Memories Of The Night - Chapter 79: Chapter 79: New Developed Sleeping Pills

Chapter 79: Chapter 79: New Developed Sleeping Pills

Not only does William's sudden phone call disrupt Aaron's mood, but it also snaps Katrina out of her daze.

When Katrina finds her dress pushed up, she pulls it down with shame.

Defenseless against Aaron's handsome face, she lost herself again.

From the phone call Aaron received, Katrina hears someone talking about sleeping pills.

Because William was so excited, his loud voice went straight into Katrina's ear, who was silently listening to them.

A new sleeping pill has been developed. Aaron's insomnia can be relieved.

Now that he has medicine to cure his insomnia, he wouldn't need to pester her every night and hug her to get some sleep.

Katrina thought about it before; if she succeeds in escaping, Aaron will have insomnia, and that fact makes her think a little sad for him.

But now, she's completely relieved of the guilt. Even if she sneaks away, Aaron can take the pills.

After hanging up, Aaron lunges at Katrina again.

She's like his prey, who can never escape his grasp.

Troubled by the events earlier that day, Aaron demonstrates his strength and power to Katrina.

Against Aaron's continuous attacks, Katrina is losing. She cries and begs for mercy, but he doesn't relent.

While he's unguarded, Katrina is jittery and tries to run away.

But before she reaches the edge of the bed, he grabs her by her delicate white ankle and drags her back easily.

By the time it's over, Katrina is weak and on the verge of unconsciousness.

Aaron kisses her mouth and takes her to the bathroom himself.

The young girl's beautiful and exquisite body borders on perfection, and her white and tender skin is full of ambiguous traces.

Aaron's eyes become deep. He finds the marks he left insufficient.

The next morning, warm sunlight filters through the floor-to-ceiling windows into the room.

On the big soft bed, Katrina is fast asleep.

Black hair spills like a waterfall on the white sheets, framing her face beautifully.

The thin silk covers her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and reaches above her thighs to reveal delicate collarbones and slender legs, painting an alluring picture. Ambiguous floret blossoms one after another on her neck and collarbones, and she looks extremely sweet.

As her brow moves, Katrina slowly opens her eyes.

She feels as if she's been run over by a truck. Her body is sore and painful all over, a reminder of someone overindulging last night.

Katrina grits her teeth and pushes herself out of bed.

Last night, Aaron took his pleasure like a hungry wolf waiting in the dark.

As Katrina stands up, the silk sheet falls from her milky skin.

She's naked under the covers.

Shocked, she quickly pulls up the quilt to cover her body.

Her body seems to have been washed, it's clean and refreshed. The uncomfortable feeling of wet perspiration doesn't cover her.

She feels distinct, like she took some medicine because she feels something cool beneath her.

She doesn't even need to wonder who did it.

When Katrina searches for her memories, she remembers someone taking her to the bathroom and applying for medicine on her before she completely pa.s.sed out. She feels so embarra.s.sed that she wants to cover her whole head under the covers.

Aaron, that terrible b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Inside her thought, she rapidly curses Aaron.

As Katrina exits the room that morning, she hears a noise outside and sees Randy directing people to move things.

Katrina walks over with some curiosity. "What's this, Randy?"

At the sight of Katrina, Randy says smilingly, "Good morning, Miss Miller. Mr. Wilson thinks your room is too small and wants to move you to a bigger room. It's right next to Mr. Wilson's room. There's also a special cloakroom inside the room."

A woman's boudoir has a certain warmth and sweetness. Things like dressers and cloakrooms must be prepared carefully. This is why Randy is making preparations with such fanfare.

Katrina looks surprised to hear his words.

A new room? Right next to Aaron's room?

Then his bullying will be more unbridled!

Once the furniture is set in place, a truckload of clothes, shoes, and bags is brought in for Katrina to choose from. Rows and rows of clothes are pushed forward, exquisitely ornate, and l.u.s.trous. Everything is the latest collection from big brands. These clothes are not something that Katrina can easily afford.

Randy takes Katrina to the selection of clothes and says in a gentle and polite voice, "Miss Miller, Mr. Wilson asked me to prepare these before he left. You can choose whatever you like."

Aaron practically gave her a whole mall to choose from. It's impossible to keep all the clothes, and there's simply not enough room in the cloakroom for everything.

Amidst Katrina's surprise, the surreal moment almost feels like a dream.

Is this Aaron's financial compensation for her?

He bullies her against her wishes, and makes up for it through bribes?

Somehow, Katrina feels like he is keeping her, and this devil doesn't have the plan to give her freedom.

Although the young girls a.s.sisting with the clothes are all looking at Katrina with envy and admiring her good fortune to be spoiled by Aaron, Katrina isn't happy to enjoy the treatment that ordinary girls couldn't even imagine.

All the clothes, bags, and jewelry mean nothing to her.

If Aaron really wants to make it up to her, letting her go home is the best way.

But she knows that it's impossible for Aaron to give her this.

Not wanting to make it difficult for Randy and the staff, Katrina doesn't even make an effort and casually points out two items of clothing in a row that look good to her.

The rest of the clothes are pushed out, and the second set comes in.

Soon, her closet is filled with new clothes, shoes, bags, and jewelry.

It might be every girl's dream to have a cloakroom like this, but Katrina always found it unnecessary and impractical, like a gorgeous mirage.

She never wanted to sell her body in exchange for something.

But now, it feels like she is.