Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 711

Chapter 711

Link put another hand on Grace's shoulder, and then immediately entered the system synthesis interface to check.

Although Grace and Link are not big or small, her style of doing things is quite straightforward, and she has something to say. But this is not a manifestation of dissatisfaction, but a character. In fact, Grace's loyalty to Link reached 100 points as early as after giving a series of alchemy manuals and instructions.

Grace (purple) + imprint core (purple) =? (Fitness 66.6%)

After reading the fit, Link's expression that he was ready to celebrate suddenly froze. The two-thirds fit was still too low compared to the preciousness of the core of the imprint.

This fit is not worth the risk of Link.

At the same time, Link was quite autistic.

Of the three synthesizers that he carefully selected, the one with the highest fit was Grace in front of him, but he was far from the standard that he could truly synthesize in his heart.

The people selected by racking their brains couldn't be synthesized, and Link was extremely frustrated.

The core of the imprint is such a rare thing, but there is no way to synthesize it after getting it, sitting on the treasure mountain and unable to cash it, it is the most painful thing in life.

Grace looked at Link's face and her heart sank, and she couldn't help asking, "Is it not enough to match?"

Link nodded helplessly, unable to say a word of frustration.

Grace was also suddenly discouraged. She was already prepared for mental construction and integrated with the core strength of the imprint. She wanted to find a solution to Miranda's predicament, but now she didn't even give her a chance.

Looking at Miranda laughing heartily in the distance, every stroke stings Link like a needle. Especially with the feeling of giving hope and squeezing it out with his own hands, Link really didn't want to do such a thing.

"Don't worry, I'll think of other ways." Link got up and left the Misty Mountain Villa. This time, the plan made him come home. Face and everything are trivial matters, and the hope of rescuing Miranda has once again failed. This is the most disappointing thing.

Link walked out of the Misty Villa with a sullen face, the negative pressure on his body was too strong.

He really couldn't figure out what was wrong with his synthesis idea. The core of the imprint was a standard alchemy product, the product of darkness and void energy contained in it. And Grace herself is a master alchemist, and she also has dark energy in her body. The fit between the two can be said to be a perfect fit. Why is the fit shown in the system so low?

Link was puzzled.

"Boss, Boss, I'm looking for you in a hurry~"

Just as Link was suspicious of himself, Ah Fu came running out of breath in the distance.

"Boss, Lao Jin asked me to give you a word, saying that the mouse finally got out of the hole."

The mouse came out of the hole. It was a secret phrase made by Lao Jin and Link, which meant that Abaddon had come out of the room. As an Abaddon terrorist tactician, he will definitely find ways to get things done. This also means that the "Fishing Law Enforcement" plan has officially entered the second stage, and various arrangements and misleading have begun.

These are all that Link has discussed with Macaw, Silver Hand, and Penny before, and normal guidance will do.

"Well, okay, I see, let Lao Jin act according to the plan." Link commanded indifferently.

As Link's most loyal servant, Ah Fu has spent the longest time with Link, and he can see at a glance that the boss is not in the right mood.

Afo silently took the imprint core in Link's hand, and then followed.

When the boss is depressed, all he needs to do is to be quiet. Even the boss can't solve the problem, others can't solve it no matter how much they say, the best way is to stay with him, don't bother him, and wait for the boss to think of a solution.

Link walked all the way to the lounge, back to the room, and walked straight to the secret room.

He still didn't figure out what was wrong with his synthesis logic, but the fit degree shown by the system would not be false. Since the fit degree is so low, there must be inconsistent conditions.

"Grace and the core of the imprint are at odds..." Link frowned and racked his brains to analyze and compare the differences between the two.

Compared to similarities, differences seem to be harder to find.

Link stood in front of the secret room of the collection, standing for a long time before he thought of the answer that might cause the two to be incompatible.

"Perhaps because Grace has an extremely strong free will and does not like to be bound and restricted, and the most basic condition for the imprint core to take effect is obedience, surrendering to the power bestowed by Saffron..." Link is not sure if this statement is accurate. , After all, I have also tested the Dream Demon and Touch Dragon God before, and the fit between the two is even lower.

After a long time, Link recovered and saw Ah Fu next to him: "I thought you had already left."

