Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 420

Chapter 420

The team led by Leng Feng, the four of them advanced very slowly.

Taking care that both King Gou and Panamella are "newcomers", Leng Feng is not greedy for merit, but steadily advances.

"Let's rest for a while, find the way and then move forward." A giant radiant spider was solved, and the four of them were splashed with green slime after the spider bursts.

According to the words of Bombing Chicken, they have almost merged with the quagmire of death.

Panamella just wanted to scoop a spoonful of water from the shallow pool and wipe off the disgusting green mucus from his body, and was quickly stopped by Leng Feng's eyes and hands.

"The smell of spider slime can conceal the human odor on us. When we enter the woods later, spiders will treat us as the same kind and will not attack. If you wash off the slime and go deep into the woods later, I am afraid we will be swallowed by the spiders. ."

Leng Feng's words made Panamella chill behind her back, and immediately poured the scooped water back.

The bombing chicken squatted on the ground on the other side.

It's just that this time he is not playing with dirt, but looking at it.

Under the dark green soft soil, a handful of soil uplifted and kept advancing.

This is the psychedelic vine that Link gave to the bombing chicken as a reward, and it is now used to detect the situation ahead.

The psychedelic vine and the [eye of the beast] bombarding the chicken can explore the way in advance without any problems.

After confirming that the ground was not dangerous, the psychedelic vine broke out of the soil, like a snake winding up the treetop, rustling through the leaves, entering the huge connected canopy, and inspecting the situation on the tree.

After a while, Bombing Chicken lifted the [Eye of the Beast] state, and said to the three people around him: "There are only three giant radiant spiders within two hundred meters ahead. Let's seduce and kill them one by one using the method just now?"

Leng Feng carried the military sniper rifle on his shoulders, and said in a deep voice: "We already know the combat mode of the giant radiant spider, and there are restrictions on the psychedelic vine entanglement. This time we will pull two at once!"

When the dog left king and Panamela heard it, their hairs stood up.


This person is not right!

He said that it was he who was steady, and it was him who pulled two tightrope walkers at once.

Among the four teams, if it is the most relaxed, it is the two-person team of John and King Kong.

The pure metalized body of King Kong is completely immune to the miasma of mist.

John is as fast as lightning, and the giant spiders in the woods can only be regarded as "little guys" to him. For King Kong, these giant spiders can only be counted as toys of the size one. It stood and let these giant spiders bite, and its teeth couldn't bite through its metal body, and it couldn't even break the defense, let alone hurt it.

The two of them strolled forward in a leisurely courtyard. All the way over, the ground was full of giant spiders leaning on their belly and tightening their eight legs. Those who knew knew that these giant spiders were all dead, and those who didn't know thought they would put this crab on the ground~

This is also the reason why the cold front team, which is very close to them, did not encounter giant spiders in the woods.

The big heads all went to the second team John and King Kong to die.

Link and the macaw rushed to the vicinity of point 3 on the radar, and then locked the position of the three by violent gunfire.

"Hearing this gunshot, the three should be fine."

Link looked at the giant spiders frantically converging towards the gunshot, walking extremely fast, moving in the undulating woods without any discomfort.

"Well, it's time to end."

With a whistle in Link's mouth, a whistle arrow composed of silver wall ants flew out from the cuffs and began to kill randomly among the spiders.

The originally calm underground mounds arched, and countless psychedelic vines crawled out of the underground formed a densely connected inverted large net, protecting the three people gathered together.

"Psychedelic vine... this is the boss!" Chaifeng recognized the psychedelic vine at a glance, and then immediately stopped shooting, and instructed the other two: "Stop shooting don't hurt the cane."

The gun fire disappeared suddenly.

The psychedelic vines are connected in pairs to form an inverted mesh structure with a diameter of two meters, which protects all three of them.

The giant radiation spiders attacking frantically all around pull on the cane at this moment huge feet reach into the gap want to open the cane. Or open your sharp jaws and want to sever the cane.

Knowing that it was Link coming, the three people's fears and fears were wiped out. Instead, they were replaced by a strong desire to retaliate.

"The boss is here, now is the time to counterattack shoot up and kill!"

Chasing the wind took the lead and changed the magazine for the "Thor" assault rifle. Then he got up and took the gun three or two steps up. The muzzle was directly and violently stuffed into the mouthparts of the giant spider's jaws.


After a burst of intensive shooting, the giant spider's mouthparts and head were all exploded and smashed. The mucus stumps were covered with eight-legged and plump hind limbs. After staggering a few times, they fell heavily to the ground, rolling for a moment and shaking their feet. The remaining nerves tighten together.

