Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 490

Chapter 490

The bodyguard of Sang Kun, the largest warlord leader of the Wasteland Gang, is known as the Duke of Destruction who has arrived in a thousand troops alone.

The reason why Sang Kun can become the No. 1 warlord of the Wasteland Gang is the help of the Duke of Destruction.

The Duke of Destruction, a powerful technology-side bounty hunter, a mechanic. Possess a variety of advanced weapons and equipment, and the powerful mechanical weapon firepower will not fail even in the face of an entire army.

He is not only Sang Kun's personal guard, but also the third-ranked [Duke] on the Platinum Hotel Killer List.

No one knows the relationship between Sang Kun and the Duke of Destruction. The Duke of Destruction suddenly appeared next to Sang Kun seven years ago. With the terrifying firepower of a single man, all the forces of the Wasteland Gang felt a sense of oppression, and even Sang Kun became a waste. The largest warlord leader of the soil gang.

Other warlords have also tried to provoke discord, or woo the Duke to destroy the duke with a lot of money, but they can't shake anything with money, women or power.

"Destruction Duke, for you."

The Duke of Destruction is wearing a gray cloak, the shadow of the cloak covers half of his face, and under the cloak is a dull, metalless armor that tightly wraps the Duke of Destruction. In the light, only the lower half of his cheek was exposed, but it was also a cold metal mask.

Marley saw the Duke of Destruction, subconsciously straightening her body, which was obviously different from the previous attitude of lazily leaning on the position.

The strength reached the level of the Duke of Destruction, even if he was a bodyguard, it was enough to be valued and respected by anyone.

The five mutants who were forcibly recruited in the audience saw the Destruction Duke deity with their expressions astonished.

The Duke of Destruction is among the top three members of the platinum hotel rankings, and is called the "troika" along with the Shining and Nightmare, and has far-reaching influence.

Even this one had to participate in this operation, and the team members were both excited and trembling for a while.

Mare looked at the other five abilities, and her tone returned to her previous indifference: "Your mission is to assist the duke in carrying out the mission. You don't need to worry about how to enter the sand duke, what identity, this point, someone will give you Take care of it. All you have to do is to return Shadu's information and prepare for the assassination of Link."

Marley pointed to the unknown soldier: "Pretender, you are the captain of this squad, responsible for arranging the preparation of intelligence and the assassination plan. I don't need to say more about the attack plan, right?"

The unknown soldier was already calm at this time and placed one hand on his chest: "The assassination plan is specified with the Duke as the center." Then he nodded slightly to the Duke of Destruction: "It is my honor to be able to perform the task with you."

Mare got up, folded her hands, and walked straight out of the camp: "Then you take advantage of this time to get acquainted with it. Someone will pick you up to Shadu in 20 minutes."

After Mare left, the eyes of the other mutants all focused on the Duke of Destruction.

This famous bounty hunter is more mysterious than the shining and nightmares, and usually the dragon is not seen at the end.

Everyone only knew that the Duke of Destruction was Sang Kun's bodyguard, but few had seen it. But every time the Duke of Destruction appears, it will bring a new story to Esiah.

The last time he showed up, it was because of the cooperation between the Wasteland Gang and the Mechanical God Cult. At the meeting, Daotuo had opposed opinions and wanted to leave the Wasteland Gang, and was eventually reduced to a prisoner by a collective vote. And Daotuo's soldiers also set off a rebellion. In the suppression operation, the Duke of Destruction appeared on the scene, and the powerful firepower displayed by one person abruptly suppressed hundreds of troops, allowing people to see the terrifying power of one person.

There are also many daunting high bounty missions on the Platinum Hotel rankings. Just looking at the missions gives people a feeling that they are absolutely impossible to complete. But these tasks eventually became the Duke's bounty and points.

After Mare left, the atmosphere in the camp relaxed a lot.

After these ten minutes, they also figured it out.

Marley holds the controller, which shows that the United Pharmaceutical Company clearly agreed to this matter. Now that the Duke of Destruction is also present, it shows that several high-level warlords of the Wasteland Gang have reached a consensus.

Infiltrating Shadu, the plan to assassinate Link is imperative.

In front of the plan of the superiors, their personal emotions and voices of refusal can't stir up the slightest storm.