Ah Fu shook his head: "The boss is not in good shape. I must stay by my side. Maybe there are orders or arrangements."

Link smiled relievedly, and then arranged a task for Ah Fu: "Well, you can put the imprint core back in the secret room."

A happy expression appeared on Ah Fu's face, and his white teeth sparkled under his black skin. Ah Fu knew that once the boss arranged him to do the task, it meant that he had gone out of the problem that bothered him.

Link looked at the back of Ah Fu holding the core of the imprint in both hands, with a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth, and at the same time a joke came to mind.

The dark energy inside the imprint core, Ah Fu has a dark skin, so it seems that Ah Fu and the imprint core match very well.

Suddenly, Link froze for a moment, the absurd idea in his mind lingered, and even began to grow wildly unstoppable.

"Fu, come here!" Link demonly called A Fu, and then motioned for him to come over.

Ah Fu was stunned for a moment, lowered his head and glanced at the core of the imprint on his hand, while looking at the boss.

Didn't the boss tell him to put things down?

Although it was unknown, Ah Fu came over.

"Give me the core of the imprint." Link reached out for the core of the imprint.

When Afu handed the imprinted core to Link, Link, imprinted core, and Afu were connected, and Link saw the composite display on the system interface.

Forbes (blue) + imprint core (purple) =? (100% fit)

With a 100% fit, Link stared at it.

I racked my brains and thought about so many synthesis schemes before, but the result was not very optimistic. It's just a playful act of brain cramps, which actually shows a 100% fit, and it is almost impossible to find a way.

Link just put his hand on the core of the imprint, and did not intend or act to accept it. Ah Fu didn't dare to let go, fearing that this obsidian-like thing would suddenly fall to the ground, and the scene would become so stiff.

After a long time, Link took over the core of the imprint and looked at Ah Fu with satisfaction and appreciation.

Worthy of being his crouching dragon and phoenix chicks, he still has to rely on Ah Fu to solve problems at critical moments.

Now entering the universe, the enemies encountered are stronger. Ah Fu's personal strength is more than enough to "ramp up" in the wasteland, but after entering the universe, the space backpack has similar effects to the enhanced backpack; the soul extraction "psychic ritual" is no longer The only thing is that there are many races and abilities that can extract soul energy; the "body spiritualization" ability that penetrates matter will also encounter the obstacles of manipulating energy creatures, and it is no longer so invincible.

Now Ah Fu can have a very high degree of fit with the imprint core, and the dark blue quality of Ah Fu is matched with a hundred percent fit, and promotion to the epic level is already a certainty. After this synthesis, Ah Fu will not only have the various signature skills of the War Envoy, but also will be greatly improved both in level and in his own skills.

However, Link is a democratic person, and he will definitely ask Ah Fu for his opinion on the synthesis of such things.

"Afu, now entering the universe environment, your strength can no longer keep up with the requirements of the current era..."

Before Link finished speaking, Ah Fu knelt on the ground with a plop, tears in his eyes: "Boss, I want to be stronger! Don't abandon me, I can make progress and keep up with my pace!"

"Hey, what are you doing? As the boss, of course I will help you!"

Link shrugged helplessly. You see, Ah Fu asked him on his own initiative.

As the boss, facing the requests of his subordinates, it is natural to satisfy them as much as possible.

"It just so happens that the core of this imprint comes from Abaddon, and it contains the power extracted by the shadow demon Safron from the void. I will use this imprint core to strengthen you, and when you emerge from the cocoon next time, it will welcome you. Come to be a new student." Link introduced plausibly.

Ah Fu opened his mouth slightly, exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, the core mark given by Abaddon was so powerful.

"So are you ready to accept the new power?" Link asked with a serious expression.

A hint of generosity appeared on Ah Fu's face, and he nodded heavily.

Ah Fu does not have the heart of the strong, but this loyalty is sometimes more terrifying than the heart of the strong. Ah Fu wanted to follow in Link's footsteps and was eager to become stronger, so he simply agreed to synthesize with the imprint core.

For the current ending, Link also expressed satisfaction.

Finally found a candidate who fits the core of Imprint, and the fit is as high as 100%. This candidate happens to be Ah Fu, the person Link most trusts, and by the way, it can also improve Ah Fu's strength.

