Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 407

Chapter 407

One hundred thousand steppe wolves ended their battle in the Gobi, driving back several times their own number of creatures.

Link looked at the "trophies" brought back by the 100,000 Steppenwolves, and the corners of his mouth rose.

Back, all back!

The last time a hundred thousand wasteland wolves appeared from the end of the Gobi, the roar and trampling caused by the sound resounded through the Gobi, and even the players and NPCs in Shenmu City in the distance were alarmed. This time, in addition to 100,000 steppe wolves, hundreds of thousands of creatures were also driven over.

Link stood on the balcony, watching the vast wild life, splashing dust in the gallop, stretching across the sky, as if a huge sandstorm hit from a distance, magnificent. The trampling sounds of hundreds of thousands of creatures converged into a muffled thunder-like sound, constantly floating in the sky.

"Mom, Steppenwolf has driven so many beasts back? This picture is so spectacular, it needs to be photographed!" The macaw said, turned around and slid out of the office, and appeared again on the balcony after a few seconds, on his head. Hang up a camera chicken. Since wearing the camera chicken yesterday, the macaw has discovered some new world, and in the news report that Link became the supreme commander of the Shadu, his video of General Winlayton vomiting blood has also become an excellent evidence.

The edited video even confirmed the defeat of General Winlayton and the defeat of the front line. Even the soldiers at most air bases believed the rhetoric in the live TV broadcast.

This made the macaw more interested in photography and realized the importance of video recording. Coupled with his newly activated speed ability, he can also flap his wings and fly. With the camera chicken, he can shoot in any environment without losing any details.

Link enters the [Swarm Commander] mode, and immediately manipulates the Steppenwolf into wings, spreading to both sides, forming an arc to wrap the driven wild animals, and force them to the bottom of the Weeping Valley.

After finishing all this, Link returned to the office and immediately dialed the office number of the Military Intelligence Department.

"Ren Yi, I now have a huge engineering task and need to be dispatched by someone else..."

As Link made the call, the players in Shenmu City heard the muffled thunder and couldn't help but stop working and looked up to the sky.

But there was nothing unusual in the sky during the day, and the sound seemed to be coming from the east of the sacred tree.

The clever player remembered that a similar scene had appeared during the construction of Shenmu City last time, and immediately realized that it should be the return of the last 100,000 Steppenwolves.

Link became the commander-in-chief of Sand City on the front foot, and 100,000 Wasteland Wolves on the back foot returned, making it clear that he was going to completely solve the mechanical gods and the wasteland gang in the desert? Prepare to eliminate the troubles forever.

After the macaw took the picture? Back to the balcony of the Howling Castle, he couldn't help but sigh: "If the video of Steppenwolf's return just now can be put on the Shadu TV station? It will definitely calm the people of Shadu. Are these 100,000 steppe wolves? A gale desert is more than enough, right?"

Link's original idea was...

But after listening to the macaw, a new inspiration suddenly burst into my mind? Maybe I can combine my previous plan with the macaw's suggestion.

"Lao Jin, I'm going to have a free federal video conference later, there is something you need to do."

Link: "So... so..."

After listening to the macaw? The whole parrot was a little dumbfounded.

After a while, he recovered from the shock? Staring at Link, "You are cruel or cruel. You want to use a steppenwolf to leverage multiple profits... I guess Penny will like you. plan."

Link patted the Macaw on the shoulder and said, "Don't be modest, you have a credit for this plan. Okay, I'm going to a meeting? I'll do your business quickly."

The macaw stood there blankly, with a lonely expression: "I, it's not clean..."

Link soon came to the video conference room, holding a notebook and a silver thermos cup in his hand.

The news of Shadu's second defeat and the appearance of the new leader spread to Longcheng and Faye in tandem.

In view of the extremely unstable social conditions and external factors in Saudi Arabia, the Free Federation Committee submitted an application in the early morning and will launch a video conference of the Trilateral Leaders of the Free Federation in three days to evaluate and discuss the current situation in Saudi Arabia.

Shadu borders Dragon City and Faye.

Once Shadu falls into the quagmire of war, the southern part of Dragon City and the western part of Faye will be exposed to the mechanical gods and the waste soil gang. At that time, Longcheng and Faye will encounter the dilemma of two lines at the same time. Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, they need to evaluate the current situation in Saudi Arabia and decide whether to send troops to strengthen.

