Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 267

Chapter 267

Chapter 269 I'm Sorry

John looked at Link calmly without saying anything.

Write a 'I'm not kidding' face.

Although Link's level mission [Mandala's Revenge] requires the killing of the'Seven Emperors', Link knows that this must be done with the power of the player, and the task is extremely difficult on his own! So for the time being, he could only dormant development without showing any signs. Even after he came to Shadu for two months, Link didn't even do the E-class task of sending a pocket watch to Moros, just because he was afraid of being exposed and being watched.

Link recalled his previous life. At the time of the game's public beta, the boss of Shadu was General Alonso, which means that John's assassination was not successful.

Knowing that it was a failed mission, Na Link would naturally not risk exposure to this muddy water.

If it fails, everything that has been devoted to operating in Shadu will be nothing.

Moreover, he will become a wanted criminal of the Free Federation, which will be difficult for future development.

But Link continued to follow John's words, trying to get more inside information.

"The earth emperor of Shadu, the official supreme leader of Shadu, surrounded by masters, hundreds of thousands of soldiers with automated equipment, and Teco spies are everywhere in the city. If you want to assassinate General Alonso, it will be difficult for you to complete it. ?"

John was silent for a moment and said: "After these two months of follow-up visits, I understand that I know Alonso's itinerary and daily habits, and the security situation around him. There is still a chance for assassination, but an assistant is needed."

"So this person is me?" Link pointed at himself, shaking his head frantically.

"My family has a big business, so I won't go playing with fire with you. Kylintang is now booming. Give me another half a year. Kylintang is the leading gang in the slums. Why do you want to take risks with you?" Leaning on the wicker chair with Erlang's legs upturned.

At this moment, the macaw came over with a plate grinning.

"Come on, don't just chat, have some tea!"

From the end of the battle, the Macaw's eyes never left John.

His dark eyes widened, and when he looked closely, he wrote two words-curiosity.

John picked up a cup of tea and said thank you to the macaw.

"No thanks, no thanks! It turns out that Link still knows such a big person, and I have never heard him mention it before..." The macaw looked like a big fan of painter John.

"I know something like the former number one killer, do I have to tell you?"

"Go, go, stay, and don't delay my discussion."

Link waved away the macaw with a face of 'nympho', and by the way, he glanced at his back.

This guy's acting is too much. Why did Anna approach him in the first place? You parrot would not know? I had never mentioned it before, and I just opened my mouth.

The appearance of the macaw slightly adjusted the atmosphere, and the atmosphere returned to silence again after leaving.

"As far as the difficulty of the task is concerned, don't worry. I have already formulated an assassination plan, and now I just lack a helper."

"But if you drag you into the water, you have to take risks after all, so I can try my best to satisfy whatever compensation you want."

Gee tut.

The tone is really big.

Try to meet any compensation.

"Twenty million, cash."

Link tentatively opened a number.

John didn't even think about it, and he nodded in agreement: "No problem."

"As far as I know, you don't seem to have 20 million in cash. Is this money from the buyer?"

Apart from a few big hidden families, there are only a few outstanding figures who can afford 20 million. This makes Link even more curious about the figures behind the hired John to take on such a tricky task.

"Moros, the commercial emperor of Shadu, of course can afford this price."

Link was taken aback by John's answer, and he never expected that the person who asked John to come back out of the mountain was Moros.

But immediately, Link suddenly had a bad feeling.

"You told me that the employer behind you is trying to drag me into the water!"

John smiled, but couldn't see any apology on his face, and said, "Actually, your heart is already moved."

"I have a hammer in my heart. You are the number one killer. Even if you fail, you can escape. I have a bunch of people and industry in Shadu. If I succeed, I will become a wanted felon of the Free Federation. If I fail, Moros will not stay. I live alive. But no matter what the ending, I can't escape the sanctions."

John took something out of his pocket and threw it on the table: "With this thing, you don't have to worry about it."

Link picked up a lump of jelly, and found that it was something that looked like a faceless human face, and it looked a little oozing.

At the same time, an information introduction appeared in the system.

[Holographic Human Skin Mask]

[Quality: Purple]

[Description: There are 10 million bionic units on the holographic human skin mask and 5 million holographic light perception adjustments, which can change the face according to changes in the facial nerves, and no flaws can be seen at any angle. Only the top master of disguise can see through this human skin mask. ]

Purple epic quality items!

Link's eyes widened suddenly.

The highest quality thing he has on hand is the lavender [God Branch Girl], and John gave him a purple quality human skin mask as soon as he shot it.

With this human skin mask, Link does not have to worry about being discovered.

All previous games have reached version 6.0. As the waste Saturn of the novice planet, players have long been unearthed.

There is only one Master of Disguise of the Waste Saturn, and that master of Disguise is far away in the night of Faye, a druid who is proficient in pharmacy and performance.

In other words, no one could see Link wearing a human skin mask except for the master.

When Link tried to put the holographic human skin mask on his face, a prompt appeared suddenly.

[Whether to start editing the avatar, yes/no? ]

Link entered according to the options, and he realized that the magical effect of the human skin mask was not just a change in appearance.

All can be edited in terms of level, occupation, and status.

The level can be arbitrarily selected from 0 to your current level.

Occupation is to choose the same in one's own occupation and Link's occupation is a polymath, that is, you can imitate any occupation that has already learned the corresponding skills.

"If you put on the edited character, you won't recognize it even if it is a player!"

Shicai John launched a surprise attack on him, and Link guessed it all through the attribute panel.

Now that there is a holographic human skin mask, if you do something that will not see the sun in the future, you can wear the mask to avoid the embarrassment of being recognized by the player.

"The guards around Alonso are strong, and the intelligence is tight. With my strength, it is very likely that it would be a disservice to go."

"Don't worry about this, I can teach you some skills and experience, so that your strength can be improved in a short time." John said lightly.

"I still want to..."

"no problem."

Link was stunned, John had given too much...

(End of this chapter)