Tang Jiu and the prophet's eyes lit up, and they leaned forward, using their most proud weapon to launch a general attack on the giant spider, not letting the chasing wind be more beautiful. Even more unwilling to lose this rare opportunity for exclusive experience.

With a wave of Link's big hand, the black widow and the invisible killer bee all appeared, together with the silver marching ants, and the whistle arrow, the "Zerg" army composed of insects and arthropods, began to stage a big ensemble in the death quagmire.

The macaw was shooting in all directions in front, back, left, and right, and finally walked to Link's side and topped Link's leg with its wings: "By the way, is it really good to leave Afu alone there?"

Link put his hands in front of his chest, and said in a flat tone: "There is no way. In order to find the entrance earlier, I can only make the best move. The death quagmire is tens of kilometers in diameter. According to our method of advancement, it is not always possible tonight. You can find the secret base entrance. Even if you have ample gas masks, your vision will become darker at night, making it more inconvenient to move around, and you will be attacked by the harsh environment and unknown creatures at any time."

Link finished, thinking of the evaluation on the Detect Afu data card, do you know what you want to achieve?

This is not wrong at all!

"Then you are not afraid that Ah Fu will be in danger alone? The death quagmire is full of dangers, and all kinds of weird things are endless. With Ah Fu's head, I am afraid that I can't handle it." The macaw worried.

Link chuckled: "You have known Ah Fu for too long. The impression of the Link Gang is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people? Now he is no longer as silly as he was when the Link Gang was. Managing the Colosseum alone is not what it used to be in terms of strength. The most important thing is... this guy seems to have better luck."

"Even if he encounters danger, he has the spiritual ability to escape."

The macaw scratched its waist, still unconvinced by Link's statement: "It only takes one minute to be spiritualized. What about one minute later?"

"After a minute, if he encounters difficulties again, then he will have to draw out a new hole card." Link said with a smile.

"Oh? Ah Fu has a new hole card? No wonder you dare to leave him alone, good you Link... You don't have to tell me in advance if there is such important news, so I have been worried for a long time." The macaw faced him. Link's leg was a flurry of wings to vent.

Soon, the giant spider siege in front of them came to an end, and the remaining giant radiation spiders either flew away or stayed in place to be resolved by the "Zerg" troops.

There were giant spider corpses everywhere, and mucus splashed out of the bursting abdominal cavity.

Link stood far away, but there was nothing left on him.

On the contrary, the three people protected by the psychedelic vine were covered with white and green slime. Even the black gas masks were dyed white, and there were sticky threads on their hands and feet. If the chef of the Lin Consortium was on the scene, he might be able to come up with a new dish named Canto.

Zhuifeng, Tang Jiu, and the prophet were submerged in slime, but at this moment they all grinned.

Don't say that you are not injured, each of them has gained a lot of experience in the first battle, so let's be embarrassed!

The psychedelic vine slowly withdrew and re-submerged underground, leaving the nauseating slime on the surface, and continued to explore ahead.

The "Zerg troops" that had been attacking in groups just now, with a wave of Link's big hand, all disappeared and disappeared in this terrifying place, as if they had never appeared.

Link walked around the debris and slime on the ground, and stood not far from the three of them and said: "Okay, get up and clean up. We are ready to go to the underground base."

Before the three of them could react, the macaw was surprised: "Afu has found a place?"

In the [Swarm Commander] mode, Link saw Ah Fu's location, six or seven kilometers away from them.

It's hard to imagine that with the help of him and the macaw, this guy has disappeared from its original position and ran to a place six or seven kilometers away. Regarding speed, Ah Fu doesn't let it go...

"I'm not sure if I've found the right place, but Ah Fu has stayed in that location for ten minutes. Even if it's not an underground base, it's definitely not far away." Link's tone was determined. After all, encountering this kind of metaphysics, it is definitely right to be indecisive with Ah Fu.

The three of them hurriedly cleaned the mucus, and then followed in the footsteps of Link and the macaw.

Following Link, the hanging hearts of the three finally fell.

Now I am no longer afraid of the giant radiant spiders that are besieging them.

"By the way, we also met a dark shadow just now, it was very fast, walking through the gray fog, did you meet Jin Ge on the road?"

Relying on the good relationship he left with the macaws during the Link gang period, Zhu Feng is with the macaws at this moment, wanting to get some news.

"Oh, do you see clearly what it is? This is important material!" The macaw almost fell asleep along the way.