Today, Link needs to discuss countermeasures and procedures with the three commanders of Shadu.

Link turned on the video conferencing equipment, and soon the faces of Moon, Dai Yi and Fernandez appeared on the screen.

"Since everyone is here, let me say a few words before then. After the meeting is over, the three of you will be selected separately, select a group of soldiers with riding and shooting experience and send them to Shenmu City. I have arrangements."

Although the three commanders didn't know what cards Link was playing, they all took note of them and made arrangements with their secretaries on the spot.

In the following video conference, Link emphatically asked about the arrangements of the trilateral summit video conference, and listened to the three commanders on the current situation of their respective forces. Through this meeting, Link had a concrete understanding of the current military strength and armament of Shadu. For the Air Force report, the commander of the army Fernandez made a unified speech.

Shadu has 2,000 special fox hunting troops, 4,000 army personnel, and 1,500 registered intelligence personnel and spies.

The Air Force has 300 personnel in service and logistics, with 15 reconnaissance aircraft, 15 Raptor fighters, and 1 long-range bomber.

After reading the data, Link knew that these two operations suffered heavy losses. The 10,000-strong army was beaten to only 4,000, and the Fox Hunting Special Forces and Teco personnel were also killed in the cumulative battle. These are non-renewable NPCs, and it is very difficult to make up after the loss.

If it wasn't for Link's highest level of mastery of Shadu, otherwise, with the current strength, let alone dealing with the mechanical gods and the wasteland gang, even the stability of Shadu would be somewhat stretched.

It's no wonder that Longcheng and Faye, who are thousands of miles away, are so anxious. In their assessment, once this force meets the pressure of the Mechanic City and the Wasteland Gang, the final result can only be to retreat to Shadu, relying on Shadu City. Guerrilla warfare in complex terrain. But at that time, the entire sand will be razed to the ground and reduced to rubble in the war.

In their current status, Commander Moon, as a calm elder, has profound insights in the military.

The army commander Fernandez, since the army lost more than half of the army, his whole spirit has disappeared. Now he is reduced to a tool man, replacing Link to supervise the Fourth Army.

And Turco's Commander Dai, more like Link's advisory army division, is responsible for formulating tactical plans and theories on a macro level.

At the end of the meeting, Commander Dai couldn't help but ask: "General, there are three days to go to the Trilateral Summit. With our current strength and equipment in Shadu, Longcheng and Faye will definitely take the opportunity to send troops to help. Sovereignty integrity will be challenged. We must find a way to recruit troops within the next few days. I suggest that all the slum forces be enlisted and naturalized first, and the number of troops will be temporarily expanded. Do not give Longcheng and Faye an excuse to send troops."

Commander Moon on the side looked solemn, as if thinking of the past, and said, "That's the truth. Once Longcheng and Faye stationed in Shadu, their troops will not be controlled by the general and have the right to act independently. And they are defeating the desert coalition forces. Later, Dragon City and Fa Yehui asked us to pay for the military expenses, which generally consist of military expenses and border land. Therefore, in these three days, we must find a way to expand the army, and it cannot be a casual expansion."

After listening to the two men's suggestions, Link showed clear expressions on his faces: It's okay, you just follow my requirements. Not only will Dragon City and Faye find any excuses for sending troops in three days, the frontline will also usher in a big battle. Win!"

The three commanders were shocked, and this was not the first time they heard this.

Yesterday when he was at the sacred tree Nosh, Link said something similar.

However, without recruiting new recruits and replenishing troop capacity, how do you deal with the summit meeting three days later?

With the current level of heavy industry in Saudi Arabia, mobility is a big problem, and there is no way to crack the super mobility of the armed jeep.

How easy is it to make a big victory in this situation?

After ending the video conference, the big screen instantly turned black.

Among the three commanders in the military district conference room, Dai Yi couldn't help but exhale.

"Oh, I hope that I can successfully deal with the summit council in three days. I only worry about it. The general must not make the same radical mistake as Winlayton in order to create a big victory."

Dai Yi has evolved many times in his mind. It is almost impossible for the army to attack. If it is the air force's fixed-point bombing, it is very likely to repeat the mistakes of yesterday and be shot down one by one by the laser weapons of Mechanical City. The only way to win a big victory is for Link to bring the pets to the front line to destroy himself.