Instead of lamenting why you are yourself, it is better to make a plan. With the participation of the Duke of Destruction, maybe you can really complete the assassination mission!

Tremble was the most courageous. He tiptoedly walked to the Duke of Destruction and started talking: "This is the first time I have seen the real Duke. Hello, I am Tremble."

Under the cold mask of the cloak, a low voice came: "I have heard of you."

Tremble suddenly looked ecstatic and rubbed his hands and said, "I didn't expect the Duke to have heard my name, but I didn't expect it..."

"They said that you are more ostentatious and do not go according to plan."

The tremolo froze immediately, and the other four could not hide their laughter.

It turns out that this is "famous".

The unknown soldier stepped forward, exuding a leadership temperament: "Since you have entered Shadu and you have no worries about your status, you are basically unprepared. You are also mutants with a certain reputation in United Pharmaceutical Company. I also have some understanding of your abilities. . But in order for the plan to go smoothly and we can come back alive, I still need you to talk about your abilities and hole cards in order to design a more perfect battle plan."

The unknown soldier is well-known, and he led the team to perform 21 missions, without any failure, and the team members did not die, which is extremely safe. The other four people did not shy away, and explained their abilities and effects.

But after all four of them had finished telling them, and the unknown soldier also narrated themselves, everyone focused on the Duke of Destruction, expecting the Duke of Destruction to tell about his abilities. After all, it is a rare occasion to listen to [the Duke] who is the third on the killer list and analyze his abilities.

The Duke of Destruction stood in place with his arms in front of his chest, and his voice did not fluctuate emotionally: "You don't need to know my abilities. Do your own thing, Link, I will deal with it."

Although there is no mood swing, but the words of Destroying the Duke in the ears of a few people have strong self-confidence.

Seeing the embarrassment, the only female ghost girl in the team quickly proposed: "Since we form a team to perform the task, we must have a name, do you have any suggestions?"

"How about the Destruction Squad? Will it be a bit revealing?" The secret agent asked.

Everyone said nothing, meaning you said it?

Gui Ji's eyes lit up: "Why not call it a secret operation?"

Tremble snorted softly, "Are you afraid that others will not know that we are on a secret mission?"

The soul boy on the side turned to look at the unknown soldier: "As the captain, you should also put forward your own ideas."

The unknown soldier shook his head: "I have no idea for now."

The little soul boy smiled and said, "It's okay, you will have it right away." After that, he began to pinch the time.

Less than ten seconds later, when the unknown soldier looked at the notebook with the information of several people, a flash of light flashed across his head. At the same time, thinking of what the soul boy said just now, he was shocked.

"You have the ability, something..."

Foreseeing the future in advance, it is one thing to hear this ability, but it is another thing to experience it for yourself.

The soul boy stretched out his hand and gestured to the unknown soldier to say the name.

The unknown soldier clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention: "It's better to call the suicide squad."

After listening to the audience, the tremolo of bluffing immediately clapped their hands and applauded: "This is a good name. This mission shows that it is suicide. The name of the suicide squad is appropriate."

The secret line also smiled: "We have things in our heads, suicide squad, this name is good!"

Even Duke of Destruction, who is taciturn and cherishes words like gold, can't help but applaud this name.

"If everyone has no opinion, then the Suicide Squad is now officially established!"

The captain of the unknown soldier (pretender), members of the destruction of the Duke, Secret Walk, Tremble, Soul Boy, and Gui Ji.

According to the words of the Unknown Soldier, this may be his career. Counting the mission team with the most luxurious lineup in the past and in the future, it is also the strongest mutant team that the entire Wasteland Gang can draw.

As everyone talked, although the Duke of Destruction was just the one who listened to and rarely spoke, everyone gradually let go of their worship and began to become like teammates.

Tremble was the most courageous. He approached the Duke of Destruction and asked in a low voice, "I heard the gossip that you are not only a bounty hunter, a genius mechanic, or a mutant?"

The Duke of Destruction is famous because of his incomparable mechanics skills, and he is famous for his firepower that is comparable to that of an army. Rumor has it that the Duke of Destruction is not only a bounty hunter and mechanic, but also a mutant. It's just that this news is circulated in the public, and no one can see the Duke of Destruction, let alone verify it.

The Duke of Destruction turned his head to look at Tremor, and under his cold mask were a pair of black and hollow eyes.

