Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 489

Chapter 489

The night talks were effective, and the Wasteland Gang seemed to have grabbed a straw.

To kill Link, you must have a detailed plan. Because once they make a move, it is the last time they make a mobile meeting.

But after arriving at Shadu, they can use their normal identities to collect Shadu intelligence from all aspects, which is definitely a big plus for the Wasteland Gang. Since the Thunder's Might of the Shadu intelligence department wiped out all the mechanical gods and the wasteland gang spies, they have been completely blind to Shadu's situation, without any internal information, everything can only be from the front line post or drone. The news is detected in the distance and then analyzed.

Because of their lack of understanding, the Wasteland Gang was terrified of Shadu.

Feeling the crisis this time, the Platinum Hotel took the initiative to contact the Wasteland Gang. The two sides hit it off and each got what they needed.

Mare got the permission to form a power team and began to recruit members in Esiah.

The Wasteland Gang has a large number of supernatural powers due to historical reasons.

Of course, this is not because the "feng shui" is good, but because the Wasteland Help has accepted the drug testing cooperation of United Pharmaceutical Company.

The so-called trial drug cooperation is the establishment of laboratories and branch companies in the wasteland gang to conduct research and experiments on human mutation and evolution. For this reason, in addition to the "protection fee" for the warlords, United Pharmaceutical will also give a thing called "research funding", which is simply the head fee.

The Wasteland Gang is the world of warlords. To put it bluntly, the warlords are the earth emperors. Except for the mercenaries, they are not even humans. They are more of a kind of labor and resources.

Selling these cheap resources to United Pharmaceuticals for their research on human genetic mutation is one of the important sources of funds for the Wasteland Gang.

After the United Pharmaceutical Company conducts human experiments, it only records data and samples, and will not accept these "new mutants". It will also implant self-destructive chips into the brains of these mutants and return them to the wasteland to help the warlords. It has become an important force for warlords to maintain their rule.

Such a stable, orderly, and super profitable cycle, the warlords naturally agreed with both hands.

After decades of development, the whole Esiah has now formed a culture, that is, as long as the family members are sent to the United Pharmaceutical Company, successfully mutated and survived, they can be reused by warlords and the whole family will ascend to heaven.

Poverty and repression have caused the ordinary people in Esiah to have deformed values, and they will bet their lives for the future. It shows how miserable the life of the people at the bottom is.

In Shadu, United Pharmaceuticals can only be a human being with its tail clipped. Large-scale human experiments are not dare to be done. It can only use low-key publicity to attract people who are desperate or unwilling to be mediocre. And closely monitor these abilities.

Link had also taken United Pharmaceuticals' gene repair solution before, but it was also targeted by United Pharmaceuticals. But in a blink of an eye, Link became the leader of Shadu, and United Pharmaceutical Company stopped all projects in a short period of time and entered a pretending death mode. I was afraid that Link would find an excuse to deal with it.

After the meeting, Marley went straight to the United Pharmaceutical Company in Esiah.

United Pharmaceuticals has information on all mutants in the Wasteland Help. You can get information on what kind of mutants you want to find here.

Marley wears a military uniform with short hair and heroic appearance. She can become one of the five warlords of the Wasteland Gang with her daughter. Even people like Maranian and Situang gave Mare the nickname "Witch" behind her back.

After Marley came to United Pharmaceutical Company, she didn't greet her and went straight to the office of United Pharmaceutical Company.

"What brings you here?" The manager of the branch office was a little surprised, knowing that Marley rarely visits United Pharmaceutical Company, and she is not the warlord responsible for the connection of civilian experiments.

Marley sat on the sofa, crossing her fingers with her hands, leaning forward: "I need some information about advanced abilities to perform an important task."

Upon seeing this, the branch manager did not ask much, and directly arranged for his subordinates to take the tablet, and then handed it over with both hands: "General, all the information of the high-level abilities are here, please have a look." After speaking, he stepped aside.

The manager has heard of Maret's nickname "Witch". This crazy woman acts as she pleases, and she just obeys the requirements, don't contradict him, and don't understand what the task is. The manager has been able to work in the Esia branch of United Pharmaceuticals for more than ten years without any curiosity.

Mare took the tablet and began to look through the screen, her expression very solemn.

The Platinum Hotel approached, raised at the Wasteland Gang meeting, and was in charge of this matter. Mare knew that this opportunity was rare. Even if the Platinum Hotel has hands-on eyes, it is impossible to safely send people in every time. So for this opportunity, Mare is choosing it with the attitude of having and only once.

A complete assassination team should include the ability to deal with any special circumstances.

Therefore, in a limited position, as many permutations and combinations as possible to form the most versatile lineup has become a priority for Maret.

"As for the execution of the assassination, there should be no problem with Sangbo's bodyguard. It shouldn't be a problem without knowing it. Now the most important thing should be the protection and assistance of infiltration."

Mare flipped through the tablet to browse information about various mutants.

"Secret walkers, real-world abilities, can travel through physical matter physically, and can carry three teammates through the entity at the same time."

"Vibrato, a person with energy-like supernatural powers, creates an enchantment with a radius of 100 meters from the center. The enchantment can absorb any sound energy."

"A soul boy, a mind-powered person with a short-term predictive ability, can predict what will happen 30 seconds later."

"Gui Ji, a person with illusion/realistic ability, is good at constructing illusion, and can switch between illusion and reality at will."

"An unknown soldier, no abilities, possesses super-strong disguise, proficient in all kinds of firearms, and possesses excellent battlefield response and command capabilities."

Mare rummaged through it, and finally selected such a few people.

