Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 406

Chapter 406

After the macaw finished speaking, it hopped silently back to the pet pile, and wanted to become an invisible person, but it was a pity that the old hen was photographed with his hair, making it the most conspicuous in the pet pile wherever he went. that one.

Link got up, the three-point shame in his expression was pretending, the four-point excitement was real, and the three-pointer was firm, all supported by acting.

"Everyone's words make me wake up like a dream. Since it is related to the lives of thousands of people in Shadu, it is my duty. I will ask the three commanders for advice in the future!" Link picked up the teacup and drank it.

Commander Moon also drank tea. After making the decision, the pressure on his body was relieved, and the whole person looked a lot relaxed.

"Since the identity of General Lin Shadu's Supreme Commander has been determined, I think we should release the news as soon as possible to stabilize the military's morale, and at the same time deal with the letter of inquiry from the Free Federation."

"I suggest that the inauguration ceremony be broadcast live all over the country, and it is best to be confirmed tonight."

Now the three of them have set their identities, drink tea and swear allegiance, and relieved their military power.

Just as Link was about to say something, the macaw ran over again, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and yelled into the microphone: "Hello, Penny, you have heard the discussion just now, hurry up!"

The supervisor on the other end of the phone, Penny, heard the exciting news, his eyes lit up, and his tone was excited: "Don't worry, I will arrange it now and give me half an hour!"

Hanging up the phone, Supervisor Penny trembled with excitement, and began to mutter to himself uncontrollably: "When the boss was the economic foreign minister and the slum boss, the Lin consortium could almost control all walks of life in Shadu. Now the boss will officially become the supreme commander of Shadu. From then on, the entire Shadu will be the back garden of the Lin consortium. In the future, business can be done in other parts of the Federation...

Penny looked at the map of the waste Saturn behind him, grinning: "From now on, the commercial territory of the Lin Consortium will begin to expand abroad..."

Weeping valley, sacred tree.

The macaw hung up the phone and ran into the pet pile with the camera chicken, coming and going without a trace.

Link looked at the camera chicken in the pet pile, smiled and shook his head. He did not understand why the macaw was so active today, and his eyesight was amazing. First he cursed Winleyton and then criticized Link. He became a black face twice, prompting three people. The commander handed over the right to dispatch troops, and finally contacted the supervisor Penny in a timely manner to confirm the live broadcast and the upper-level affairs, which happened just right.

If it weren't for the two iconic Zuan raps just now, Link would even think whether this guy was possessed by something.

"General Lin, the Shadu troops suffered heavy losses in the two battles? According to your previous statement, if the enemy has been harassing maneuveringly? What should we do?" Commander Dai's identity changed quickly? He soon turned his attention back to On the battlefield.

Shadu did not have many mobile units, and the army lost many armed jeeps, armored vehicles and tanks in this battle.

Even the stranger who was proud of before, is like wheat waiting to be harvested in front of the armed jeep, falling into cannon fodder under the intensive firepower.

If the enemy is harassing with highly mobile armed jeep teams every day? Does Sha all want to fight out? I am afraid it will be difficult.

"This problem will be solved in a few days? Don't worry. The top priority now is to send the news of the defeat back to Shadu? Stabilize the situation first..."

"The general rest assured, we will fully cooperate." The three commanders Qi Qi said.

Now that the military power is gone, if you still can't unite with Link? I'm afraid that it will soon be put at home under the pretext of rest, completely empty.

Link said meaningfully: "Then I will be busy tonight!"

Overnight? Sandy was in a hurry inside and outside.

The news that the frontline had suffered another defeat came back to the city. At night, the citizens who saw the troops assemble and drive out of the city were panicked.

"I heard that the army on this expedition was defeated? Ten thousand troops advanced at night? They fell into the trap of the enemy. I heard that less than one in ten came back, and the crying valley was full of corpses!"

"Ah? Lost again? How could you lose? Isn't Link in the military committee, and there are so many strangers..."

"I heard that Link had ambiguities about this event, but it was difficult for a person to be alone in the military committee. He simply quit a week ago and took his pet to play in Shadu every day."

"It must be the superiority of this group of commanders. They look down on Link's background and suppress it in a group. This group of trash has caused the Shadu people to be panicked now.

