Memories Of The Night - Chapter 97: Chapter 97: Her Gift

Chapter 97: Chapter 97: Her Gift

At Aaron's question, Katrina hides the bag behind her back and dodges his gaze. "Nothing, I just want to walk around."

It is obvious that she has unease in her heart, which she can't hide from Aaron.

Aaron asks in a slightly sharp tone, "Just want to walk around? Why did you sneak away from my men? What's in the bag? Take it out!"

She got rid of his men and left on her own just now. Does she really think that simply saying she wants to "walk around" will make him believe her?

When Katrina refuses shyly, Aaron insists on seeing the bag's contents.

During the altercation, the bag falls to the ground and reveals half a tie and a receipt.

At the sight of the tie, Aaron's gaze grows a little deeper, and his tone is less forceful. "What is this?"

He doesn't expect to see a man's tie in her hand.

Katrina lowers her head and hesitantly says, "I know from Randy that your birthday is coming up. I wanted to surprise you by buying you a birthday present."

Aaron is slightly shocked to hear Katrina's response.

A birthday surprise?

She's right.

In three days, it will be his twenty-eighth birthday.

Aaron doesn't pay much attention to his birthday. He spends a lot of birthdays on the plane or at work. This is the first time that someone has been so interested in his birthday that they prepared a gift for him in secret …

To be honest, a surge of tenderness fills Aaron's heart.

Maybe he really was being too paranoid and was just misunderstanding her.

Katrina's actions are out of the goodness of her heart. She did all this to buy him a gift, but he stopped her violently with a lot of heelers. It's really embarra.s.sing.

Perhaps it's because Aaron subconsciously hopes that Katrina is capable of caring about him, that he firmly believes her words and the expression on his face relaxes.

Aaron bends down and picks up the bag that fell on the floor.

Although it was bought with his money, it's hand-picked by her, which means a lot to him.

He tells her bluntly, "I love it."

But Katrina isn't happy with his response.

She gives him a glum look and says ruefully, "It's not a surprise if you see it before your birthday."

Looking at Katrina's pretty little face full of loss and unhappiness, Aaron draws her into his arms to whisper in her ear. His actions make her blush. "You are the best birthday present for me."

More than anything else, he wants her to give herself to him as a surprise.

Aaron's words make Katrina blush.

Pus.h.i.+ng Aaron with her soft hands, Katrina changes the subject in due course, "I'm a little tired from shopping, Aaron. Let's go back."

Hearing Katrina's soft voice asking him to take her back, Aaron's handsome face suddenly bursts into a dazzling smile. "Okay."

He takes her hand and heads straight for the luxurious Lamborghini.

The rest of the heelers look at each other.

Because Aaron came here to catch her with such great fanfare, they thought that Katrina would have a hard time, and a b.l.o.o.d.y storm would occur.

Unexpectedly, instead of a violent storm, they see an affectionate scene.

Originally in a fit of rage, Aaron had a grim and menacing look on his face.

But after meeting Katrina, he looks calm and in good spirits. Katrina is able to coax him with a few words.

In the end, Aaron's face isn't bleak and gloomy. He has a faint smile on the face.

The two men who have been accompanying Katrina on her shopping were originally afraid that they would be punished severely. They are relieved that the situation suddenly turned around. Presumably, Aaron won't be too hard on them.

In the car, Katrina bends over and rubs her sore feet.

Because she's wearing a pair of new shoes, it's uncomfortable for her feet. There seems to be some broken skin on her heel.

Aaron is sensitive enough to notice something's wrong. His big hand grabs her ankle.

Katrina is stunned and looks up at him.

Aaron's thin lips lift to say, "Sit tight."

Then he raises her feet and puts her legs on his lap. Taking off her shoes, he holds her feet with his long fingers to look carefully at her injuries.

For the first time, a man is staring at her feet. Katrina is filled with shame.

Feeling the heat from his palm, Katrina blushes and subconsciously pulls her feet back.

He holds her feet firmly and says in a low voice, "Don't move."

Aaron finds a Band-Aid from the onboard medicine cabinet and puts it on her heel. He keeps his movements gentle, to avoid hurting her.

Seeing Aaron's serious and focused expression, Katrina is not only embarra.s.sed but also uneasy.

Aaron treats her so well, but she tricked him and tried to run away. She feels a bit bad for him.

But on second thought, no matter how good he is to her, he imprisoned her first.

His gentleness cannot deceive her. After all, their relations.h.i.+p is unequal. She cannot reconcile herself to being a canary in captivity.

After putting the Band-Aid on Katrina's wound, Aaron releases her.

Inside the closed carriage, the temperature rises a little.

Katrina suddenly remembers something and asks, "Oh, Aaron, why did you find me here?"

She looks innocent and curious as she stares at him with her large and watery eyes.

Aaron's mouth twitches. Of course, he can't tell her that he thought she was going to run away and brought people to apprehend her.

"I'm afraid you won't find your way home by yourself," Aaron says lightly.

Katrina rolls her eyes with disdain. "You're underestimating me! I've been out so many times, and I can find my way home!"

In Katrina's words, Aaron not only doesn't contradict her but also gets a faint smile on his face.

Yes, her home.

He's overjoyed that she can call his place home.

They get along quite well these days. She cooked for him and bought him a birthday present. She treated him well in her own way.

Gradually, he feels that deep in her heart, she cares about him.

If so, why does he automatically think that she wants to run at every little sign?

His jealousy and paranoia might end up hurting her heart instead.

Maybe he should learn to trust her more.