Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 706

Chapter 706

"Sir, we have entered the galaxy where Pandora is located, and we can reach Pandora's Star in fifty minutes." In the cockpit of this battleship, dozens of operators are in front of their respective operating platforms, responsible for their own parts. , And report useful information to the ship commander at any time.

The man in the white Stars and Stripes combat uniform looked solemn and shouted, "All combat troops are in a state of readiness immediately after they are ordered! When landing on Pandora, lock the location of the forge camp as soon as possible, and after the first round of bombing by the Flash , Immediately land on Pandora and launch a fierce attack on the portal of the Forge Demon Camp!"

The staff at the console received the order and nodded firmly, and then crackled something on the keyboard, and the text and voice synced the command to pass on.

"The ship's artillery unit is ready, and only waiting for the signal to capture the traces of the forge camp, they can initiate fire coverage at any time."

"All the assault troops are ready and waiting for the commander to give offensive instructions!"

"All the detection devices are turned on, and the intelligence department is already in working condition. Once in Pandora, it can be guaranteed to scan the location of the forge camp within five minutes, and the positioning accuracy is guaranteed to be above 98%."

"The air strike force is also in place, and a hundred assault planes are always ready!"

As the holographic screen in front of the main console popped up the information reported by the captains, the white Stars and Stripes man in front of him couldn't help but nod his head. Although they have fought against aliens countless times, each time they have to be fought as the last battle. This is the secret of the long-term faculty in front of him to remain undefeated, and he is also sent to deal with Pandora's situation. s reason.

"This battle must win the alien star. Now the alien star is exhausted, and many planet resources have been destroyed in the confrontation with us. This time the alien star has extended its claws to one of the few low-level civilizations in the Vatican galaxy. If they take Pandora, they will once again obtain the resources of the violent soldiers. We will pay more for today's failure in the next encirclement and combat." The commander's eyes flashed countless times in the battle scene.

The scariest thing about aliens is that they can expand on a planet as long as they can't kill them. When you recover, the entire planet has become a breeding ground for alien stars, and alien stars will make a comeback again.

In the thousand years of history of the First Order and aliens, such things are not uncommon, and they are the most daunting. Every time when the alien star is lingering, the alien leader Thanos will lead his subordinates to hide in the dark and dormant development. After accumulating enough strength, he came out to make waves again. Sometimes the offensive was fierce, plundering a large number of planetary resources, and occupying several galaxies. The degree of tyranny could even be a head-on challenge with the First Order.

Now it's the stage of delicate balance between the First Order and alien confrontation. The lessons of history tell the White Stars and Stripes Commander not to take it lightly, at least not this time with problems in his hands.

The star body outside the porthole became clearer, and soon the spacecraft of the First Order came over Pandora.

"Reporter sir, the detector detected strong magical energy remaining in the air of Pandora! According to the retrospective simulation, it is inferred that Pandora had an unprecedented magical diffusion not long ago, and the intensity is estimated to be A level!"

All the staff in the operation room looked up with surprise and looked at the reporting colleague.

level magic spread, does this person really know what he's talking about?

Generally, only effects that have a large-scale impact on the planet can be classified as class. class accidents are rarely seen even in the Vatican galaxy. After all, there are only a handful of people who can produce class effects. There was an class accident on such a low-level civilization planet that was being invaded by a foreign star. This was simply fantastic.

The low-level civilization does not have the strength to produce such a terrifying effect, so the answer is that only an alien has mastered some kind of large-scale killing method! This time, I must be trying to experiment with Pandora, which produced such a terrifying effect.

This is definitely not good news for the First Order.

If Alien really masters this ability to launch, then First Order will reassess the future battle friction with Alien.

"Enter Pandora's near-Earth orbit, and scan Pandora in all directions." The commander's expression was solemn. At this point, they had no way to retreat. Even if they were in direct conflict with an alien, he had to find a way to investigate this A. The ins and outs of the first-order proliferation, the news was sent back to the first order mother star Mustafa for the first time.