"Well, if it is like this, it will probably be sooner or later that the sand dunes fall. We might as well pack up and retreat. I heard that if the desert coalition forces invade the city, we will either be captured by the Wasteland Gang and become a slave or be a mechanical god. Teach to grab a battery of human flesh!"

"Stop talking, I hurried home to pack up my things~"

Many citizens have given birth to the idea of "soft running", and this feeling seems to be spread through the air. The whole sand is filled with a smell of worry and anxiety, and there are even more violent activities at night. Shao, Mina and her subordinate thugs patrolled the slums and didn't stop all night.

In the middle of the night, the previously silent streets were full of vehicles fleeing north.

There are also many people who leave on foot with their bags. They have no destination and no detailed plan. The only idea now is to leave Shadu.

The emotion of fear spreads and spreads with the continuous horn of the vehicle.

As people left Shadu in a hurry, all the large LED screens in Shadu City and the speakers all over the block showed the figure and voice of Nicole, the first host of Shadu TV.

The pedestrians walking on the road, hearing this familiar and unfamiliar voice, could not help but stop.

The large projection on the surface of the building, the large LED screen on the outer wall of the shopping mall, and the broadcast in the slum area are all the woman's voice at this moment.

"Hello everyone, I'm Nicole. Now I'm bringing you a special report in the Crying Valley. Mr. Link, the Minister of Economic Affairs of Shadu, Member of Shadu Military Committee, Director of Shadu Military Intelligence Division, Chairman of Lin's Financial Group, from now on He served as the supreme commander of the military and political affairs of Shadu. The former commander of the military and political affairs of Shadu, Commander Winlayton, supervised the battle on the front line. After learning the news of the second defeat, he could not bear the blow. He vomited blood and became unconscious. After he recovered, he was fully responsible for the defeat of the army. The committee members voted urgently to appoint Link as the new supreme military and political commander in Saudi Arabia..."

Nicole's firm tone, coupled with the Shenmu City in the background, made this news more credible.

The passers-by and the citizens are still wondering, instead of setting up a military committee, Shadu will vote and co-manage it. When will Air Force Commander Winleyton become the supreme commander of Shadu?

As Nicole continued to report, the truth of the matter gradually emerged.

It turned out that the committee was deeply aware of the slowness of the voting system, so it voted for the oldest commander of Winleyton to be the interim supreme commander of Shadu. In addition to the on-site report, there was also a scene of Commander Winlayton with his eyes cracked, vomiting blood and falling to the ground with his fingers in the distance, and the angle of view was switched again, and what he saw was the scene of the desert forces armed jeep shooting.

Finally, the new leadership of Shadu, with Link as the supreme commander and three commanders as the supplementary leaders, appeared.

Link delivered an important speech on "Coming together to fight foreign enemies", and said that if the extreme desert forces are not eliminated, he will stick to the Weeping Valley for a day! The other three commanders also expressed their intention to assist the Supreme Commander in defending Shadu.

After watching the interview, the pedestrians on the road were stunned for a while.

After a while, many people turned around and walked back.

Hey, Link has taken office, so why run? Go home and sleep!

Link officially became the supreme commander of Shadu, in addition to the Lin consortium, which controls Shadu's economy, and slum forces.

The idea of fleeing to Shadu was easily dismissed by this piece of news, and almost nine out of ten people chose to go home to sleep.

As for the remaining 0.1, they are basically concentrated in the underground black market and platinum hotels.

Seeing this news, the underground emperor, Derek the "good old man" could not sit still.

The Platinum Hotel launched the highest authority statistics on Link. As a result, Link has now become a veritable king of the sand with his backhand. His underground black market is open under the eyes of others. Can he not panic?

Link, this guy even dared to break into the machine city and razed the underground black market and the platinum hotel to the ground, he really could do it!

Derek worriedly took out a candy bar phone from the pure lead safe and dialed a number...

The next day, early morning.

Link felt the sun shine on the corner of the quilt, slowly opened his eyes, and entered the system for the first time.

The four titles of [Shadu Special Operations Battalion Commander], [Member of Shadu Military Committee], [Shadu Economic Foreign Minister], and [Director of Shadu Military Intelligence Department] in the system identity have all disappeared, replaced by a new one IdentityThe Supreme Commander of Shadu

"Huh, not a dream..."

After checking the new title again and again, Link breathed a sigh of relief.

