Memories Of The Night - Chapter 80: Chapter 80: Deliver The Medicine

Chapter 80: Chapter 80: Deliver The Medicine

Just then, an unexpected visitor arrives.

Dr. William drives at the villa for a visit. He looks gentle and elegant with a pair of gold-rimmed on his nose.

Although Dr. William is only about thirty years old, his position in the medical field shouldn't be underestimated. He wouldn't have become Aaron's personal physician otherwise.

Besides, he and Aaron have some personal ties. William is Aaron's senior in college.

William steps into the living room with ease.

Seeing a great variety of clothes and jewelry in the room, he shakes his head unconsciously and sighs, "Aaron is so generous."

He originally thought that Aaron was only keeping Katrina in the villa out of temporary interest, but he never thought that Aaron would care so much about her.

Spending extravagantly like this to please a beauty...

It will definitely make for a good story if it comes out.

Who would've thought that Aaron, who has never been close to women, would do so much for a woman?

It seems that there will soon be a hostess in the villa.

Because William often comes over, Aaron's heelers all know him. When he enters, they all greet him, politely, "Dr. William."

William nods to them with a smile and heads straight for Katrina and Randy.

Randy greets him with a mild smile, "Dr. William, what brings you here?"

They only call Dr. William when Aaron or Katrina isn't feeling well.

But Aaron is currently at work, and Katrina is healthy. Dr. William's sudden visit catches Randy off guard.

"Well…" Dr. William calmly takes out a box of pills and hands it to Randy, "This is the latest sleeping pill we've developed. I came over to bring it to Aaron."

Randy accepts the medicine in surprise. "This is great! Mr. Wilson's insomnia will be cured. It's very kind of you, Dr. William. You should've just called me so I could've sent someone over to take it. Why did you bother to come for yourself?"

Dr. William adjusts his "It's no trouble, no trouble!"

Behind the, a strange light s.h.i.+nes in his smiling eyes.

He came over in person today not just to deliver the medicine, but to satisfy his curiosity while Aaron isn't at home.

"Dr. William, please sit wherever you like." Randy invites him to make himself comfortable and goes to put away the medicine.

As Randy turns around, he suddenly realizes that Mr. Wilson seems to sleep well recently, as if he didn't have insomnia for a long time. Since Miss Miller came to the villa, Mr. Wilson has been in good spirits every day.

After Randy leaves, William walks up to Katrina. "Miss Miller, how are you these days? Is everything fine with you?"

When Katrina got sick, Dr. William was the one who treated her. They met each other before.

Probably due to innate respect for doctors or because William's good manners make him look respectable, Katrina smiles at him and politely replies, "Dr. William, thank you for your concern. I'm fine."

Dr. William smiles and nods. "That's good."

"Miss Miller, I'm a little thirsty. I wonder if you can give me a gla.s.s of water."

"Okay, just a minute."

William sits on the top-quality leather sofa, while Katrina goes to the bar to prepare a gla.s.s of water for him. His sharp eyes look through his at the delicate and slender figure. His a.s.sumptions seem to be confirmed.

William is so observant that he notices the subtle changes in Katrina's walk.

Sure enough, Aaron had s.e.x with her.

It seems that when he called last night, Aaron was…

The memory sends chills up William's spine.

Fortunately, Aaron just let out a growl and hung up.

Aaron's character has always been unpredictable. He unintentionally bothered Aaron at that time. Was he courting death?

William suddenly begins to envy Aaron.

Even someone he thought to be the least likely to have a girlfriend has his own girl and leads a happy and satisfying s.e.x life.

Meanwhile, he's a handsome and well-paid doctor who graduated from a famous school with a good personality. Despite all these, he's still single. What an extraordinary imbalance!

Just then, Katrina comes up to William with a gla.s.s of water and hands it to him. "Dr. William, have some water."

William is flattered, and hurriedly replies, "Thank you."

He doesn't stay long in the villa. He makes up an excuse and retreats quickly.

If Aaron knew that he asked his woman to pour water for him, how would he punish him?

The man is very protective of her. He's so anxious to keep his woman under his protection at all times that no one else is allowed to look at her.

If he stays long enough, Aaron might a.s.sume that he covets his woman, and the consequences will be even worse.

After the new room is arranged, Randy helps Katrina carry things she commonly uses from her old room.

While Katrina arranges her books, she inadvertently looks up to find something flickering above the plant on the wall.

After carefully looking at it again, she finds a camera.

Because the pot of orchid is so lush, she never noticed it before.

Katrina points unbelievably at the camera on the wall. "Randy, is that a monitor?"

Randy looks in the direction Katrina is pointing at and nods. "Yes, a thief came into the villa before. Some business opponents came to steal important information from Mr. Wilson and nearly succeeded. After that, Mr. Wilson filled the whole villa with surveillance cameras."

Randy's words feel like a violent blow to Katrina, and her heart is filled with despair.

There's a camera in the room she'd been staying at for so long, and she only finds out now? That means her every move in the room is within the scope of someone else's monitoring.

At the realization, her heartbeat feels like a thousand galloping horses. She's filled with unspeakable chaos and shock.

Realizing Katrina's distress, Randy hastens to add, "The surveillance is only available to Mr. Wilson, and no one else is allowed to look at it privately. But he's so busy every day that he's not interested in checking the footage."