Memories Of The Night - 216 Chapter 216: Why Can't She Be Kind To Him?

216 Chapter 216: Why Can't She Be Kind To Him?

He is no longer her boyfriend, which means he can't pick her up at the entrance of the police station as he used to. Katrina is deliberately drawing a line with him. She is trying to make him understand their present relations.h.i.+p.

Marcellus was elated when Katrina agreed to meet with him, thinking that he still has a chance to win her back. Now he is filled with frustration and defeat once again.

But he should be happy that she agreed to meet him at all. Marcellus smiles and replies, "Okay, I'll wait for you at the coffee shop where we used to go. See you there."

"Okay, I'll come after work," Katrina replies. "I have to go, I'm a little busy right now."

After hanging up, Katrina palms her face wearily. Although she decided to break up with Marcellus, every time she talks to him, she always feels bad and gets a sense of loss.

She reminds herself that she was the one who decided to break up. She was the one who hurt him first.

But she decided to do it because of Claire. Despite Claire's objections, Marcellus kept protecting and defending her. She loves Katrina so much, even her mother, against their relations.h.i.+p.

Marcellus probably doesn't even know why she broke up with him.

The night of the break-up, Marcellus left the hospital and waited for her all night in front of her apartment. She discovered this from the old woman who lives next door when she returned home the next day.

Despite everything, Marcellus never complained about her and never hara.s.sed her with calls. His calm and gentle att.i.tude, even in his depression, makes her feel even worse.

After work, Katrina immediately hails a taxi on the road and goes to the cafe to meet Marcellus. Every time they meet, he always arrives half an hour ahead of schedule. She doesn't want him to wait long.

When the taxi arrives at the entrance of the cafe, Katrina pays for the fare and pushes the door open.

Through the windows, Katrina sees Marcellus sitting at their usual table.

Although he looks very handsome in his suit, he doesn't seem as happy as he used to be.

He stares silently at the coffee in front of him with a distracted look in his eyes. The melancholy on his face is unmistakable.

Katrina watches him for a few seconds in silence. She takes a deep breath and is about to walk in when someone suddenly pulls her arm from behind.

When Katrina turns around, she finds Aaron looking down at her. "Katrina, what are you doing here?"

She doesn't expect to meet Aaron right now. "Aaron, what are you doing here?"

In contrast to having no contact with Marcellus for the past two weeks, Aaron pops out of the blue to hara.s.s Katrina, reminding her of his existence. b.u.mping into him when she is meeting, Marcellus instantly puts her on guard. "Aaron, are you following me?"

Aaron had done it before, even sending someone to follow her in secret. It's only natural that she would come to this conclusion.

Aaron's eyebrows raise slightly at the accusation. He taps her on the head in askance. "I'm not that idle! I have an appointment with a client today, but I didn't expect to see you standing here like an idiot when I got out of the car!"

Although Aaron doesn't hit her hard, Katrina still rubs her head on reflex. "You can go now!"

Aaron tilts his head to the side and looks inquiringly at her. "Katrina, what are you doing here? Are you sneaking around?"

His implication makes Katrina step back with an incredulous look on her face. "Sneaking around? I'm meeting a friend here!"

Which friend would make her so hesitant to enter the café? The thought makes Aaron curious. It doesn't seem that simple.

When he turns his head and looks in the direction Katrina was staring at earlier, he sees a familiar face.

Katrina is meeting with Marcellus.

At that moment, Aaron's mood instantly darkens.

He had waited a long time for Katrina and Marcellus to break up. In consideration of her recent break-up, he gives her time and s.p.a.ce and doesn't pressure her despite wanting to see her.

Now she immediately starts meeting Marcellus again. What does she mean by this? Does she want to get back together with him?

Aaron feels as if his heart is bubbling with acid. He looks down at Katrina with anger and snaps, "Didn't you break up with him? Why are you meeting him now?"

Aaron's words directly poke at Katrina's weakness.

She has also been wondering if she should meet Marcellus or not. She also has her doubts about meeting him.

In the face of Aaron's questions, she doesn't dare look him in the eye. She feels as if she is making excuses for herself when she replies, "I... I think it's better to break up and make it clear in person. Only this way can Marcellus move on and accept it."

"You didn't say that before," Aaron accuses.

Aaron's questioning leaves Katrina, no choice but to tell the truth. "Marcellus has done so much for me! I don't have the heart to refuse him when he said he wanted to meet up. It's our last meeting. What's wrong with getting some closure?"

Aaron growls, "What, you don't have the heart to refuse him on the phone, so you promise to meet him? If he keeps persuading you to stay, will you get back together with him again? Even if you have made up your mind if he says he will harm himself if you don't get back together with him, will you agree without a second thought?"

Katrina is kind to everyone, and he thinks it's ridiculous sometimes. No wonder she can be easily deceived and used by other people.

Aaron's heart clenches at the thought.

Why can't she be kind to him?