Michigan Trees - Part 52

Part 52

_p.u.b.erulent._ Minutely p.u.b.escent.

_p.u.b.erulous._ Minutely p.u.b.escent.

_p.u.b.escence._ A covering of short, soft hairs.

_p.u.b.escent._ Covered with short, soft hairs.

_Punctate._ Dotted with translucent or colored dots or pits.

_Raceme._ A simple inflorescence of flowers on pedicels of equal length arranged on a common, elongated axis (rachis). Page XIV.

_Racemose._ Resembling a raceme.

_Rachis._ The central axis of a spike or raceme of flowers or of a compound leaf.

_Recurved._ Curved downward or backward.

_Reticulate._ Netted.

_Rough._ Harsh to the touch; p.u.b.escent.

_Rugose._ Wrinkled.

_Samara._ An indehiscent winged fruit.

_Sapwood._ The living outer portion of a trunk or large branch of a tree between the heartwood and the bark.

_Scales._ Small modified leaves, usually thin and scarious, seen in buds and cones; the flakes into which the outer bark often divides.

_Scaly._ Provided with scales.

_Scarious._ Thin, dry, membranaceous; not green.

_Scurfy._ Covered with small bran-like scales.

_Seed._ The ripened ovule.

_Sepal._ One of the divisions of a calyx. Page XIII.

_Serrate._ Toothed, the teeth sharp and pointing forward. Page XIII.

_Sessile._ Without a stalk.

_Shrub._ A bushy, woody growth, usually branched at or near the base, less than 15 feet in height.

_Simple._ Of one piece; not compound.

_Sinuate._ Strongly wavy. Page XIII.

_Sinuous._ In form like the path of a snake.

_Sinus._ The cleft or s.p.a.ce between two lobes.

_Smooth._ Smooth to the touch; not p.u.b.escent.

_Spatulate._ Wide and rounded at the apex, but gradually narrowed downward. Page XII.

_Spike._ A simple inflorescence of sessile flowers arranged on a common, elongated axis (rachis). Page XIV.

_Spine._ A sharp woody outgrowth from a stem.

_Spray._ The aggregate of smaller branches and branchlets.

_Stamen._ The pollen-bearing organ of a flower, normally consisting of filament and anther. Page XIII.

_Staminate._ Provided with stamens, but usually without pistils.

_Staminodium_. A sterile stamen.

_Sterile_. Unproductive, as a flower without pistil, or a stamen without anther.

_Stigma_. The part of a pistil which receives the pollen. Page XIII.

_Stipules_. Leaf-like appendages on either side of a leaf at the base of the petiole.

_Stipule-scar_. The scar left by the fall of a stipule. Page XV.

_Striate_. Marked with fine longitudinal stripes or ridges.

_Strobile_. A cone.

_Style_. The part of a pistil connecting ovary with stigma. Page XIII.

_Sub_-. A prefix applied to many botanical terms, indicating somewhat or slightly.

_Subtend_. To lie under or opposite to.

_Sucker_. A shoot arising from a subterranean part of a plant.

_Superposed_. Placed above, as one bud above another at a node.

_Suture_. A junction or line of dehiscence.

_Terete_. Circular in cross-section.