Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 101

Chapter 101

"Sir, your servant can be brought in." The referee walking in front said suddenly.

"Oh, really, thank you very much."

Qin Shou on the side turned his head abruptly and said with a look of doubt: "The Moon Shadow Council only allows people and pets to enter. When can outsiders be brought in casually?"

The referee's expression remained unchanged and said: "Servants are slaves, they have no independent sovereignty, are not humans, and have the same status as pets. Why can't they come in?"


Qin Shou was speechless.

Link didn't expect the referee to let go, but watching the referee and Qin Shou choke, he instantly understood.

Before the game, the referee will conduct a preliminary check on the pets of both parties.

Although it is a visual inspection, it is a veteran to be a referee in a beast to death.

Wangchai can play, which means that the referee believes that there is no problem.

But Qin Shou raised the Lunar Shadow Council appraisal after the game, making it clear that he was hitting the referee in the face.

Although it could not be expressed due to the rules, the referee chose to help Link with such small details, and by the way, Qin Shou was sick.

Several people stood there waiting, and soon Ah Fu followed, breathlessly.

"Boss, why did they suddenly say I can come in again?"

There was a smile on Link's mouth, which happened to meet the referee's eyes.

The two were tacitly aware.

"Because the rules allow you to come in."

Link patted Ah Fu on the shoulder and said, "Just so, I will show you the Lunar Shadow Council."

"What is Moonshade Council?"


Before Link spoke, Qin Shou sneered on the side, and said with a strange air of yin and yang: "I don't even know about the Moon Shadow Council. He actually came to the Colosseum to compete and bet himself 300,000 to kill my mutant wolf king in seconds. Acting has loopholes everywhere!"

Link simply ignored this man.

It can only be said that the mastermind was lazy when shaping this person.

It's completely templated design, so Link can't treat this npc as a person.

"Do you remember the dark forest I told you before?"

Ah Fu hurriedly nodded and said: "Of course I remember what the boss said. The dark forest is a mysterious forest in the east of Faye, and it is also the biggest enemy Faye has to face. It is like Shadu facing the Wasteland Gang and Mechanical God. , Longcheng faces the beast tide. The dark forest moves eastward every year, eroding a lot of land in Faye."

Link nodded in satisfaction. It seemed that Ah Fu had listened to what he had said before.

"The Moon Shadow Council is the organization in the dark forest."

"Ah? The Moonshade Council is an organization of the Dark Forest. The Dark Forest is also an enemy of Faye, and Faye and Shadu are also members of the Free Federation. Then we are not hostile to the Moonshade Council?"

This time Ah Fu's reaction was very fast, and there were no loopholes in the logic.

"As far as the camp is concerned, the difference between Shadu and Longcheng Faye is that it is a very tolerant city. Under the seeming chaos, there is actually a set of effective rules in operation. . The rule is-if you don't make trouble, you can have a place in the sand."

Ah Fu nodded faintly, then raised new doubts.

"Then why should the appraisal result of the game be appraised by the Lunar Shadow Council? Is there a large number of people in this council?

"The Moonshadow Council is a druid sect organization that believes in the Moon God, and the druids have acquired the ability to communicate with natural flora and fauna through acquired training. In the eyes of the Moonshade Council, the day of liquidation 42 years ago , Destroyed the land of the waste Saturn, and caused the waste Saturn to suffer great disaster and pain."

Link glanced at the murals on both sides of the promenade, and said, "Look at these murals. The description above is the direction of the Lunar Shadow Council's reconstruction of nature."

Afu saw the murals and found that many of the murals contained druids wearing black moon-marked costumes, commanding and controlling the beasts in the forest, and attacking modern humans and machines deforestation.

The further you go, the more substantial the content of the mural.

Druids command an army of beasts, use their unique abilities to manipulate trees and rivers, and launch attacks on modern and civilized cities, and there are ordinary people fleeing in fear. Moreover, in the murals, the main colors of modern civilized cities are ochre or dark red.

Seeing Ah Fu's brows gradually wrinkled, Link knew that with Ah Fu's appreciation ability, it was difficult to understand what the mural conveyed, so he spoke again.

"In the eyes of the Moonshadow Council, both khaki and dark red are evil towns. That is to say, in their eyes, modern civilization is the culprit that caused the wounds of the waste Saturn."

"Huh? To put it this way, isn't the idea of the Moonshade Council similar to that of the Crusaders?"

Link nodded, "But both sides just want to become the master of the new world."

"As the Moonshade Council attacked the city, certain differences appeared within it. They believed that it was not necessary to use such violent and extreme means to execute natural will, and perhaps a gentle way of peaceful coexistence could be found. So this part holds this. The ideal druid was exiled."

"After these people were exiled, they formed a new group-the Alliance of Nature."

After Link said, everyone happened to come to the last mural.

The picture above is very different from what Link said. The druids with khaki and dark red clothes were exiled and walked lonely to barren and barren places, while the druids and animals representing the Lunar Shadow Council had their faces hanging. A bright smile, as if he had driven away evil and expelled infidels.


"Unexpectedly, Mr. knows so clearly about the history of the Moonshade Council and the Alliance of Nature. The murals on the promenade, accompanied by Mr.'s commentary, make that period of history rushing. We walked through the promenade as if we had passed through history.

The referee's eyes lit up, how could someone who can tell the history of the druids be the beast Tamer Xiaobai?

This wave of appraisal is stable.

Qin Shou, who walked aside, quickly withdrew from the history of Link's words.

There is one thing that Link said, and he doesn't know as a trainer.

Qin Shou rolled his eyes and immediately said sourly: "Cut, isn't it just an endorsement? Who wouldn't be like it."

Walking to the end of the corridor, the referee pushed open the round door: "Okay, come in now."

The door opened, and there was moonlight in front of him.

In the moonlight, you can see the moon well glowing with cold moonlight and various wild animals.

And behind, is a huge ancient tree with a width of hundreds of meters.

Many windows were dug on the trunks of ancient trees, and the lights emitting from the windows can be seen with the naked eye, making the entire tree extraordinarily bright.

"Please come with me now, let's go to the Moon Shadow Council."

p.s: Reward plus more (7/36), ask for recommendation tickets!

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