What the First Order sent to support this time was a heavily armed battleship Valor, which was personally led by Ning Chengqi, commander of the 7th Legion.

The shape of the battleship is simple and weird, it looks like a pleurotus eryngii, with a thick top and a long and straight hull. On the surface of the battleship, lights of various colors flashed, appearing to be extremely shining in the dark universe. The huge battleship in the changing light and dark entered the orbit of Pandora and released the satellite to start scanning.

The satellites of the first order are extremely fast, and the three satellites orbit Pandora in different orbits, as if to cut the planet into several lobes. Within five minutes, the entire Pandora was scanned completely. When the image was processed by the system and rendered into a three-dimensional three-dimensional holographic image, Ning Chengyu and all the operators of his 7th Corps were shocked to no avail.

"Sir, scan the entire Pandora, and only found one place where humans live. All other buildings and dwellings were completely destroyed. Judging from the damage traces, it can be confirmed that it was left by an alien star."

Ning Chengqi's face was solemn, and Pandora's attack was far more serious than he thought.

In the holographic picture, there are constantly flashing pictures of the ruined walls of the city where humans once lived. The evidence that Pandora's low-level magic civilization has existed was completely destroyed under the attack of alien stars such as locusts, and all turned into war and rubble.

Ninety-nine percent of the entire planet has no traces of human activity, and ninety-nine percent of the area has no traces of human beings. However, many traces of new mining resources can be found on the planet, which makes Ning Ning Cheng Qi and the senior leaders of the Seventh Corps instantly sank to the bottom. This almost shows that Alien's attack has achieved remarkable results.

The operator in charge of holographic imaging and satellite data processing was suddenly stunned when looking at the data at hand, and then repeatedly confirmed the images and data but did not find any clues, his expression was as if he had seen a ghost.

"Sir...Pandora's image collection has ended, all the images have been analyzed, and no traces of alien stars have been found."

As soon as the remarks came out, there was another commotion in the entire operating room, and everyone stared at the operator tremblingly. It was really impossible to believe that such a conclusion was reached after data analysis.

Ning Cheng's eyebrows were frowned. The operators present were all experienced warship operators who fought south and north with him. It stands to reason that they would never make such a low-level mistake.

Faced with the doubts in everyone's eyes, the operator reluctantly explained: "I have transmitted the image data to you, you can retrieve it yourself to see if what I said is true."

The other operators immediately received the data and then immersed themselves in the retrieval.

After a brief period of silence, a series of exclamations rang out in the operation room.

"There are indeed no traces of alien stars, this is impossible!"

"I didn't find it here either."

"Me too, there is no trace at all."

Everyone looked at each other, and was already confused by the current situation.

Pandora's human residence has been completely turned into a ruin, obviously a "masterpiece" of an alien. At the same time, there are signs of large-scale mining on the planet, which is in line with the characteristics of foreign stars grabbing resources. However, after searching the entire planet, no evidence of the existence of alien stars was found.

It's as if you found all the evidence, but you didn't find the "murderer" himself.

The current situation is so strange.

"Could it be that the alien realized that we were coming in advance, so it swept back after launching the general offensive?"

This thought flashed through Ning Chengqi's mind, and he felt more and more likely, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the current situation.

Soon, Ning Chengqi made a decision: "The ship will be lowered in height, enter Pandora, and go to the last gathering point of human beings to inquire about the situation. At the same time, all combat departments shall be prepared for the first level of alert to prevent surprise attacks by foreign stars."

It is necessary to personally understand the situation with the Pandora natives before Ning Chengqi can determine the ins and outs of the matter.

When the height of the Valor dropped and penetrated the clouds and appeared abruptly above Dawn City, both the NPC and the players in the city looked up for the first time.

A huge flying machine showed its whole picture, like a stick exploded at one end, rushing down from the sky.

Although this battleship is huge, for players and civilians who have seen mechanical fortresses, pirate ships and mage towers, an aircraft of this size does not arouse people's amazement. There is only one doubt in their minds, what is this battleship? road?

