Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 419

Chapter 419

"You... did you feel that something passed by behind?" The voice of the bombing chicken was a little trembling.

Wearing a gas mask in particular, the field of vision in front of him was much narrower than usual, coupled with the surrounding gray fog, the visibility was extremely reduced, and the scene in the cracks gave people a gloomy and terrifying feeling.

Sweat beads on Tang Jiu's forehead instantly condensed, one by one hung on his forehead and cheek, the muzzle of the mechanical weapon in his hand aimed at the gray mist, like a big enemy.

Chasing the wind slowly backed away and commanded: "The three of us guarded each other back to back. Something is coming..."

The three of them immediately pressed their backs, each holding a weapon and guarding one side.

Quiet in the gray fog, only the breathing of each person in the gas mask can be heard.

All three felt that there was a boulder in their hearts.

"Tang Jiu, haven't your mechanical weapons been promoted? Can you see the enemy?" Chaifeng asked softly.

Tang Jiu looked at a green radar screen on the weapon, and as the energy wave spreads, the biological signals within a hundred meters around him would be truthfully returned.

But now the signal disperses, and only two flashing points in the center can be displayed, and there is no biological signal within 100 meters.

"The radar did not detect any signal."

"I just heard a whistling sound from behind..." The prophet squeezed towards the two again, as if he felt the warm and strong back of his companion afterwards, and he was relieved.

Chasing the wind observed the surroundings, they had been in a stalemate for a minute without any movement.

"We continue to move forward, pay attention to behind when we move forward."

It's not a problem to continue the stalemate. Zhuifeng has been paying attention just now, and so is Tang Jiu. It is hard to say whether there is something or whether the newcomer, the prophet, is nervous about performing the task for the first time, and scaring himself into hallucinations. And if the entanglement continues, the prophet will feel that the two old men are bullying the newcomer.

The more you go in, the more obvious the traces of the quagmire. Where there are trees, a slightly raised hill will be formed.

In other recessed areas, a pool of shallow water will form, with a layer of light green pollen-like powder floating on the surface, evenly covering the surface of the water body.

The chasing wind broke a branch and tested it, twenty or thirty centimeters deep.

Pulling out the branches, the soil does not feel the sensation of pulling out, and the soil is only scattered on the branches that are pulled out? There is no sticky black mud like the swamp.

"This pond is not a swamp? The water is as deep as the calf, and it won't sink to the bottom even if you step in." Zhuifeng got up and replied.

With the judgment of the chasing wind? The other two were relieved.

"But just in case? We still walked around. Our weapons are not waterproof. If they go without (mo) water? The durability of the weapons drops quickly." Tang Jiu said.

The three continued to walk forward.

As it goes deeper, the number of trees gradually increases? The crowns of the two trees meet? Connect into one piece. It's just that because of the fog and nuclear radiation, the leaves are naturally brown.

And the originally inconspicuous vision became even worse because of entering the woods and the only overhead light source being covered.

"I have a hunch? As long as you walk through this forest? There may be the entrance to the underground military base." Tang Jiu speculated.

The prophet asked: "You guessed it?"

Tang Jiu shook his head with a serious expression: "These trees have been around for some years. If it is said that this place was abandoned because of a nuclear explosion, then this is definitely not the center of the nuclear explosion. The land is black and the leaves are yellow? This is obviously land nuclear radiation. The negative impact. The center of the nuclear explosion should be black scorched earth, and there will not be so many trees? I think as long as you walk in for a while, you can know the result."

The prophet is holding the radar in his hand? The other three groups of points on the radar are already far away. According to the distance of 500 meters in a grid? The nearest Link 1 group? It is also two kilometers away.

"If we can find the entrance to the underground military base first? We will definitely get more rewards than others. So, we should go faster and try to search for more places." Said the chasing wind who walked ahead.


Just as the chasing wind was speaking, a black shadow drifted quickly from a short distance in front of him.

"Stop!" The chasing wind stopped immediately.

Although the light was dim in the woods and the visibility was low in the gray mist, he could still see the figure hidden in the gray mist just now.

Tang Jiu and the prophet braked sharply and slammed into the former one by one.

In the threesome, Tang Jiu was caught in the middle, left and right male.

"That's it, it should be this just now!" The prophet lowered his voice, speaking as fast as a machine gun.

The three of them caught the flying black shadow in the gray mist just now.

The mysterious creature was so fast that the three of them could not see the outline clearly.

