Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 712

Chapter 712

Inside the mechanical fortress.

Looking at the boundless universe outside the porthole, Abaddon suddenly felt like he was locked in an iron cage.

The surroundings were extremely quiet, but Abaddon felt like he was being watched.

If he didn't abandon the core of the imprint, he might be able to detect the surrounding aura more clearly, but now his strength is only at the level of a terrorist tactician, and he can't feel that aura at all, and the feeling of being monitored is only his inner guess.

But Abaddon is extremely sure!

He knew that his defection had caused the indignation of many people in the mechanical fortress. Maybe even Link didn't trust him completely, but wanted to draw more foreign stars from him.

Abaddon had already dedicated the core of the imprint, so it was of little use to Link in terms of strength. The only thing that can be learned is to know the inside story of many high-level aliens, and this information is what Link needs urgently. As long as he doesn't reveal everything he knows, there is still use value.

As for the mechanical fortress, there are many people who are hostile and malicious towards him hidden in the dark. As long as he has value, their actions will not be too blatant.

Although their influence on Abaddon can be suppressed to a minimum, these hidden eyes will hinder Abaddon's access to the mechanical fortress and the wasteland expeditionary army's intelligence.

"Now we must find a way to penetrate into the mechanical fortress, or use a point to break the face, draw a'friend' first, and then gradually expand the social circle. Otherwise, with the current hostile situation everywhere, you will be monitored wherever you go. It is difficult to move!"

Abaddon thought about the strategy, and what he had to do now was to contact the people on the mechanical fortress and judge who was the one who was easily attacked.

Abaddon took a deep breath, left the corridor porthole, and then walked all the way to the rest area.

The rest area is the place where the forces of the Wasteland Expeditionary Force are the most complicated. There are not only a large number of forces, but also some strangers. It can be said that this is the most mixed place of the mechanical fortress.

As for why Abaddon had been in his house for several days but could know this, it all relied on the propaganda film on the TV in the room. The TV in the room has a well-produced promotional video to introduce the layout of the mechanical fortress to the various races and creatures newly registered in the mechanical fortress.

The lower floors are mostly offices and industrial production areas.

The upper floor is the core area of the mechanical fortress, with a control room and a series of important places, only a few people with authority can enter. Abaddon didn't think about it at all, it was too difficult to get into the core layer of the mechanical fortress.

The middle level is the rest area and the most important activity area of the entire mechanical fortress.

As the air pressure door opened, Abaddon had just stepped into the area of the rest area and was stunned by the sight in front of him.

The suspended mage tower in front of him almost occupies all of Abaddon's eyes.

The arcane eye on the top of the mage tower exudes a strong magical atmosphere, and the magical fluctuations in the air set off ripples visible to the naked eye, and the whole picture is shocking and beautiful.

When he was in Pandora before, Abaddon felt a strong energy fluctuation when he left, and also vaguely saw the Mage Tower, but that was just a glimpse of the leopard. Today I was fortunate to see the whole picture for the first time, and my heart was shocked.

Abaddon conquered dozens of civilizations for aliens, among which magic civilizations are not a few. But things like the Master Tower have always existed in legends and classics, and have never really existed.

Just standing next to him, Abaddon could feel the strong oppressive aura coming from the Mage Tower, which was far from Pandora's copycat floating city.

If Pandora had this kind of strategic weapon at the time, perhaps before Link and the Wasteland Expeditionary Army arrived, the Alien Legion and their two war ambassadors would be taken care of by the Mage Tower.

Just as Abaddon was stunned, the arcane eyes on the mage's tower suddenly moved, and the target was directed at Abaddon. The intense arcane energy focused, and Abaddon suddenly felt that he was being pushed down by a strong energy. Under the pressure of the terrifying force, his knees bend slowly, and there seems to be a heavy load on his shoulders.

Abaddon understood that he was locked in by the Arcane Eye.

"Abaddon, have you ever thought that there will be today when you boarded the mechanical fortress!" A voice pierced Abaddon's mental defense and appeared in his mind, simple and rude.

