Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 707

Chapter 707

Chapter 709 What is the origin of this link?

Soon, a kind explanation was sent from the courage.

"We are the Vatican Galaxy [First Order], committed to the unity, stability, and friendly development of the Vatican Galaxy. We are here to help you deal with alien invaders this time."

Antonidas frowned. He heard Link talk about the first order, which is an organization of the large galaxy on their planet, which has fought against aliens for thousands of years. Moreover, looking at the first-order aircraft, although it is not as big as a mechanical fortress, it can be seen that the shadow of standardization and modularization can be achieved with extremely high industrial technology.

No matter its style or shape, it is quite different from the alien, unlike the alien camouflage. In addition, Link said earlier that Vomer, the large barracks of alien stars, is located in a barren galaxy outside the Vatican galaxy. It is in a remote location and is difficult for ordinary people to find. There is no large-scale carrier vehicle for alien stars. The invasion depends on portals and Lead the way to the party.

Just now Antonidas thought that this was a new intruder. Now he heard their explanations and he was a little relieved, but he did not completely let go of his vigilance.

Antonidas shouted the Courage from the air: "We have no way to verify your true identity. Please descend quickly and stop at the gully outside the city of Dawn, waiting for us to check."

Antonidas did not show timidity because of the advanced civilization of the First Order. His words were rational and well-founded and neither humble nor overbearing. This actually surprised the people of the First Order.

In the past, they supported some planets that were attacked by aliens. Whenever they said that they were the first order of the Vatican galaxy and came to help them fight the aliens, these planetary civilizations would worship them as saviors, showing fanaticism and respect. expression. This time they came to Pandora, but received a cold reception.

These First Order fighters who have become saviours are a little caught off guard, not very accustomed.

Ning Chengzhen coughed slightly, never expected that the other party would reply like this.

Including him, everyone in the control room showed embarrassment on their faces.

But when he thought of what the alien did in Pandora, the trail of sudden disappearance and the fluctuation of level energy, Ning Chengqian suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, and said: "Just do what he says."

Ning Chengzhen understands that the person in front of Shuguang City should be the leader of the remaining human beings. Once he is separated or unhappy with him, his next investigation will be blocked. Now that the population of Dawn City is hundreds of thousands, it is Pandora's last hope, but in Ning Chengyu's eyes, if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. This kind of annihilation has been seen too many times in his life, and there is almost no psychological fluctuation. However, once the Pandora tribe were completely destroyed, the investigation was forced to be interrupted, and the clues of the aliens' troubles were completely wiped out.

Ning Chengxian just gave the order, and an operator in the control room exclaimed in the next second: "Hi~ Sir, I think you need to look at this!"

Ning Chengqin frowned slightly, not knowing what the operator wanted to show him.

But in the next second, the camera below the Valor appeared on the holographic screen, and saw the scene where it fell to the ground.

This is a ravine several times larger than the Valor. It directly presses the ground four or five meters deep. The huge indentation is clearly visible in the air, and the outline of the depth and shape is clearly three-dimensional after being scanned by the Valor detector. The three-dimensional picture appeared on Ning Chengqi's main console.

Soon, Ning Chengqin's expression changed from frowning to shocked.

As the commander of the 7th Corps, Ning Chengqin has participated in many battles and has unique insights on ship knowledge. After all, as a captain, if you can't know the spacecraft you are commanding, how to make the freshest and wise decisions in the complex and changeable cosmic environment and battle.

So when he first saw the three-dimensional map of the uneven ground, he instantly realized that it was a trace of a super large aircraft landing!

Soon, the detector gave the evaluation parameters of the aircraft here based on the depth and shape of the ground being pressed down.

When the simulation model and parameters of the aircraft appeared in the control room, everyone opened their mouths and was shocked. At the same time, six words appeared in their minds-super large aircraft!

Ultrlarge aircraft, even the first-order technology cannot be manufactured and formed, and cannot solve the structural stability and energy problems of the ultrlarge mass. But right now, the landing trace under the Valor was obviously a super large aircraft, which made Ning Chengqi and the other operators dumbfounded.