Tang Jiu looked down at the radar on the weapon for the first time. Through the gas mask, he could see a pair of horrified eyes: "There is nothing displayed on my radar!"

Any creature with a heartbeat can be shown on the radar.

Now the monster had just passed in front of them, but nothing showed on the radar.

"Could it be that I have seen a ghost..." Chaifeng frowned, leaning against the tree to be vigilant.

The other two also leaned their backs against the big tree, raising their guns on alert.

The quagmire of death was extremely quiet, except for the sound of a thumping heart in his chest, he could not hear any abnormal noise, including the other three points, there was no movement at all.

"What the **** is that?" Tang Jiu couldn't help asking.

Chasing the wind put on his blue gloves, and then picked up the official Shadu Army "Thor" assault rifle, his eyes always on alert: "Ask me, where do I know!"

What the prophet has in his hand is a green-quality spray, which he exchanged for his contribution points at the Military Intelligence Department.

But at this moment, the prophet suddenly felt a lot of weight on his shoulders, as if he was taking someone's arm.

"Okay, don't play, don't relax at this time." Because the gas mask blocked the side view, the prophet whispered a grumble.

But after speaking, the arm on the shoulder didn't seem to be taken away, and the prophet couldn't help raising his hand to shake it away.

But when he touched the thick arm, the prophet's brain went blank, and there was a hum...

Some are smooth, but there is also a kind of hard short bristles with a slight tingling sensation, and the unique limb stage of arthropods, and there is a cold start feeling.

The prophet immediately raised his head, and in the next second, in the gas mask's small field of vision, he saw a giant spider with a sharp black spiked mouthpart slamming down towards the prophet after opening its jaws.


Suddenly, spiders with the size of a player on their heads and feet suddenly appeared above their heads, and the prophet's soul was half scared.

Although he was shocked by the young man, the combat literacy he had developed in the past month has not fallen, and a roll just dodges the fatal blow.

In the next second, it rolled 180 degrees on the ground, holding the sprayer in both hands, and fired twice.


The loud sound of shotguns wafted through the death quagmire.

The other two Zhuifeng and Tang Jiu immediately dodge from under the tree.

The giant spider hid back to the dense tree canopy, and the spray in the hands of the prophet kept going, and it emptied all the eight shotguns in the expanded magazine.

The steel **** exploded from the shotgun hit the tree canopy, shattering many leaves, and rustling fell from the treetops.

The giant spider did not see a shadow, nor did any blood stains shed, only the leaves that were broken by the impact and bullets, separated from the branches, and fell to the ground like heavy snow, falling on the three of them.

Just when the three people thought that the giant spider had been dispelled, the crown of the tree above their heads began to tremble violently, and the tree crowns adjacent to it also seemed to have pressed a vibration switch and began to tremble.

In the next second, the giant spider jumped down from the canopy and swooped at the prophet who had just shot. Other trees around also jumped off the giant spider, and quickly surrounded the three of them...

"Catch another!" The macaw who followed Link was hunting the strange creature in the dead quagmire exclaimed excitedly.

Just as the macaw pointed and pointed and watched Ah Fu put an emerald green translucent ooze monster into the glassware and stuffed it into his backpack, the macaw was stunned.

"Well, did you hear a scream?"

Link picked up the radar, looked at the sound source again, and muttered: "I didn't expect this misty mist to have the effect of blocking the sound."

The radar shows that the distance between the two is two kilometers. From the perspective of Link's emperor's vision, this sound contains a lot of energy, but it is divided by layers in the gray fog. When the ears are only scattered, it is as fine as a mosquito. .

The next second, the radar showed that the No. 3 radar sent a distress message.

"There is a problem on the chasing wind, let's go!"

As soon as Link finished speaking, he put a "Hurry" on himself, and rushed towards point 3 at an extraordinary speed.

The macaw picked up the skeleton wolf on the side, and disappeared into place instantly like a bolt of lightning.

When Ah Fu stuffed the ooze monster into his backpack and raised his head, no one could be seen around him.

Ah Fu tilted his head: "Oh?"

Ah Fu wondered: "Where have all the people gone?"

The next second, there was a high-frequency "wipe" rubbing sound from the woods.

Then one wave covered another wave, and even the entire forest in the gray fog initiated the same high-frequency vibration.

Ah Fu shuddered suddenly and looked around.

He didn't know where the boss and the macaw went, looked around at a loss, and the soft soil on the ground had recovered as before, and there was no trace of footprints.

