Memories Of The Night - 217 Chapter 217: Be Easily Misunderstood

217 Chapter 217: Be Easily Misunderstood

In all honesty, Katrina doesn't know if she will get back together with Marcellus if he threatens to hurt himself. But she knows that he is not that kind of person, he won't force her that way. She trusts that he wouldn't manipulate her like that.

Katrina has no intention of getting back together with Marcellus. It won't happen just because they meet in person. Aaron is thinking too much.

All of a sudden, Katrina realizes that something is wrong with Aaron's questioning. She looks up defiantly at him and says, "I'll meet whoever I want! What I do is none of your business! I hope this will make you realize that I have my own life,"

After living under Aaron's oppressiveness for so long, Katrina immediately felt guilty for her actions and listened to him when he started interrogating for no reason. She felt bad the way Aaron treated her right now. She still didn't forget what he had done to her back in his villa.

This is between her and Marcellus. Even if she promised to meet him, there's nothing wrong with it. She shouldn't let Aaron affect her decisions and let herself fall under his control.

Katrina glares at Aaron and walks into the café in a bad mood. He has no right to scare her into changing her mind.

As Katrina steps away, she suddenly feels a heavy arm on her shoulder. She turns her head and sees Aaron standing next to her. Then he wraps his arm around her and walks inside without the slightest hint of uneasiness.

The action horrifies Katrina. She struggles out of his reach and hisses, "What the h.e.l.l are you doing? Let me go! Please don't touch me! Are you out of your mind, Aaron?"

Katrina has nothing to do with Aaron, but the way he is holding her can be easily misunderstood. He is not only bullying her but also taking advantage of her. This d.a.m.n b.a.s.t.a.r.d! This d.a.m.n devil keeps bothering her!

Aaron keeps holding Katrina tightly, making it impossible for her to escape from his embrace. He snaps back, "Shut up! For the sake of your stupidity, I will go with you to prevent you from getting deceived by other men!"

Katrina is speechless. You're stupid! Your whole family is stupid! She thinks childishly.

Amidst her anger, she realizes that Aaron does have a point. She came here to have a closer relations.h.i.+p with Marcellus.

To tell the truth, Katrina is nervous. If Marcellus tries to persuade her, she doesn't know if she can deal with it.

Although she won't impulsively get back together with him, she knows she will feel bad when she rejects him again.

If Aaron goes with her, it might be easier for Marcellus to give up if he sees that she has a new boyfriend, even if it isn't true. She doesn't even have to say anything. All she needs is for Aaron to cooperate with her.

Besides, Aaron has pretended to be her boyfriend before, and his acting was very convincing.

With that in mind, Katrina stops struggling. She let Aaron wrap his arm around her waist.

Then she remembers why Aaron is here. While he leads her inside, she turns to look at him. "Hey, don't you have an appointment? How can a busy person like you have spare time to chase a woman?"

Aaron narrows his eyes and replies, "Let him wait!"

Compared to work, Katrina is more important.

He can't stand to let her meet her ex-boyfriend and do nothing about it. It's an easy choice to make. To make Marcellus give up on Katrina, he will accompany her.

Katrina is rendered speechless by Aaron's answer.

This arrogant man always acts like he is the king of the world. How could shamelessly stand someone up during their appointment?

While Katrina is a little resentful, she half-heartedly agrees with Aaron's idea. Sometimes, it is unavoidable to be crude to achieve one's goal.

In a blink of an eye, Aaron reaches Marcellus's table with Katrina in his arms.

Katrina whispers, "Marcellus."

Marcellus turns to Katrina in a daze, not expecting her to arrive so soon. His face is immediately lit up with joy as he exclaims, "Katrina, you're here!"

Seeing the tall, handsome man who has his arm wrapped around Katrina's shoulder in an intimate and familiar gesture makes Marcellus stare in disbelief. "Katrina, he is..."

In all his time with Katrina, he never dared to put his arm around her in public. Even when they occasionally held hands, it was furtive and very discreet. But this stranger is hugging Katrina without any scruples.

Before Katrina could respond, Aaron introduced himself, "I'm Katrina's boyfriend. My name is Aaron."

Upon hearing the name, Marcellus's eyes widened in shock. The news of Aaron Wilson moving from Hadley City to Abbe City caused quite a stir. Everyone in the upper cla.s.s has all heard of him.

He never expects to see him here today. More surprisingly, he doesn't expect him to be Katrina's new boyfriend.

Marcellus feels a pang in his heart at the sight of them together.

Does Katrina really like someone else? Does he have no hope of getting her back?

Marcellus refuses to believe this. He turns to Katrina and asks, "Katrina, is this true?"

Katrina nods. She follows Aaron's lead and says with a bit of shame, "Yes, he's my boyfriend."

Aaron turns his head and kisses Katrina's hair, saying affectionately, "Honey, didn't you say you were tired? Sit down and rest your feet." Holding Katrina tenderly in his arms, he guides her to sit down, then sits next to her.

Marcellus's eyes glint with hurt at the sight of their intimacy.

It's only been two weeks since they broke up, and he thought he still had a chance of saving their relations.h.i.+p. He wanted to take advantage of this meeting to persuade Katrina to get back together, but he never expected this to happen.

How could he beg Katrina to take him back in front of her current boyfriend?