Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 782

Chapter 782

"Yuyanzhilang, hurry, come with me~" Qianglong Zhixiang enthusiastically took the opponent's hand and rushed to the corridor to the teleportation hall.

The people who saw this scene all showed expressions of sudden enlightenment. It's no wonder that these two have come so close recently. It turns out that these two people are in that kind of relationship! Just blessings, just blessings!

Yuyanzhilang looked dumbfounded, "Who is going to pick you up, you called me over this morning, I haven't had time to hand in the task I did last night."

"It's also from our Western Province, and it's also a friend I knew before. He said that he finished the Pandora Portal mission. I'm going to come over today. I will show you to know each other, and I will make a meal together next day. Let me tell you. Next, this guy is actually a three-generation player who loves to play games. If you have a plan to open a guild, maybe he can invest." Qianglong Zhixiang Science said.

Yuyanzhilang said solemnly: "Am I that kind of person? I recognize my fellow villagers and friends. I don't really value his identity if I make friends with my heart and soul!"

Qianglong Zhixiang smiled and nodded: "Yes, yes, you are not this kind of person, just make friends."

Unknowingly, a month has passed since the Victorian Foreign Professional League.

After the game ended that day, a total of sixty people were eligible to join the Wasteland Expeditionary Army. In addition, Silver Hand also brought back a player named "Wei Xia Guozi", who was said to be pursuing Alien Remnants. , In order to save this player, let the alien remnants slip away a lot. It is also said that it was because of the death of this player that they encountered a lot of ups and downs along the way.

Anyway, to the point where those who saw it were sad and those who heard it shed tears, even Miranda covered her mouth and started crying.

However, because of the existence of the perfect back pot man named "Wei Xia Guozi", most of the people expressed sympathy and understanding for Silver Hand's experience of going out. Even the Macaw did not ridicule surprisingly, but instead slapped Silver Hand. The shoulder comforted a lot.

As for Yinshou's insistence on bringing the "Weixia Pot" with him, it is even more admirable.

Firstly, Yinshou wanted to train him, and secondly, he had created so many difficulties for Yinshou before, and he had the meaning of atonement by his side.

When Yin Shou said the reason, "Wei Xia Guo Zi" was moved and weeped and couldn't say a word in excitement.

So "Weixia Guozi" joined the ranks of the wasteland expedition as the 61st Victorian.

After the Alien Pro League, Link immediately announced the opening of the portal. As long as the Victorian players complete the corresponding tasks and meet the portal requirements, they can use the portal located in Andor City to reach the mechanical fortress and join the waste. The soil expeditionary force.

Once this news was announced, it immediately caused an uproar.

The players who were originally discouraged and failed to enter the sixty-man roster immediately cheered and cheered. They thought they had no chance to join the Wasteland Expeditionary Army and follow Link to fight, but he did not expect Link to quietly build a portal in Andor City. , Doesn't it mean that in the future, they will travel between the planet and the mechanical fortress, and there will be no obstacles?

Players are grateful for the news that Link announced.

Seeing the high emotions of the strangers, the Lord of Andor and the defense officer Russell looked at each other, and both revealed a meaningful smile, summed up in three words-win numb.

After leaving Victoria, the mechanical fortress rushed to Pandora without stopping, and set up a portal for Pandora, located in the city of dawn under the valley of the end, guarded by Antonidas and the Mages Council.

In order to prevent dissatisfaction among the players in the wasteland, Link also informed the chasing wind about the expeditionary army and the first order transaction, and through the mouth of the chasing the wind to the wasteland players to appease the emotions of the wasteland players .

And after everything was done, Link waved his hand.

Target-outside the Vatican galaxy!

This time Link decided to go out of the Vatican galaxy and go to another galaxy in the Morver galaxy cluster to get a large sum, and then converge with Ning Chengqi to trade.

Everyone is at a loss for the Vatican galaxy, except Link.

According to the coordinates given by Link, Asophon was leading the way ahead, and the mechanical fortress had passed through the transition gate on the edge of the Vatican galaxy, reached the Tus galaxy, and was heading to the gate of the Saint Sula galaxy.

This time Link's target location is the Tus galaxy, the sister galaxy of the Vatican galaxy, Santa Sula.

