Memories Of The Night - Chapter 96: Chapter 96: She In A Dilemma

Chapter 96: Chapter 96: She In A Dilemma

Then, how does he know about her whereabouts?

As Katrina frets, she suddenly remembers the day before when she opened the back cover of her phone after it accidentally fell into the water. She saw a tiny chip inside her phone.

Maybe it's not actually a part of the phone. It's probably used to track her location at any time.

Aaron gave her a phone, which must have a location-tracking system. This is why he makes her carry it with her everywhere. In addition to being able to get in touch with her at any time, he can also be privy to her whereabouts.

At the realization, Katrina's breath stops, and she freezes.

That means...

Even before she goes abroad, she would already be found.

Katrina holds the phone like a lifeline. She's at a complete loss with what to do.

Does she throw away the phone and keep running?

No, she can't risk it.

Aaron is probably already on the way to catch her. If she keeps going to the bar, she will expose that place. Besides, if she throws the phone away so rashly and is caught by Aaron, he would be able to guess her motives.

What should she do now?

Wait for him here?

But how can she explain the reason for avoiding his heelers and sneaking away?

Katrina is in a dilemma. She doesn't know what to do. She is so anxious that she unconsciously clutches her clothes and her heart pounds violently.

People and cars come and go on the busy road, but no one can feel the uneasiness in her heart.

As Katrina looks around in a daze, she sees a high-end menswear boutique across the street.

A thought flashes through Katrina's mind. Suddenly, Katrina thinks of an idea. Pursing her lips, she clenches her mobile phone and strides across the street to the menswear boutique.

As soon as Katrina walks into the clothing store, an attendant greets her with a sweet smile. "Miss, do you want to buy clothes for your boyfriend?"

Instead of confirming or denying it, Katrina smiles at her.

"Young lady, what kind of style does your boyfriend like, casual or fas.h.i.+onable?"

An image of Aaron appears in Katrina's mind.

"He... likes something more formal."

Aaron usually wears formal clothes, which is a usually composed style. It looks understated and luxurious without being ostentatious.

A well-cut suit always sets him tall and straight.

By this time, Katrina realizes that she has no idea what size Aaron is, so buying him clothes seems impractical.

Seeing the ties stacked neatly on the other side, Katrina's eyes light up. She looks at a dark blue one and says, "Miss, can you help me with this tie?"

The clerk smiles and hands the tie to her. "Miss, you have a very good eye. This is the newest style in our shop. There's only one of this kind in the entire store."

Katrina takes it and looks at it. Its color looks great and is suitable for his clothes, and the quality also looks excellent. She immediately asks, "How much is this?"

The attendant replies, "$12,880."

A tie is costing over ten thousand…

In the past, this is something beyond Katrina's wildest imagination.

But she has been with a man of Aaron's status who usually eats and dresses most luxuriously. He wears suits worth several million and watches worth several billion. A tie worth tens of thousands is not too expensive for him.

Besides, a cheap tie doesn't match his social status.

It's wool from the sheep's back. She's not the one who will be spending the money.

Katrina takes the credit card out of her pocket and hands it to the salesgirl, "Please wrap it for me."

"Okay." The girl quickly wraps the tie and takes her credit card.

"Miss, here's your receipt."

Outside the men's clothing store, a black Lamborghini stops slowly. Aaron steps out on his long legs. Behind the black Lamborghini are a parade of fancy cars. More than a dozen men in black suits step out, creating a spectacular scene.

At this time, Aaron's face doesn't look good, and the people following him only feel a strong air of pressure. They are so scared that they look at Aaron's expression gingerly.

Behind Aaron's dark face conceals his intense anger.

This d.a.m.ned woman!

Is he not good enough for her?

She keeps trying to run away!

He is polite to her, but she keeps pus.h.i.+ng too far!

It seems that he should not consider her feelings. He should tie her to the bed every day to eliminate her desire to escape.

Once again, Katrina him off. This time is more serious than when she tried to escape him before. Before, they were not yet familiar with each other, and he hasn't been good enough for her. But after giving so much to her, this is how she repays him...

Aaron is very upset and angry.

Just then, his phone chimes a little sound.

Aaron takes out his phone and glances at it, only to find a text message from the bank.

"Your credit card with the last four digits 8888 was used at 16:50 for $12,880."

Aaron's brows raise slightly.

That's the card in Katrina's hands.

A payment a second ago means she's using the card.

The sudden message sends a ripple through Aaron's dark heart. He can't figure out what is going on.

At the clothing store, the clerk hands the wrapped tie and the card to Katrina. Then she smiles and says, "Miss, your boyfriend must be very happy."

"Thank you," Katrina replies with a smile as she tries to contain her unease.

At this point, she only hopes she can keep her secret from Aaron.

Carrying a bag, Katrina opens the door of the store and is shocked to see the men in black surrounding the shop.

In particular, Aaron is standing at the front, staring intensely at her with his hands in his pockets. His handsome face is devoid of emotion.

Katrina expected to be chased by Aaron, but she doesn't expect him and his men to arrive so quickly, pinpointing the clothing store she's inside. Her suspicion about her tampered phone is confirmed.

People who don't know what's happening will think they are gangsters.

Katrina looks at the situation and says in surprise. "Aaron, this is… What's the matter?"

She looks serious and completely innocent.

When Aaron sees surprise instead of guilt on her face, he frowns doubtfully.

Is he too paranoid? Did he misunderstand her?

He reigns in his somber expression a bit and strides over to her. His long fingers stroke the hair on her forehead, and his voice is deep as he asks, "What are you doing here?"