At the same time, the brilliance of the Arcane Eye in front of Abaddon's eyes was even greater, and in this dazzling brilliance, a sharply contoured shadow appeared in front of him, condescendingly.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Abaddon still distinguished through his voice that the person "playing the mystery" in front of him was the dean of Pandora's Sky City Magic Academy, Gamish.

Although the pressure given by the Arcane Eye is very strong, Abaddon still bears this pressure.

There was a creaking sound from the bones, his legs trembled because of the pressure on his body, and even blood leaked from the corners of his mouth and eyes. But even so, Abaddon just bends his knees slightly and his waist is stiff.

Seeing this scene, the macaw hiding in the dark almost blurted out and sang: "I can't learn to bend down..."

Fortunately, the silver hand quickly grabbed Old Jin's mouth, otherwise both of them would be exposed.

"Grass, you don't want to die. If you sang it just now and was discovered by Abaddon, then our efforts for so long before were in vain!" Yinshou squeezed his throat and whispered.

The macaw nodded hurriedly to indicate his mistake, and pulled off the silver hand's mechanical arm. Then he explained in a low voice: "Seeing the scene just now, the inspiration in my mind is like an erupting volcano, and it can't be stopped. This time it is indeed My mistake. Alas, the inspiration can't stop it. It seems that being too talented is also a sin!"

With a clenched fist, the silver hand glanced at the cocky macaw from the corner of the eye.

Damn it, let it be installed!

Just when the Macaw and Silver Hand were in the "small theater", the positive situation suddenly ushered in a turning point.

The data consciousness fluid Troy appeared, condensing the real data body, appearing between Abaddon and Gamesh.

"Gamesh, the Fhrer has something to bring to you, and to all of you here." Troy glanced at the people in the Witchcraft Academy, as well as people from different surrounding forces who ran out to watch the excitement.

"Abaddon has surrendered and is willing to exterminate his relatives and reform and reform, so he is now a member of the Wasteland Expeditionary Army. The Wasteland Expeditionary Army is not allowed to engage in infighting, let alone take action against his own people. This time the right should be a warning, the next time. If you commit a crime again, you will be severely punished!"

After Troy said it, it turned into countless data streams and disappeared.

Although people have left, the sonorous and powerful words just now echoed in the rest area and people's hearts.

You know, the Wasteland Expeditionary Army was united in order to eradicate alien stars. Now that the head of state gave such a harsh order to an outsider, everyone felt a sense of powerlessness.

"I didn't watch it lively, I slipped away~"

"Oh, if the enemy who made a mistake throws it down, he can become a classmate by putting down his butcher knife. On the contrary, it is our wasteland who has become a classmate."

"Speak carefully, if this word reaches the head of state, you are afraid that everyone will be gone."

With a sigh, many members of the Wasteland Expeditionary Army returned to their territory in anguish.

Just now, Gamesh, who was majestic and condescending to judge sin, suddenly squatted, as if he was ten years old.

"Okay, I will obey the Fhrer's orders." Gamesh stared at Abaddon fiercely, as if to swallow him alive. Only after staring for a while, the whole person suddenly became discouraged and turned and left. The Arcane Eye of the Mage Tower also returned to its normal state, as magnificent and holy as when Abaddon had just entered.

There were many people onlookers who had disappeared in no time.

The huge rest area exudes a bleak atmosphere that is rare.

Abaddon suffered serious injuries, his body and his lungs were cracked a lot under high pressure. The wounds on his body were like dry and cracked ground, the skin was open and fleshy, the purple blood gurgled down, and half of him became bloody. .

But even so, the corners of Abaddon's mouth were raised, and he grinned silently, looking crazy and strange and creepy.

Abaddon understood it, and with Link's words, he had an extra gold medal to avoid death.

Although I don't know Link's true thoughts, it's obvious that Link just wants to "buy horse bones for his daughter". This order protects his safety and also reserves a bottom line for the Wasteland Expeditionary Army, that is, as long as the enemy takes refuge and has merit , You can forget the past. Once this bottom line is broken, no enemy will choose to surrender in the future. Whether it is the personal prestige of Link or the size of the expeditionary force, it will be a blow.

But now Link saved Abaddon, but caused complaints and gaps in the original Wasteland Expeditionary Army. This is a good opportunity for Abaddon. With complaints, there will be negative energy. These negative energies will continue to breed and accumulate, and once they accumulate to the point where they cannot be endured, they will explode.

