_Terminal_. Situated at the end of a branch.
_Ternate_. In threes.
_Tetrahedral_. Having, or made up of, four faces (triangles).
_Thorn_. A stiff, woody, sharp-pointed projection.
_Tolerant_. Capable of enduring more or less heavy shade.
_Tomentose_. Densely p.u.b.escent with matted wool.
_Toothed_. With teeth or short projections.
_Torus_. The part of the axis of a flower which bears the floral organs.
_Transverse_. Said of a wood section made at right angles with the axis of the stem; across the grain.
_Tree_. Usually defined as a plant with a woody stem, unbranched at or near the base, reaching a height of at least 15 feet.
_Trunk_. The main stem of a tree.
_Turbinate_. Top-shaped.
_Umbel_. A simple inflorescence of flowers on pedicels which radiate from the same point. Page XIV.
_Umbellate_. Arranged in umbels.
_Undulate_. With a wavy margin or surface. Page XIII.
_Unis.e.xual_. Of one s.e.x, either staminate or pistillate; not perfect.
_Veins._ Threads of fibro-vascular tissue in a leaf, petal, or other flat organ.
_Villose_ or _Villous_. Covered with long, soft hairs.
_Viscid._ Glutinous; sticky.
_Whorl._ An arrangement of leaves or branches in a circle round an axis.
_Wood._ The hard part of a stem lying between the pith and the bark.
_Woolly._ Covered with long and matted or tangled hairs.