There was another ghost yelling behind him, Ah Fu panicked.

In the next second, Ah Fu felt a black shadow swaying past his eyes quickly, and he could not find a trace when he fixed his eyes.

Ah Fu didn't have any firearms in his hands, and he came out as a backpack for the boss.

Moreover, Ah Fu's skills strengthen backpacks, body spiritualization, psychic rituals, and coffin palace, none of them are offensive skills.

He couldn't face the unknown horror in the quagmire of death alone.

Ah Fu ran away, frantically speeding up.

In the woods, a giant spider wiping its jaws and teeth suddenly rushed down from the tree. Ah Fu was bent over his head with both hands, just to escape, making the giant spider rush away.

However, countless giant spiders rushed down from the canopy. Ah Fu's fear, fear, and panic became a "good medicine" to stimulate the secretion of adrenaline. At this moment, Ah Fu had only one idea running! The faster you run, the better, the farther you go!

The giant spider repeatedly flew into the air, and even flew early, and was stepped on by Ah Fu to help step on it.

If Ah Fu could see the picture behind him at this moment, he would definitely get goose bumps.

There are huge radiant spiders in groups in the woods, to say nothing, there are thousands of them, pushing and squeezing each other, chasing after the fat man who smells delicious not far in front.

Ah Fu ran tirelessly until the woods disappeared from his eyes, and a piece of red scorched earth appeared instead.

The soles of the shoe fit the ground, and you can clearly feel the hardness and heat.

Ah Fu couldn't help but glanced back when he was running, and found that those terrifying spider monsters were all piled up on the border of the woods.

Upon seeing this, Ah Fu stopped, his hands on his hips, gasping for breath.

He took out a bottle of water from his backpack, unscrewed the cap and drank it.

After drinking the water, he wiped a handful of his mouth with his sleeve, stretched out his arm and raised his fist at the number of hairy spiders.

Ah Fu stretched out his index finger, looked at thousands of radiant spiders provocatively, and shouted: "Come here~"

"Come here if you have the ability!"

"I'm here waiting for you!"

He poked his **** at the radiant spider again, and hula danced again.

It seems to vent all the negative emotions just now.

The radiant spiders standing on the terracotta soil, after clamoring for a while, began to gradually retreat into the woods in batches.

Seeing the radiation spiders retreating, Ah Fu clapped his hands, quite a pleasure of retreating a million soldiers alone.

Now the woods can't go back, so I can only move on.

Ah Fu looked around, and there was a piece of red land under his feet, and the most important thing was that the fog had disappeared.

No, to be precise, it was not disappearing, but a layer of gray mist floating two or three meters above the head.

It's like the dense dark clouds in the sky when Shadu is overcast and rainy.

It's just that the height of these "dark clouds" is too low.

The distant scene can finally be seen this time.

The ground is undulating, and there are many depressions with a diameter of five or six meters and a depth of about one meter. Such unevenness constitutes a red land.

In the distance, Ah Fu saw a pile of scattered boulders, many of which were taller than the gray fog, and only the lower half of the "body" was faintly exposed. The height of two meters above was all hidden in the gray fog. , Constitutes an extremely strange picture.

Just when he stood still and looked around.

Suddenly there was an unusual howling wind from the gray mist.

This feeling is the same as the sound made by the black shadow passing by just now!


A palm was pressed on Ah Fu's shoulder, and a fierce force was about to lift it into the gray mist.

Ah Fu turned his head to and saw a rotten greenish, imperfect arm, pressed against his shoulder.

Skin and flesh fester, sticky blood vessels, shriveled and black muscles, and exposed bones that are oxidized and yellowed. Ah Fu seemed to be able to smell the stench of decay through the gas mask.

Ah Fu's brain buzzed and immediately turned on [Body Spiritualization].

The rotten arm grabbed a hole and shrank back into the gray mist.

And Ah Fu began to run wildly, seeing countless rotting arms in Linghua, stretching out from the gray mist to fish for people...

The spiritualized Ah Fu crossed the boulder pile, then the terracotta disappeared, and the scene in front of him went dark.

He appeared in a building similar to a bunker...

P.S: The last week is left, thank you for your monthly pass support! Now it is 97th, with a gap of less than a few dozen votes from the 100th. It will soon be overtaken. Wan Jun has worked hard for a month and everyone has voted seriously for a month. I definitely don't want to be overtaken at the last minute , Everyone work hard together, rush the duck~