In a very tacky phrase, everything is the best choice.

Link immediately synthesized Ah Fu, and the core energy of the imprint gradually decomposed from his hands, and the black electric light burst out at the last moment, as if making the last resistance.

Ah Fu knew what he was going to face. It could be said that he was familiar with the road. He even crossed his hands on his chest to ensure that he had the best posture when he was wrapped in blood cocoons.

This time the synthesis consumes Link's 10,000 health points. Fortunately, Afu is of dark blue quality and not too big. If he changes to the size of the Dragon God touch, I am afraid that the cost of the synthesis will go to 20,000 directly.

The blood cocoon completely wrapped Ah Fu, and it only took another five days to officially announce.

"The effect will be known in five days." Link suppressed the excitement in his heart, his eyes flashed with a sharp light, taking advantage of these five days, come and take a good look at what Abaddon is going to do!

At the same time, a dark and silent planet in the deserted universe.

A black shadow swept across the Skeleton Valley, and a deeper shadow in the dark clouds of the sky moved quickly to the west. And at the extreme west of this gloomy planet, a group of dark red rays of light rose into the sky and plunged into the clouds, surging with lightning from time to time, revealing a breath of killing.

Across the thick and tumbling black clouds, bursts of black smoke and various deadly poisonous gases blew up the scorched earth Gobi far away. And in the extreme distance, is a huge volcano, constantly ejecting magma. The lightning and dark red light also erupted from the crater, a doomsday scene.

The black shadow is above the black cloud, and the terrifying figure is also shining on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, a dark shadow has appeared at the Doomsday Volcano, and the violent lightning in the sky has slightly weakened.

"Safron, are you coming to me at this time, do you want to replace it?" The air flow in the Doomsday volcano caused a strong air pressure to spread around. The hundred tons of boulders on the plain below the volcano even shivered and moved. The smaller stones all floated leisurely, and the powerful energy even formed an airburst force field in the air, and the air quickly spread and shook away.

The dark clouds in the sky gradually formed a sneered face: "If I want to replace it, it started as early as when you recovered from retreat. Why wait until today. I am here to tell you one thing. The core of Abaddon's mark is lost. Induction."

The Doomsday Volcano fell into a moment of silence, and then there was another roar.

"The core of the imprint was not created by you. Even if the war envoy died in battle, the energy will return to the core of the imprint. This time it will disappear. Where did it happen?" This situation has never happened before, even if it is. Thanos, who had recovered from retreat, was also the first time he encountered it.

Sulfuron's face in the dark cloud gradually distorted, with a smiley expression: "So this time the core of the imprint should be completely destroyed. With this ability, I am afraid there is only the First Order in the entire Vatican galaxy. The white alchemist Joyce is here. It seems that behind Pandora's loss this time, there is a figure of First Order."

"Now it's Pandora, then the next one is Victoria. The aliens continue to lose troops and soldiers. It seems that the leader's plan has been killed by Fang Ke~" Shadow Demon Safron jokingly said.

Doomsday volcano let out a muffled hum, UU reading www. The crater suddenly burst into several fissures, and the crimson magma shines on the fissures, which seem to explode all the time.

"Then you will be disappointed. When I leave this time, the alien planet will completely rule the Vatican Galaxy. The first order is nothing but a landslide."

"Tsk tusk tusk, then I'll see how you ruled the Vatican galaxy. Oh, by the way, I forgot to remind you, you are instructing to send more troops to Victoria. If you get caught up again, Vormeer's troops will not be enough to deal with it. Is the first order? We use the leader of soldiers like gods to personally hand over one-third of the forces of the aliens. This operation is simply a weird flower in the express delivery industry."

As soon as the shadow demon Safron's voice fell, a burst of energy shot out from the Doomsday volcano, rushing straight into the sky. All the black clouds in the sky were ignited, like burning ashes, flashing light and dark at the border of the black ashes. And this lasing energy continued to be released, the heavens and the earth roared, and even outside the barren planet, a cluster of terrifying energy directly rushing into the universe could be clearly seen.

"You Master Sombra, it's time to come forward." The thick voice of the crater surged in the air.

The black shadow in the sky quickly evaded the energy field spreading behind him. Without the ridicule and ridicule just now, the projection on the Gobi was a little embarrassed.