Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 102

Chapter 102

"Boss, why is this tree so big!"

Ah Fuang raised his head and looked up and found that the entire space was wrapped in a huge canopy.

"The tree in the Colosseum is just a branch of the sacred tree Nova, named Noah. The real sacred tree is much taller than this."

Ah Fu's mouth was wide open and he could put a fist in.

A big tree with a trunk 100 meters wide and a flourishing crown covering the sky is just a branch. How big is the true sacred tree Nova?

Ah Fu felt that his brain was not enough, and he couldn't imagine that kind of picture at all.

"Boss, didn't you say that the Colosseum was built on a delta? Has this tree been here since there was a delta?"

"No, the roots of this section of the tree were moved from the Dark Forest with a huge amount of money, just to make the Moon Shadow Council get used to the environment here. So this is also the second home of the Moon Shadow Council after the Dark Forest."

"Hi, how much manpower and material resources have to be used to carry such a large tree root..." Ah Fu sighed.

The leading referee and You Rongyan said with a smile: "This is where our boss is great. As long as it is something that can be solved with money, it is nothing."

Link raised his head and glanced at the huge tree canopy, but he didn't say a few words.

According to the information seen on the forum in the previous life, some players said that from the task description, Moros chose to build construction in the Delta, and the Colosseum chose the mysterious tortoise shape, and even moved the sacred tree Nova branch here. , All to cover up the truth under the delta.

As for what the truth is, the mission statement did not elaborate, nor did the players know.

Moros said to the outside world that he was fascinated by the unique geographical location of the delta, but the delta was originally formed by the river's accumulation of sand all year round.

With the huge scale of the Colosseum, the pouring of the foundation is almost comparable to reclamation projects.

With the money for repouring, you can choose another location to rebuild an Colosseum.

In addition, in the eyes of divination and feng shui, Xuanwu's image function is suppression.

Cooperate with the branches of the **** tree Nova and the westward movement of the Moon Shadow Council.

Moroth's meaning is to ensure that no beast riots occur in the Colosseum and to maintain the fairness of the beasts.

But in Link's view, this is a bit overwhelming.

Maybe there is something weird under the feet.

But Link also knew that even if there were any secrets underground, it was not his current ability to explore.

Under the leadership of the referee, everyone quickly came to the big hole in the arch under the **** branch Yanoah.

There are some druids in black moon robes around.

See this chapter for dressing up.

But no one greeted them, as if not seeing them.

"Boss, why do those druids look different from us?"

Ah Fu found that the druids passing by had dim eyes in every eye, and behind the hood of the black moon robe, there were two pointed bulges, like pointed ears.

"Of course it's different. If the druids who have received the gift of nature look like ordinary people, then there is a problem, okay? Studying the way of druids is to be friends with nature."

"Because the earth was traumatized on the day of settlement, the druids who first came into contact with the mysticism of nature, the energy extracted from the earth was green with radiation. As the affinity and strength of nature improved, they gradually learned to peel off the power of the earth. In the radiation, the color of the eyes will gradually change to blue, purple, orange, and finally gold."

"So, the color of their eyes represents their strength?" Ah Fu asked.

Link nodded in affirmation.

Afu glanced at it, and most of the druid's eyes were green, only one or two occasionally, and the eyes were light blue.

Everyone walked under the roots of Noah, the sacred tree, and the wooden mechanical winch lift carried them to the floor where the Moon Shadow Council was located.

The Lunar Council in the Dark Forest, Link has been in contact with in his previous life.

But the Moonshadow Council branch of the Colosseum, Link never saw it in his previous life.

Mainly, his energy in the previous life was mainly focused on gold and tasks.

Several visits to the Colosseum ended in a loss, and since then he has not wasted time in this place.

Naturally, there will be no fighting beast disputes, and no chance to enter the sacred tree Noah.

But this time the role of omnipotence is highlighted.

Haven't eaten pork and seen a pig run?

Link remembered a player who posted on the forum, and was questioned by the npc after winning, and then went to the Lunar Shadow Council for appraisal. As a result, because of this meeting, not only opened a new power reputation, but also got a lot of benefits.

This is why the Qin brothers made things difficult today, but Link didn't talk nonsense and chose to come to the Moon Shadow Council directly.

I originally thought that the sacred trees were all small rooms of that kind.

But when the elevator stopped and opened the door, the pure wooden hall suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Although it is known that Noah, the sacred tree, is 100 meters wide, the area inside the tree looks larger. The entire hall is comparable to a square at a glance, and it is hard to believe that it is only 100 meters.

"Boss... the size of this room is wrong? I remember that when I looked down, the diameter of the whole sacred tree was about 100 meters, but this room looks far more than 100 meters..." Ah Fu's eyes widened in surprise. With his knowledge and experience, he couldn't figure out why this happened.

Even Qin Shou, who was holding the corpse of the mutant wolf king, looked like a hillbilly who entered the city for the first time, marveling at the masterpiece of the Moon Shadow Council.

"This is the space expansion created by the druids based on the characteristics of the sacred tree. It doesn't look big on the outside, but there is a cave inside, like a small world. Since we stood under the sacred tree and waited for the elevator, the space and It's different outside."

The referee who walked ahead and led the way once again sighed: "Mr. is really familiar with the Moonshade Council, and even these details are clear."

Link didn't change much, and said modestly: "I know a little bit."

Soon, everyone walked to the front of the hall.

At the end of the hall, there are seven futons, and the background is a sacred tree drawn to the sky.

"The Colosseum Intermediate Referee, request the Lunar Shadow Council for arbitration."


The mural in the background gradually opened, and three elders of the Moonshade Council emerged from the inside.

Unlike the Druids of the Lunar Council seen under the sacred The three elders in front of them all have long beards and do not wear any robes. They are similar to primitive branches and animal skins. Into exquisite clothing. Especially the lavender light glowing in the eyes of the three elders gave people a deep and profound feeling.

The three elders took their seats in turn, sitting cross-legged on the futon.

"Bring all your pets here."

The elder in the middle stretched out his left and right hands to signal both sides to give their pets to the two elders on both sides.

The elder on the left saw the corpse of the mutant wolf king that Qin Shou had placed on the ground. He glanced at it regretfully and said, "Oh, the mutant wolf king is rare, but now one is missing. What a pity!"

Another elder of the Moonshade Council, when he saw Wang Chai, his brows suddenly wrinkled.

This hound has no blood!

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