Thinking of this, wearing eyelids jumped wildly, with an ominous premonition.

Fernandez hasn't recovered from yesterday's loss, his facial paralysis is like a robot.

On the other hand, Moon sneered at Dai Yi's pessimistic attitude, and said, You still don't have enough knowledge of Link. According to Li Ziqian and Benjamin, Link is a person who can't act without full confidence, since he said three. There will be a big victory in the diva, then this big victory will definitely happen, so you don't have to worry about it."

Dai froze for a moment, then sighed, "Hope."

The supreme leader of Shadu was replaced by Link from Winleyton. This news successfully grabbed the headlines of the day and even surpassed the defeat of Shadu frontline.

The people of Shadu, regardless of class, agreed that as long as Link became the highest commander, he would surely lead Shadu through the difficulties and toward glory.

Link's growth can be said to be obvious to all in the whole sand, watching it bit by bit.

From the beginning, a slave, then the leader of the Link gang, defeated Baihetang to become the leader of the Qilintang, and then equalized with the other three forces in the slum, unified the slum, assassinated Moros, took over the Shadu economy, entered the military committee, and then Now he has become the true leader of Shadu.

Link breaks Shadu's original rules and people's perceptions every step of the way.

We need to have good looks, strength and strength, and means and means.

Moreover, from the very beginning, it was the upper hand, the weaker against the stronger, and he completed a major change in his identity in more than half a year and became one of the few men at the top of the power of Saturn. In half a year, I went from being a slave to becoming a leader of Shadu. Even Shadu TV's inspirational drama did not dare to do it like this. The audience would explode.

Link's own experience is a miracle, and the citizens of Shadu believe that Link will create another miracle!

In addition to Shadu's NPC, Link officially became the leader of Shadu, causing an uproar among players.

Even with the wind chasing Rejoice, Pirate Liangren, and Bombing Chicken trio, they have become the envy of many players.

These three have the closest relationship with Link, and they are all members of the Lin Financial Group or Link's direct influence. They are obviously favored in several contacts with Link. According to the words of other players, this wave is true.

That is the leader of Shadu, such a leader is three in the entire Free Federation!

The high status need not go into details.

It can be said that the plot rhythm and major events of the entire waste Saturn are inseparable from these three people.

He even kept a friendly relationship with Link, thinking of the guilds that held his thighs, and laughed wildly in the villa at this moment.

This wave of betting is not biased!

Just as everyone was bombarded by heavy news and gradually forgot about the front-line war, a novel advertisement suddenly appeared in the major LED displays in Shadu and in TV want to be prestigious. Rush mount? Want a loyal and reliable comrade in arms? It is swift and flexible! It is loyal to the inside and cruel to the outside! If you want to own a wasteland wolf, come to Shenmu City! We have also prepared a variety of auxiliary equipment tailored for you, as well as an integrated logistics service base, so that you can ride comfortably with peace of mind. In addition, there are three types of Steppenwolves to choose from to meet all your needs! The minimum match with Steppenwolves is only 99800, and Steppenwolves take home!

Mobile APP of this site: Mimi Reading

In conjunction with the passionate advertising slogan, the steppe wolves with muscular muscles appeared in the eyes of the players and Shadu citizens in the advertisement with grinning teeth. In the picture, the macaw is holding the reins, riding on the back of steppenwolves and running wildly in the Gobi. There are also scenes of commanding steppen wolves to prey, and the first perspective is presented, which has a great sense of substitution.

When the player saw this TV commercial, his eyes immediately turned red and couldn't help but exclaim:

"Fuck, this is a mount!"


As an extremely important component in a game, it has always received the attention of players.

There are even more players who pay attention to mounts than players who pay attention to battle.

As a basic but also very important module, it does not reflect too much when players enter the early stage of the game.

The only mounts that ordinary players can touch are bicycles and electric vehicles.

High-end players such as Chasing the Wind drive a sports car of hundreds of thousands.

But the Steppenwolf that was suddenly launched today made everyone's eyes shine!

This is not only a mount, but also a pet that can participate in battle!

At this moment, in the minds of all players, only one line of words appeared-buy is earn!

P.S: Steppenwolf mounts are sold, 1 monthly ticket, first come first served.