Searching through the tasks in his head, Link only felt that the rewards and risks of this task were directly proportional to the risks. Moreover, Tus is not far from Vatican, it can be reached after one leap, and then to Saint Sula, there are only two leaps. If everything goes smoothly, the round-trip voyage can be compressed within one and a half months, and then the installation in the wasteland is included. Portal, that is two months, appropriate.

The mission of St. Surah Graves has been contacted by Link before, so it can be said to be very familiar.

This quest not only has a large bounty, but also the reputation of Saint Sula and NPC favorability. The most important thing is that the previous player also found a bug here that is not a bug, and fished a lot of oil and water. Since you want to make money now, why not choose here?

Link was browsing the forum in the lounge. With the establishment of the Victoria and Pandora portals, players who met the requirements to complete the task gradually came to the mechanical fortress and joined the ranks of the wasteland expedition.

Now the first link of the level serial mission [the direction of the Vatican Galaxy] [make friends a lot], the current progress has reached 3327 people, and the goal of 10,000 people has been completed by one-third.

Judging by the fact that people are coming through the portal every day, it is only a matter of time before the goal is completed.

"Boss, Abaddon has something to tell you." Ah Fu had the initiative to enter Link's lounge, ran all the way to Link, and immediately opened his [Dark Temple] space.

Link watched Abaddon's soul emerge from the [Dark Temple], and the corners of his mouth could not help but raised: "I figured it out?"

Abaddon was downhearted. After so many days, he finally passed the hurdle in his heart, knelt on one knee and pressed his fist to his chest: "I figured it out. I respect and worship the dark shadow. We are regarded as alien warriors, but as chess pieces and tools that can be discarded at any time. Originally, my body disappeared and my soul was about to dissipate. It was Afu who gathered my soul with a secret method so that I can appear in this posture now."

There was a sharp light in Abaddon's eyes, thinking of the words and strong attitude that the other party said when Saffron had taken the house before, and he didn't give him a choice at all. He risked himself to surrender to Link and offer advice to the alien, but he was taken over by Saffron and finally abandoned for nothing.

These actions made him truly feel a sense of betrayal.

All kinds of people who had sworn allegiance to foreign stars in the past came to mind, but now they are only used as tools and garbage, thrown away when they are used up, and Abaddon is extremely frightened.

When the body was destroyed and the soul died, it was Ah Fu who gathered his soul again, keeping a glimmer of hope.

After that, Link talked to Abaddon once, and the content was very simple. Since Alien abandoned him, it is better to follow Link, show off his talents, and let Alien taste the anger of the betrayer.

Abaddon did not immediately agree, but fell into entanglement.

In the following days, in the dark temple space, he met David, a young man who had avenged his father's blood and betrayed the entire Battens mercenary group, met the already mad guard Rondo, and also knew the principle of studying Buddhism. Augustine Frank, head of the law night.

Abaddon learned more about Link's deeds from the three people, and learned that the former Jiuwenlong was also Link's opponent, but eventually became Link's right-hand man and the strongest combat power.

The information obtained from Link's enemies made Abaddon ponder for the first time whether joining Link was the right choice.

On the road to realizing self-worth and firm belief, Abaddon stood at the crossroads of choices.

On the one hand, it was the betrayal from the leader-level figure of the alien. On the one hand, I heard about Link's deeds from these people, plus what Link said before...

I have to say that Abaddon was shaken.

With the precedent of the nine-stripe dragon, coupled with the news and circumstances of Abaddon's investigation in the mechanical fortress, Abaddon believes that it will definitely be reused after being returned to Link. Not only the nine-stripe dragon, many of Link's men were defeated by him, and then were convinced by his personality charm and chose to serve him. And even though Link was the leader, he showed his tolerance, and his opponents weren't arrogant. On the contrary, he was extremely respectful, and he made the best use of his talents, which was completely different from the other stars.

After thinking about it again and again, Jiuwenlong called to Ah Fu, hoping to meet Link again, and this was the scene at hand.