For Abaddon, these are seeds, gunpowder, and opportunities for the wasteland expedition forces to break apart in the future.

At this moment, Abaddon had already thought of a way to deal with the Wasteland Expeditionary Army.

Since the frontal forces of the aliens are difficult to match, unless Lord Abuzha or Lord Yegesh go out in person, other troops will be killed when they come. Only breaking through from the inside is the best way to deal with wasteland.

Abaddon did not continue to stay in the rest area, but turned around and returned to his room.

If this happens today, it is impossible for anyone to chat with him, and it is not suitable, otherwise the purpose would be too obvious. All he needs to do now is to heal his wounds in the room and wait for the grievances to ferment. Then wait for him to walk out of the room next time, stir the situation again, let these complaints accumulate in people's hearts, causing frustration and dissatisfaction.

"Link ah Link, although your idea is long-term, it ignores the most basic human mind. The human mind is the most elusive and fickle thing in the world. Ignoring it will cost you the price!"

The smile on the corner of Abadon's mouth was even more strange. Several war envoys couldn't help it. For this reason, Alien had paid a great price for the wasteland and Link that could not be wiped out. This time, it was very likely that he was folded in his hands. At that time, he surpassed the other war envoys, was received by the leader Thanos, received a reward, and was promoted to a higher level. Everything seemed close at hand and at your fingertips.

When Abaddon hid in the house and applauded his conspiracy secretly, the macaw and silver hand outside the house also covered their mouths and laughed wildly. A pair of big hands couldn't even stop his smile, and he was about to grin to the roots of his ears.

"The second step of the plan was successful. Link also asked us to be careful about this Abaddon. It doesn't seem to be that much now... I can't understand such a simple trick. I guess I'm hiding in the house now. I think I've found it. The code of wealth." The macaw had his hands on his hips and his face was full of disdain.

Enemies of this level are still helping others to count money after being sold.

The macaw now only thinks that Link is not omnipotent, and sometimes he may miss it.

For the next two days, Abaddon hid in the room and did not come out. As he expected, discussions about this matter gradually subsided. People are still doing what they always do, and it doesn't seem to have any impact.

But only he knew that this incident was like a thorn, deeply pierced into the heart of every witness. Normally, you may not see much, but when the same thing happens again, when the new thorn is pierced again, the previous pain will be awakened.

Two days later, before Abaddon was ready to go out again, someone took the initiative to come to him.

"How is life in the mechanical fortress?"

When he opened the door and saw Link, a trace of consternation appeared on Abaddon's face.

He didn't expect Link to come personally at this time.

It wasn't that Abaddon never thought that Link would ask him about aliens, but he didn't expect Link to come so quickly and so suddenly.

"Why, don't you ask me to go in and sit?" Link asked with a ridiculous smile.

Abaddon hurriedly recovered, UU reading www.uukanshu. com immediately invited Link into the room: "Sorry, I didn't expect you to arrive suddenly. You have missed a long distance to welcome you, but I hope to forgive you." Abaddon showed sincerity and fear, welcoming Link into the room and fidgeting.

"It should be me who should say sorry. Since I accepted your allegiance, but didn't give instructions to other people in the rest area in advance, which led to a vicious incident two days ago. As a leader, I am ashamed!"

"Don't say that, the head of state. I know my nature of deserting and throwing light on the battlefield, and that I have caused such great damage with Gamesh and Pandora before, and death is not enough to calm my anger. But I understand that the head of state will keep me. Remnants must be useful. Nobody wants this kind of thing to happen. It's hard to do with the head of state in the middle. I understand. In the future, I will choose to go out when there are few people, or not go out at all, so as not to cause further trouble to the head of state. "

Link frowned, slapped the table, and said with a serious face: "What are you talking about! Since you have abandoned the shadows, and commanded the troops to counterattack the alien stars on the battlefield, you had already done it with your previous self at that moment. Now I only have Abaddon, a member of the Expeditionary Army, and not the alien war messenger. You can come out whenever you want in the future, no one will be at all disadvantage to you!"

Lin Ke is sonorous and powerful, making a sound.