The Duke of Destruction raised his hand, and three small metal **** appeared around him, spiraling around his palm.

Flicking his hands at random, the three small **** immediately turned into metal discs, as thin as cicada wings.

Zhenyin opened his mouth slightly and couldn't say a word.

Although the Duke didn't say a word, he still answered his doubts.

He is indeed a mutant, a mutant that can manipulate metal with magnetic fields.

Just as Tremble was about to say something, the soul boy sitting beside him suddenly opened his eyes and got up and looked out of the camp: "We should go."

The unknown soldier hurriedly asked, "Who brought us into Shadu?"

The soul boy was stunned for a moment, his eyes turned to normal, and his face was surprised: "Platinum Hotel!"

Platinum Hotel?

Just before everyone was surprised, there was a rustle of footsteps outside the camp.

After a while, the curtain of the camp was opened, and three visitors wearing head coverings and face towels came in, showing only one pair of eyes.

After the first one came in, he swept around, and his body trembled for a moment.

Immediately, he took off his hood and face towel, opened his arms and walked towards the Duke of Destruction.

"Long time no see, my friend."

The Duke of Destruction got up, his tone still did not bully: "I didn't expect you to come here in person."

The other five people looked at each other. Although some of them had been to Shadu, they had never been to the Platinum Hotel in Shadu, and they did not know him. But seeing the enthusiasm of this person meeting the Duke of Destruction, his status and status in the Platinum Hotel would definitely be invincible.

After that, the person returned to his senses, and while scanning everyone one by one, he also called out their names clearly.

"The pretender, the secret walker, the tremolo, the soul boy, the ghost girl."

"Hello, I am Thomas, the manager of Shadu Platinum Hotel. I will arrange the itinerary and identity of your infiltrating Shadu this time." Thomas finished speaking and raised a signature smile, very friendly.

The five of them were all shocked.

Shadu Platinum Hotel originally had three people, namely the owner Derek, the famous first killer John, and the platinum hotel manager Thomas. These three were called the "iron triangle" back then, and Shadu Platinum Hotel grew out of nothing.

Later, the Shadu Platinum Hotel was completed. Derek was called the underground emperor of Shadu. John became the first killer to retreat. Thomas also put on a suit and called the hotel manager to entertain the killer and bounty hunter.

The five were still surprised that it was the Platinum Hotel that brought them into the city, and now they are already amazed at the importance that the Platinum Hotel attaches to this mission, and they even sent the manager Thomas. If you have to count, John retires, and Thomas is the No. 2 figure in the Shadu Platinum Hotel.

If you use one word to describe the feelings of the five people now, it is flattered.

Thomas finished speaking, and turned to continue talking to the Duke: "I didn't expect Sang Kun to attach so much importance to this actually even you were on the court."

The Duke of Destruction rarely made an emotional voice: "If this mission is successful, then the next crisis of the Wasteland Gang can be resolved."

The corner of Thomas's mouth rose: "Similarly, there are also ours."

The bluffing tremolo stood up again at this time: "Manager Thomas, I'm sorry to ask."

"Please say."

"I remember that the Platinum Hotel issued a most wanted order before. Killing Link can be rewarded with huge rewards. Don't know if you can count it?"

Thomas laughed and said: "Of course you count. As long as you succeed in this mission, the reward can be redeemed. The reward points are enough to make you a celebrity in the waste Saturn killer circle."

The five are in Esiah, and all they do are bounty hunters and killers. On weekdays, listening to the killer rankings and various changes in the rankings, I feel enthusiastic, but I am sorry that I did not join the Platinum Hotel as a member.

But this time as long as the mission is successful, they can not only become famous in Shadu, but even the entire waste Saturn, and become the focus and celebrity of the killer circle.

All five people's eyes were full of expectation for a while.

Thomas looked at the watch time: "Gentlemen and ladies, the time is almost up, it's time to act. In the car I will tell you some of the current situation in Shadu and your identity, so that you can understand the current situation in Shadu, Circumstances also facilitate your tasks."

The six people followed Thomas and got on an armed armored vehicle.

Outside the car is the night breeze roaring in the desert, and in the rearview mirror are the lights of Esiah like a gathering of fireflies at night.

Inside the car, Thomas is talking...