The first order is formed by the union of friendly civilizations in the Vatican galaxy. It has gathered knowledge of various civilizations and failed to overcome the problem of super-large aircraft. Moreover, the Vatican galaxy can only be regarded as marginalized in the Morver galaxy cluster. Small galaxy.

For example, how can you see a limited edition Pagani at the gate of a desert tribe that is not in front of the village and behind the shop?

The answer is definitely in the dream.

The probability of a super-large vehicle in the Vatican Galaxy is similar to the description in the previous example.

So when Ning Chengqian and everyone saw the trail of the super-large aircraft, they were all startled.

"Is there an error in the survey? There is an error in the calculation data?" Ning Cheng swallowed. Although knowing that the possibility of this guess is about zero, this completely unreasonable answer can no longer be explained by logic. Of it.

The operator has repeatedly analyzed and calculated, and the result obtained is the same.

At this moment, the operator's forehead was already oozing sweat, and the result was such that everyone present felt unexpected.

"Sir, there is nothing wrong with the data, it is indeed a super large aircraft."

Ning Chengqian's face was solemn again. They hadn't landed yet, and the Pandora they had observed was different from any planets invaded by foreign stars in the past. There were situations that exceeded common sense everywhere.

The alien star disappeared, there is no trace of existence, Pandora still has the last human remnants, and there are traces of super large aircraft on the ground. All this puzzled Ning Chengqi and the members of the First Order who came to support. A huge suspicion lingers in their minds, and an answer is urgently needed.

Courage slowly descended, Ning Chengqin waved his hand and ordered: "Teams 3-4 and 5 will go out with me, and squads one and two will guard the Valor. Once an abnormality is discovered, the message will be sent back to Mustafa."

Ning Chengqin was heading to the external capsule, the robotic arms and tracks on the spacecraft sent the combat uniforms in front of him, and put them on one by one as he steadily moved forward. When they arrived at the external cabin, they were fully armed and armed with a high-energy metal gun. And behind him, the equally armed soldiers were murderous.

As the deck gradually descended, the soldiers in the Valor followed Ning Chengqian out.

As soon as he got off the spaceship, Ning Chengqian saw the archmage who was talking to him just now. The analyzer on the helmet's holographic field of vision was already measuring the opponent's combat effectiveness, and the energy level given by the evaluation was C-level.

Such a low-level civilization planet, under the barren knowledge and super power system, can reach C level. I have to say that this in itself is an affirmation of strength.

Antonidas and a group of followers also maintained a fighting posture. When they met, they did not trust each other very much, and their eyes were full of vigilance.

While Ning Chengqi looked at Antonidas, Antonidas was also looking at these self-proclaimed First Order people.

Although these people are wearing uniform combat uniforms, the armbands all have a sign symbol that combines the squares and circles to represent order.

On them, Antonidas did not find any alien smells and traces, and even the similarities were not found.

"If you are the first order, please report the name of your corps and take out the order key as proof."

When they heard the corps name and order key, Ning Chengqian and the team members were all in a daze.

Ning Chengzhen was surprised and asked directly: "Have you been in contact with the First Order before?"

But after finishing speaking, he denied it first: "No, our seven corps have never visited Pandora's Star. It is impossible for you to know the first order!"

There are many players behind Antonidas, all of them stretch their necks to watch the situation, always preparing for battle.

Today is really a big day for Pandora. It has witnessed the birth of the Mage Tower. As soon as the front foot Link left, the spaceship with the back foot claiming to be the first order descends, and it is really a sing of the party and the debut of the other party.

"Don't worry about so much, first prove your identity!" Antonidas's magical power soared, and he was always ready to charge a blow.

Ning Chengqi's helmet shows that Antonidas' energy is condensed. Although his energy level is C+, he can deal with the relentless full blow of a C-level archmage, but the group of soldiers behind him can It's miserable. Moreover, this time he came to Pandora to help Pandora tide over the difficulties and stop the aliens. Now the conflict is not in the interests of the First Order.

Ning Chengqi's helmet automatically folds from his head, revealing a strong and angular face.