Antonidas was still immersed in the magnificence of the Mage Tower. The power of the Mage Tower and the magic net inspired his determination. When Gamesh left, he had shown his memories. Although there is no core involved, Antonidas was also a member of the Sky City Magic Academy before, and he has a certain understanding of the structure and driving method of the Mage Tower. I saw the steps and process of the construction of the mage tower by Gamesh, and I had a lot of insights, and gave birth to an idea of building Pandora's own mage tower.

One is the power of the Mage Tower, allowing Pandora to once again have the top battle group.

Secondly, Sky City was destroyed during the war with the aliens. He wanted to repair it and regain its former glory.

No one knows better than Antonidas. When fighting an alien, Pandora's people are already out of spirits. After that, Link rushed across the galaxy to help, his powerful dominance was suffocating, and he couldn't even give birth to the slightest jealousy. Now the best alien warriors of the Magic Academy and Pandora followed Link to leave. At this time of waste, Antonidas thought of Link's deeds told him before the dragon soaring, and he became more determined. In his heart, he wants to seek the well-being of Pandora's people and wants to reshape Pandora's glory.

At this moment, Antonidas heard the roar of the sky and flashed out of the room.

In the next second, he saw a "sky pillar" descending from the sky, towards Dawn City.

The battleship in front of me has never been seen before, no matter its style or style, it is very different from the battleship in the mechanical fortress.

Not a wasteland expeditionary army, Antonidas immediately realized that something was wrong, and under the blessing of the spell, his voice wafted loudly throughout the city of Dawn: "In the first-level alert mode, all civilians enter the underground passage to take refuge, and all those who can fight, take up arms. Ready to meet the enemy!"

As soon as Link walked away, a battleship arrived. It is hard not to remind people of aliens hiding in the dark, waiting for Link's powerful enemy to leave before launching a second attack on Pandora.

All the players received the level task of [Defend Pandora] at once, and they all froze for a while.

Looking at the "Tianzhu" gradually "falling" from the sky, and with hindsight, I am afraid this will be Pandora's most difficult battle.

Antonidas was fully armed, and his followers flashed to him one by one.

"You dispersed separately, and started to activate barriers in Dawn City to buy time for the people to retreat." Since the establishment of Dawn City, considering the combat situation, a tunnel was specially established to lead to Endyan Valley.

Antonidas' followers immediately followed suit, and several magical energies emerged from all over the city of Dawn and poured into the sky, forming a semi-circular dome that enveloped the city of Dawn. The enhanced defensive enchantment is stronger than the previous alien battles!

The ship Valor descended, seeing the fierce reaction of Dawn City, still a little dazed, did not understand what happened.

They are here to aid Pandora's human civilization, how can they make them look like invaders now.

With the mobilization of the whole people, the city was also enveloped in magic enchantment, and even a warning was posted on the courage, UU reading www.uukanshu. com battleship has been locked by weapons.

Ning Chengqi and the other operators had stagnant expressions. After a while, they couldn't help but laugh at themselves: "It seems that we are being treated as enemies..."

However, this is also the blame for Ning Chengqi's own urgency, knowing that Pandora's human race has just been destroyed by an alien, and now it appears so directly, the strong pressure brought by this giant battleship is enough to cause them to produce a stress response.

The operator on the side explained to Ning Chengqi: "These low-level civilizations have never seen a warship of this size. At first sight, they must be scared."

Ning Chengqi gave the 9527 operator a approving look, and he knew how to find the steps for the officer, and your path would be wider.

"Well, that's right. The first time they saw a space battleship of this size, they must have had fear in their hearts. But it doesn't matter, we only need to release goodwill now, I believe they will understand it soon." Ning Cheng slowly Opened his mouth and said.

Although the First Order claims to be the guardians of the Vatican galaxy, when it comes into contact with these low-level civilizations, it still unconsciously adopts a condescending attitude. After all, there are many low-level civilizations in the Vatican galaxy, but there are very few who can join the First Order in the end.