What they met in the woods was either a giant spider or an ooze monster. Although these species were strange, they were not so impressive. Now I heard that there are mysterious creatures. As a photographer Lao Jin's professionalism and sense of smell, listening to the description of the chasing wind, I suddenly feel that it is not an ordinary creature.

Recommend an app, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, can change the source book full !

Chasing the wind shook his head helplessly, with lingering fears and said: "The gray fog is too thick to see clearly. You can only vaguely see the shadow in the gray fog, and it is not running over, but flying over."

The macaw keenly grasped the details, and analyzed: "The woods are filled with gray mist, the trees are prosperous, and the height of each tree is not very high. You said that it flew past, so there is only a possibility of low-altitude gliding... What's your body shape?"

Chasing the wind carefully thought about it: "I vaguely see the wings and the body...not sure if I see the legs and feet, it feels, I mean, it feels a little human."

People who have wings can fly.

The macaw's eyes glowed, and hurriedly ran to Link's side, and asked: "How long will we get out of the woods? Chasing the wind said that they saw people with wings flying by. They were extremely fast, hideous and bloody. With a big mouthful, you can eat a little fragrant pig in one bite!"

The chasing wind following the team was full of black lines and confused. Did you really say that just now?

Link is also quite speechless. Did this macaw when he didn't exist and didn't hear the conversation behind him just now?

Chasing the wind is talking about two wings, a faint human form.

As a result, the macaw came up with a hideous face, a mouthful of blood, and a little fragrant pig.

Does Little Xiangzhu know that he is so miserable?

"Walk another kilometer and you will be able to walk out of the woods. According to the previous feedback from the Security Sambo, we will soon reach a special boundary." Link is also very curious. In the [Swarm Commander] mode, the Black Widow They are all parked together, and there are psychedelic vines, and the dense light spots all converge into a straight line, as if blocked by something.

Only the invisible killer bee can fly freely and unimpeded, which reminds Link of some special terrain, abyss, lake or other.

The macaw's ears suddenly stood up, and his attention was attracted by Link's "special realm". As for the "birdman" that Chasing the wind had just said, it was directly ignored.

Soon, everyone walked to the edge of the woods, through the last wave of gray fog, and their vision suddenly became clear.

The psychedelic vine and the black widow made room for everyone. Link, the macaw and the three players all came to the edge of the woods and saw the strange sight that followed.

The endless red land is full of strange rocks in the distance, and there is no one inhabited.

And in the sky.

Without the shelter of the dense foliage of the canopy, the height is not wide open. Instead, there is a gray mist floating two meters above the head, covering the entire red land, giving people a feeling of depression and low pressure, as if something is oppressing everyone overhead. .

Link squatted and pressed the back of his hand against the ground. The hot temperature was transmitted to the body through the skin of the back of the hand. The ground was at least forty degrees.

Then Link glanced at the gray fog about two meters. The height was too low, just like the height of a hotel corridor, giving people an extremely strong sense of oppression.

Perhaps it is because the ground is too hot, causing the rising hot air to push the originally diffused gray mist into the air...

As Link tried to explain the strange appearance, the three players standing aside couldn't help it.

The prophet and Tang Jiu couldn't help but stretch out their hands, and their arms were immediately submerged in the gray mist.

"Hee hee, it's really fun, there is no heat on the gray fog, and there is a trace of ice cold~"

As soon as the prophet's voice fell, a corrupt arm suddenly sprang out from the gray fog, and violently dragged the prophet into the gray fog.

The prophet was pulled into the air by a powerful force, and the entire upper body was submerged in the gray mist.

Immediately there was a scream of ghost crying and wolf howling, and Tang Jiu was also dragged up in the next second.

Zhuifeng's eyes are quick and Both left and right hands moved together, grabbing the legs of the Prophet and Tang Jiude.


Link frowned and jumped up.

The vision broke through the gray fog, and then saw a terrifying sight...

Countless people with their rotting bodies hanging upside down, with their feet tied up, and their arms dragging Tang Jiu and the prophet stubbornly, their open mouths were rotten, and some were missing half of their faces, and some had only half their tongues and only eyeballs. Rely on a little filiform adhesion to the eye socket, flicking and flicking with violent movements. The body was devastated, decayed, and there were signs of being eaten.

There are so many tragic situations, but they all have one thing in common. The rotten clothing and body have long been glued and integrated, and a glance can vaguely tell that it is the dress of the old age.

There is another detail. All the rotting hanged people have sunken chests and hearts, becoming hollow.

These people are all unintentional.

P.S: It is customary to ask for a monthly pass, and go to duck~