"Curiously ask, isn't your United Pharmaceutical Company carrying out genetic modification of drugs for normal people? Why are there normal people with no abilities in the database?" Marley waved the tablet, and finally stayed on the interface as an unknown soldier.

The manager walked forward two steps, not too far away from Mare.

"United Pharmaceuticals is committed to studying the effects of genetic mutations on the human body. This unknown soldier is very strong, but there is no mutation direction suitable for his physical abilities for the time being. However, with his unique abilities, he still ranks among high-level abilities. A place. It's really surprising that you can choose him."

Marley handed the tablet to the manager. She has added all the people selected just now, but there is not much information on the tablet. If you want to make a final decision, you need more data support.

"I picked these, let's talk about it."

Mare put her hands on her chest, a strong woman commanding tone.

The manager picked up the tablet and looked at it. These advanced abilities are the key scientific research achievements of United Pharmaceutical Company. Although they are not affiliated with United Pharmaceutical, the company also monitors them and observes the impact of their abilities. So the manager treasures the data and experience of these people.

"The first one, the secret mission. As an auxiliary power person, he has a high evaluation in several missions. He can perform the mission without hindrance, there is no communication problem, and the overall evaluation is trustworthy.

The second tremolo, the energy-like ability, because he can release the enchantment, so he behaved arrogantly, performed 11 tasks, and achieved all excellent results. Overall evaluation: a leader with strong leadership skills is needed to control him.

The third soul boy, a mind-powered person, can predict what will happen in the next 30 seconds, and the soul boy himself is a powerful mind-powered person, performing 15 missions, and none of the team members were injured.

The fourth ghost girl can switch between reality and illusion in a small area. The illusion is powerful. With the tremolo, it can create a large-scale illusion camouflage, confuse the enemy, perform 7 missions, and all missions are successful.

Fifth, the unknown soldier, no abilities, all abilities come from himself. The soldier who integrates command, support, and offense has not yet undergone drug mutation, so it has no code and is called the Unknown Soldier. However, in United Pharmaceutical, many people call him a pretender. Performed 21 missions, all succeeded, and none of the team died. "

After the manager read it, he came up with a question: "The generals you have selected do not seem to have a main offensive player. They are all of the auxiliary type."

Marley snorted: "The main force, I never needed that kind of thing. Do you think the main force picked from your tablet can be compared with the one next to Sangbo?"

When the manager listened, his face suddenly changed.

"It turns out that you want to participate, so it seems that you don't need a main force."

Marley looked impatient, stretched out her hand and said: "Okay, now give me the addresses of these people, there will be nothing for you next."

The manager is also a good old man, and even that one has to go out. This time the matter must be a big deal. The more you know, the less safe you are.

After a while, the manager handed over a few electronic cards to Mare, along with a few people's controllers.

Marley took the e-card, glanced at the coordinates on it, and couldn't help but sneered.

Although these abilities possess powerful abilities, as long as they have a controller, they are dogs tied to a rope, tools in the hands of warlords. They tell them to go east, and they will never dare to go west.

Mare got up, and the men behind her quickly put on military robes for the boss.

These people selected by Mare often perform tasks, so they are all in the center of Esiah Express. With Sangbo's communication verbal instructions, he went smoothly. In just a few hours, five people were brought to Mare.

The few people who were still a little emotional, their expressions changed when they saw Mare, one of the warlord leaders, and the controller in her hand.

All five of them are Esiah's famous abilities, and naturally they know Mare's name.

This madman, known as the "witch", is the most difficult one among the warlords. It must be nothing good to find them this time.

Mare leaned forward, with a strong sense of oppression, and said in a condescending manner: "This time I am here to give you an important task to sneak into the sand. The plan was discussed and agreed by several generals, so you did not refuse anything. that power."

Hearing this, the faces of several people could no longer be stretched.

"The spies and intelligence department of the Wasteland Gang in Shadu have been uprooted. Now we are told to sneak into Shadu again. What is the difference between asking us to die?" a grumpy man said.

Marley glanced at it and chuckled lightly. She didn't expect that the dog in front of her would even yell at its owner.

"You are the tremolo, you are as grumpy as the information says."

After speaking, press the controller on your hand.

Suddenly, the tremor that was still irritable just now fell to the ground, and his body began to twitch sharply, foaming at the mouth.

After convulsing for a while, Maret pressed the stop button and fell to the ground with a tremor like a dog, her body was soaked, her eyes gasping for breathlessly.

"This is just to give you a little lesson, I hope your irritability will not affect the mission." Mare's eyes did not fluctuate. These superpowers in the eyes of ordinary people in Esiah did not even have her in Maret's eyes. A dog in the manor is interesting.

"Since it's a mission, it won't let you die in vain. Entering Shadu safely and a clean identity are essential. You only need to remember this mission and pass back as much information about Shadu as possible~www Link at the right time."

Hearing the assassination of Link, the bodies of the five people present trembled unconsciously, their brains were blank, and their throats couldn't help wriggling and thirst.

Assassinate Link, this... can they come back alive!

Rao is an unknown soldier with excellent leadership ability. He was dumbfounded when he heard about the task of assassinating Link.

He has commanded many battles and missions, but he went directly to assassinate Link and gave him his tinnitus.

The shadow of the famous tree.

With just five of them, they want to kill the desert emperor...

"Don't worry, there is another participant in this mission, and you are responsible for assisting."

Marley clapped her hands and walked out from behind the screen.

Seeing this, the five of them all took a breath.

Even if he participates, then this task is not a joke, it is a real move.