What happened last night was too dense. From resisting the coalition forces in the desert to becoming the supreme commander of Shadu without blood, interviews and work arrangements were carried out to stabilize the situation in Shadu. When everything was done, we returned to the Howling Fort, it was early morning. Five o'clock.

"Are you awake so early? I'm still going to wake you up~"

Just when Link lost his senses, the macaw appeared in the bedroom with a silver dinner plate on one wing, a face towel spread on the other wing, a tight black suit on his body and a small red bow tie around his neck. It looked like a hotel waiter.

Link rubbed his eyes and yawned twice: "This is not your style? Is it a sequelae of using the power yesterday?"

The macaw was full of black lines, but still took a deep breath of anger under the air pressure, and replied: "Your status is different now. You are already the highest commander of the Shadu. There must be a decent person around you who is responsible for your daily life. Secretary. And looking at your men and pets, who can have lightning-fast errand speed, plus excellent eloquence, can you find the second one besides me?"

The macaw put down the towel and the dinner plate, stroked the top of its head with its wings, and assumed a pose that it considered handsome.

Link shuddered at the thought of the Macaw's [Big Horn] skill.

If he really makes the macaw wake him up every day, then he must be weakened.

"From then on, you can stay by my side as a secretary. As for the task of getting up and morning, it would be better for me to make a talking plant here. You have to spend your precious time on helping me with government affairs." Lin Ke also used a very tactful way to reject the kindness of the macaw.

The macaw laughed with his arms on his hips: "Sure enough, Link, have you seen my change now! What you said is true. I must devote my limited time to more important things, such trivial things as you get up. Just put a potted plant in the bedroom or something to solve it!"

Link got up to wash and clean up, and came to the office while eating breakfast.

From yesterday until five o'clock in the morning, he was very busy dealing with things, and the system issued a lot of notification sounds, he didn't pay attention, so he reviewed it well in the morning.

The first is the change in identity. The countless military and political identities of Shadu are now all unified into one [High Commander of Shadu].

[Supreme Commander in Shadu]: Shadu's official leader, political and military supreme leader, Shadu's will.

The commander-in-chief of the Four Armies, the highest spokesperson, and the leader of Shadu Special City with a population of 45 million.

The second is the change in Link's influence, from 10 to 12, which truly reaches Shadu and surrounding satellite cities, towns, and villages.

At 12 o'clock, this is the maximum that a single city can achieve. Next, if Link wants to expand his influence, he has to develop to the entire waste Saturn level. The upper limit of the top influence of a single planet is 15 points, and only the wasteland singer Alia can be achieved.

In addition to influence, after Link became the supreme commander of Shadu, he also gained a speciality-Shadu will, the perseverance of Shadu can be fully reflected in you.

[Shadu Will]: Health +2000, Energy +500, Charm +10

After reading the properties interface, Link enters the task interface.

Because he became the supreme commander of Shadu, all the current difficulties Shadu encountered appeared in Link's list in the form of tasks.

[Main City Mission [ShaduEliminate Sickness]]

[Task reminder: The Mechanic Cult and the Wasteland Gang have been raging on the sands for a long time, and now they are trying to annex the Sands. As the supreme commander of the Sand Capital, you are obliged to eliminate the ills in the desert and return the entire gale desert to the embrace of Sand Capital]

[Task Reward: Random Specialty, 1 million experience points, activate epic event [Desert Heart]]

The main city mission, the new mission type that Link gets.

Generally, only in the later stages of the game, when the player occupies a small planet, or becomes the lord of a certain city or the leader of the forces, the mission type will be available. After completing the mission, certain special events will usually be activated.

Because the requirements of becoming the leader of the forces are demanding, coupled with the complex task line, the task is difficult, and few players complete it.

And Link remembers, as gentle as a chasing wind. After entering the universe in his previous life, this guy accidentally activated a special mission when he was doing an agent mission on a planet, leading the slaves to resist tyranny, and was finally unanimous by the slaves on the planet. Elected as the leader and won the title [Slave Liberator].

Link ran through the system again, and found no new records.

As soon as the front foot closed the system, Link saw that the water in the teacup on the table made circular ripples-the earth was trembling slightly.

I got up and walked to the balcony. Looking out, there was a huge amount of black and crushed creatures in the Gobi, which were divided into two waves, rushing towards the Weeping Valley.

P.S: Ask for a monthly pass, thank you gracefully~