In the words of the player, it seems that he is a tough guy at a glance.

"Our designation is the 7th Corps of the First Order, and I am the commander of the Corps Ning Chengqian. This is the key to my order." Ning Chengqian stretched out his hand, and a light key suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand. This light key is the proof that Ning Chengqi and the First Order signed the "contract" of allegiance, which is a bit similar to the core of the mark of the alien army war envoy.

The order key can determine the authenticity of the identity, because this thing is also a kind of alchemy and cannot be faked or impersonated.

Seeing that the order key is exactly the same as Link described, Antonidas finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes softened: "Now I believe you are the people of the first order. It's hard to come from afar!"

Antonidas waved his hand, and the followers and players around him all put down their guard.

Ning Chengqian also ordered all the soldiers to put away their weapons, spread their hands and asked: "Since your inquiry is over, I will ask you now, why do you know about the first order and the key to order?"

Although Antonidas determined the identity of the visitor, the faint arrogance carried by the members of the First Order, although they have been converging, still clearly feels it. Unlike Link's equal exchanges, these people are born with a sense of superiority of higher civilizations over lower civilizations, which makes Antonidas feel a little repulsive in his heart.

"Link told me everything about the First Order."

Ning Chengqin frowned slightly, but he searched his mind but never remembered that he knew a person named "Link". He is the commander of the Seventh Corps of the First Order, and all the top leaders of the First Order and the masters who have joined in recent years are as precious as a few, but this name has no impression.

"Excuse me, I really don't remember that there is a person named Link in the first order. If you are clear, please dial one or two."

Antonidas showed an incredible expression, as if these First Order people in front of him were all aliens.

Oh, well, they are indeed all aliens.

"You don't even know Link?" Antonidas was shocked.

Ning Chengzheng's turn is now wondering. I don't know the name that I've never heard before. Is there anything special about it?

His three characters "Ning Chengqian", looking at the entire Vatican galaxy, he is as famous as the alien deputy commander Abu Zha, not to mention everyone knows, at least it is widely spread. Today, because he didn't know who Link was despised by others, this was the first time in his interstellar military career.

"Then please explain, I really don't know who Link is." Ning Chengqin took a deep breath, and asked as much as possible. What happened to Pandora is not in line with common sense. He must investigate the truth and report it to the First Order.

Antonidas turned into a "Lin Blow" at this moment, and began to talk about Link's resume: "The Lord of the Wasteland, once defeated the alien stars in the Wasteland, and drove the alien stars out of the Wasteland. Then he led people to liberate Slay. Wen, let the Slavin star people get rid of the rule of the tyrant, and finally came to Pandora not far away for hundreds of millions of miles to fight against the alien invaders and successfully kill the aliens, none of them escaped!"

Ning Chengqi heard what Antonidas said, but he still didn't react.

Waste Saturn, he knows, is a low-level civilization planet in the desolate star system of the Vatican Galaxy, and Slavin's Star is a low-level civilization within the ghost melting star system. UU Reading None of them have the ability to go into space alone. How could they come to Pandora not far away for hundreds of millions of miles and kill all the alien stars? How could this be possible?

Ning Chengzhen once thought that the protagonist of this story was the first order to be the most reasonable.

"Then what's going on with this super large aircraft?"

"It is a mechanical fortress. Link set sail from the wasteland with the mechanical fortress, and came to Pandora to rescue us all the way." Antonidas answered truthfully, but concealed the second-form Black Throne of the mechanical fortress. After all, even though Link said that the First Order is a powerful force in the maintenance of the Vatican Galaxy, Antonidas has no good impressions of this group of people since the meeting.

Now Ning Chengqian feels even more absurd.

It doesn't matter if a low-level civilization has the ability to cross the transition gate, now that even super large aircraft have come out, this is no longer absurd.

It's as absurd as to say that ants possess nuclear weapons.

But Ning Chengqian looked at Antonidas' eyes, the other party did not dodge or avoid his gaze, and he did not seem to be lying at all.

"Could it be that all of this is true?" At this moment, Ning Chengqian couldn't help but shake...

(End of this chapter)