the Vatican galaxy was that it was a remote and desolate galaxy with a lack of internal resources. What made people slightly impressed was the first order and alien stars. Because of lack of resources and remoteness, even the caravan didn't bother to do business there.

Some people who have a little knowledge of the Vatican galaxy asked curiously: "It means that the first order and the alien planet will be the winner?"

"Even if the winner is divided, it is impossible to give birth to a high-level civilization. Even if the resources of the Vatican galaxy are gathered together, they will not be able to produce an intermediate civilization..."

"Wasteland Expeditionary Army, I have never heard of it. UU reading"

"It is said that outside the planetary zone, it took two hours to detect it. This is still the case of the other party's extremely cooperation."

"But after hearing the news, it was said that no advanced knowledge was seen on the mechanical fortress. Most of them still had the same knowledge as we are now, and did not see any content beyond cognition."

The vendors and the forces exchanged the information they found out. In just one day, the mechanical fortress had not appeared, and it had already reached the point where everyone knew it in the Yuanda Dockyard.

Some people have even begun to observe the mechanical fortress in advance, and have seen an extremely spectacular scene in the star sea.

A behemoth is lonely and silent, moving slowly in the universe. The inspection ship leading in front is the size of a sesame seed. The contrast can be described as horror. If you don't even need to use firepower, you can smash the inspection ship into cosmic garbage if you directly crush it with a huge body.

When the mechanical fortress arrived at the Yuanda Dock, almost everyone went to the deck and observation deck to see the super-large aircraft.