"I would like to use my talents to let the aliens be struck by thunder, let them understand the cost of despising me, and let them taste the anger of revenge." Abaddon's soul blazed with his eyes, and now revenge is his greatest motivation. He wants to let him Thanos and Sombra saw with their own eyes how they built the millennium empire and disintegrated and decayed little by little in his hands, making them regret the price they had made before they were wiped out!

Link looked at Abaddon's state and slowly said: "I accept your allegiance. But remember, your current motivation can be revenge, but revenge is not all of your new life. Revenge anger is a good thing, but don't Sinking in anger, don't extricate yourself."

The flames of Abaddon's soul body shook violently, and his heart was shaken.

He knew that Link's words were to remind him not to be blinded by revenge and not to become a slave to revenge.

"Thank you," Abaddon said solemnly.

Link nodded slightly, and the system popped up a message showing Abaddon's allegiance. The initial loyalty was 76 points.

For those who were still hostile targets a month and a half ago, the initial loyalty can reach this number, which is already very good.

"As for the shaping of your body, you may need to stay in the dark temple in the short term because you need materials suitable for carrying your soul."

Abaddon expressed his understanding. It just so happens that he needs to think carefully about the methods and plans to avenge the alien planet, which all take time.

"I need to know the next plan of the Wasteland Expeditionary Force and the alien plan mastered by the Expeditionary Force. I can provide the exact location coordinates of Vormil, as long as the large barracks of the aliens conquering the stars are destroyed, Sano Si and Sombra lost all the possibility of a comeback!"

"You only need to talk to Ah Fu if you have any needs, and he will prepare everything for you."

With Abaddon's allegiance, Link's next plan for the alien has many hurdles solved.

Saffron never thought that Abaddon was not dead, and naturally he would not have thought that this guy would really turn back and tell the coordinates of Vormir's star.

"To tell you the truth, I look forward to it as much as you do, when Sulfuron knew that his behavior led to your betrayal, which led to the defeat of the alien large barracks Vormil."

The corner of Link's mouth raised, it would definitely be a famous scene in version 2.0.

The plan to synthesize Abaddon is on the agenda. As for the issue of Abaddon's increase in loyalty, Link is not bothered. At this stage, they have a common goal, and Abaddon likes strategic actions. As long as he is allowed to play in this aspect and he accepts his suggestions, he can quickly mention them.

On the contrary, it is synthetic materials. For such a terrorist tactician's soul, how to synthesize it is also a new topic before Link.

After Ah Fu left, Link sat on the sofa drinking tea and thinking, but soon his thinking was interrupted again.

"Head of State, we are about to arrive at the transition gate of the Tuss galaxy to Santa Sula." Troy's voice sounded, Link recovered, got up and walked to the porthole of the lounge.

Outside the window is the dazzling galaxy of the Tus galaxy, which is obviously prosperous compared to the lonely Vatican galaxy.

And in the distance of the porthole, is a huge jump gate, the milky white energy inside the gate is like colorful bubbles on bubbles, constantly moving, like a light romantic yarn.

Passing through this transition gate, they will arrive at the target star system this time-Santa Sula.

Link took a deep breath and moved away from the Vatican galaxy and contacted other civilizations in the Morver galaxy cluster. This was supposed to be the transition from version 2.0 to version 3.0 at the end of version 2.0, and now he has reached it ahead of schedule.

This unreal feeling made him a little dazed.

With a deep breath Link said to Troy: "The entire mechanical fortress will announce that we are about to arrive at the destination of this voyage. Please prepare for all forces and departments. We will soon be in Santa Sula. The Yuanda Dock of the People's Republic of China is carrying out docking missions."

"Okay head of state, I will broadcast all at once."

Following the Troy's broadcast, all the forces in the mechanical fortress squatted on the portholes of their own forces, watching the mechanical fortress enter the jump gate under the leadership of Achiko.

Outside the gate of the jump is a soft milky white energy, but when entering it, the raging energy of the wormhole emerges.

The edge of the wormhole is glazed light, accompanied by turbulent electric light.

The players are also ecstatic, one by one on the porthole, this is the first time they have left the Vatican galaxy and entered other galaxies.

Tuss galaxy, Santa Sula, and Yuanda Dock, these terms are new to them.

The experience here will be unknown to them, and a whole new adventure.