Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 266

Chapter 266

Chapter 268 You Are Playing With Fire

Link's heart suddenly shrank, and an overwhelming and dangerous atmosphere enveloped the small courtyard.

At the same time, the pets in Link in the backyard also felt a strong aura of unkindness.

When he was asleep, he was awakened and looked at the small courtyard with vigilant eyes; when he was awake, he rushed to the courtyard where Link was, protect the lord!

Link took out a weapon from his back, with a [Broken Throat] dagger in one hand and a [Magic Box Pistol] in the other.

He has a hunch that this will be the most dangerous battle he has faced since entering the game.


A black shadow flashed quickly behind Link, but Link turned his head and saw nothing.

Extremely fast, like a ghost, and powerful!

Although he hasn't seen anyone yet, Link can already make some definitions in advance.

"This kind of breath, I am afraid that the strength has reached the level of a senior killer."

Link frowned slightly. He had just viewed the Platinum Hotel app today, and there was no new reward on his body.

Now Link has two bounty tasks, one is the 200,000 gold reward, and the other is the 30,000 reward issued by the Wasteland Gang.

The high-level assassin sent out to receive the gold reward, this is completely a sledgehammer.

Then there are only two possibilities...

One is that the wasteland helped the people who came to Shadu find themselves.

The other is that the three commanders' wives began to retaliate.

Only these two forces can drive this level of power.

Link was extra careful, and at the same time he felt that the pets in the backyard began to gather here.

"That's right, let's experiment with the role of the three security companies!"

Link decided to himself that his mind was connected with the insects, and he began to approach the yard quietly.

The silver marching ants, the silver wall ants, the invisible killer bees, the psychedelic vines and the black widow in the distance all lie in ambush in the yard, waiting for the enemy to appear.


The shadow moved quickly again, and Link disappeared before he could react.

"Come out, it's boring to pretend to be a ghost."

Link's voice floated in the yard, but no movement was heard.

The lantern-shaped lights at the entrance of the house are evenly sprinkled in the courtyard.




Link's box pistol emptied its guns everywhere.

When the bullet count on the pistol reached 23, Link stopped shooting.

The treasure hunter quickly rushed to Link's shoulder and twittered.

Link understood roughly, Xiao Bao was saying that it couldn't smell the enemy, nor could he perceive the enemy's location.

Link shook his heart.

Treasure hunters have evolved into blue-quality pets, and their ability to detect smells and metals has greatly improved.

In this case, the enemy cannot be smelled, which is obviously abnormal.

Either this person has hidden his breath and does not have any metal on his body;

Either this guy who pretends to be a fool, he is not a human!


With two faint cracks, the light bulb in the lantern in front of the house shattered, and the courtyard suddenly became dark.

The macaw hugged its head with its wings and hid in the bushes. Because it was too big, it showed a big **** and trembled in fright.

Looks like a fat translator who has encountered an ambush. It is indeed a fat translator.

"I am out."

A voiceless, mechanical-like voice appeared behind Link.

Lin Ke turned his head suddenly and saw a pure black shadow standing on the wall. The windbreaker was hunting in the dark. He wore a cowboy hat on his head. The outline was like a medieval witcher.


Without saying anything, Link shot over.

Every 11th round of the Magic Box Pistol will randomly cause elemental damage and an abnormal effect.

This is why Link just fired 10 empty shots in a row just to get the 11th round.

The bullet was shot, and Link saw a ray of green light flying towards the shadow quickly.

The green bullets cause toxin damage. Once hit or scratched, or even through the smell, it will cause a continuous toxin effect.

The magic box pistol has an extremely fast rate of fire.

In Link's memory, in the 1.0 [Holy Son] version, it seems that there are not many guns with a rate of fire comparable to the magic box pistol.

The black shadow stood motionless, facing the green bullet, but only slightly turned his head to avoid the bullet.

Link smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

Although this person is strong, but too big, he has not realized that he has been poisoned by the magic box pistol.

In the next second, the shadow quickly attacked Link, the speed of which was staggering.

At the same time Link also saw the cold light of the dagger that suddenly appeared in the opponent's hand.

Link didn't dodge, but also picked up the dagger and rushed up against the shadow.

"How did you guess me?" John asked puzzledly.

Link looked speechless, he couldn't say that he was looking at Sombra's panel with detection technique, and then discovered the specialties of [Midnight Ghost] and the legendary template. Only then was it confirmed that Sombra was the painter John who was all right to add fuel to the fire.

"There is no metal on the body, and the breath has converged to the extreme. Obviously, I know Xiaobao's ability."

"I want to suppress the fight to the same level as me, but after driving you into a desperate situation several times, you showed strength beyond the same level and forcibly reversed the situation. I saw that I wanted to test me."

"Those who can feel the upper body of the marching ants for the first time are naturally familiar with it."

"There was such a big noise in the backyard, and none of the people in the front yard supported it. You must have blocked the sound in some way around you."

"After doing such a big battle, but just want to test my strength, without a thunder strike to death, obviously not the commander's wife or the wasteland gang."

"Through these points, I can already confirm that the shadow is you."

Having said that, after seeing the panel, Link was still a little surprised.

In just two months after coming to Shadu by himself, John went from a level 40 legend to a level 45 legend. This upgrade speed is almost the same as riding a rocket.

John sighed and moved his muscles and bones a bit: "It seems that I was right at the beginning. It has only been less than two months. Your current strength can threaten me. The poisonous bullets and the large metal of the Buddha's palm. Orangutans, self-tracking whistle arrows, invisible killer bees..."

John originally wanted to try how far Link has grown.

But when they played against each other just now, it was obviously himself who had suffered.

Every kind of creature made him feel embarrassed, and there was no way to dispel them only by using his own strength.

Link frowned slightly, thinking of the thing John sent him last time, which contained enough content to make Shadu collapse. Now he has come to the door in person and test his strength. Link always feels that John will drag him into the water.

"Let's talk about it, what is it about coming to see me this time. I don't think you came to me in the middle of the night to relive the old." Link spit.

John sat on the chair, holding the shorthair cat in his arms and said: "Then I will just say, I'm here to invite you to join a mission."

Link heard this last time but because of his lack of strength, he did not ask about the content of the mission.

He is now the head of the Qilin Hall, and he is also very influential in Shadu.

Coupled with the task that can invite all John to participate, it is definitely not a normal task.

"Oh, what task?"

"This task is..."

"Assassinate Alonso!"

Link's pupils suddenly shrank sharply, apparently shocked by John's words.

"You are playing with fire."

Thanks to Castrogen for the reward of 100 starting coins, Taipu Lao Shitu took me with Youhu to reward the 100 starting coins, the 200 starting coins rewarded without a poke, the 100 starting coins rewarded by surpriseer, Bai Yunwen White rewards with 200 starting coins, and 158 with 100 starting coins, thank you!

(End of this chapter)