Memories Of The Night - 155 Chapter 155: Lunch Invitation

155 Chapter 155: Lunch Invitation

Remembering that night where she was forced to hold Melvin's p.e.n.i.s through his underpants…

At the thought, Katrina hurries into the washroom, turns on the faucet, and washes her hands furiously. She rubs her hands hard as if she wants to peel the skin off.

Turnabout is fair play.

To her surprise, Melvin was punished so quickly after he tried to **** her.

Melvin was found inside a hotel.

According to his character, he's certainly not going to play risky games to cut himself off for fun. Someone else must have done it on purpose.

It happened in the middle of the night…

Who could have done it?

Only a woman would be with him in a hotel room at night.

In other words, a woman must have deliberately retaliated against Melvin and cut his p.e.n.i.s off. Whoever she is, and for whatever reason she did it, Katrina is pleased.

Who knows how many girls have been ruined by people like Melvin Quentin, who use their power and status to keep themselves safe from consequences?

Some women may be willing to throw themselves at such men for money, but some women are like her. They are sent to his bed against their will by any means necessary.

Probably because of her experience, Katrina has a deep prejudice against Melvin. She believes that he deserves what happened to him.

Katrina arrives at the police station later that morning.

It's a quiet day in the station, nothing unusual happens, and nothing strange is reported.

The Quentin family chose to handle the matter on their own and investigate the a.s.sault in private. They choose not to call the police.

After all, it's such a disgrace. The fewer people know, the better.

If anyone else finds out what happened, they will become the laughing stock of the city.

The Quentin family is a very powerful and influential family. They care a great deal about their reputation and dignity. Besides the few doctors and nurses involved, they would never let anyone else know about it.

At noon, as Katrina and her partner Colin are discussing what to eat for lunch when a colleague walks in and says, "Katrina, someone is here to see you."

"Oh, thank you."

Katrina gets up from her chair and walks outside.

Once Katrina is out of earshot, Colin gossips with the colleague and asks, "Who wants to see Katrina?"

The policeman leans against the table with his arms folded. "Who else? Attorney Brook."

"He keeps an eye on Katrina even during lunch. It seems that Attorney Brook really cares about our Katrina."

"Hey! Stop thinking about Katrina! He obviously likes her a lot."

"What do you think about their relations.h.i.+p? Everyone knows that Attorney Brook likes Katrina, but it seems that they rarely go out on dates, and they never seem intimate with each other. Katrina has never admitted that he is her boyfriend."

"He must not have won Katrina's heart!"

"It's been so long, and he hasn't succeeded yet… Doesn't Katrina like him at all?"

"If she doesn't like him, do you think Katrina likes you?"

At this point, the two policemen argue with each other over Katrina.

Meanwhile, Katrina is on her way out. As she walks to the entrance of the station, she sees Marcellus standing beside the car, waiting patiently.

At the sight of Katrina, a smile immediately spreads on Marcellus's handsome and elegant face. He walks towards her, calling her name with a gentle voice. "Katrina."

It's been many days since they last saw each other, and Marcellus can't resist wanting to see Katrina any longer.

He can't forget the anguish in Katrina's eyes when she exposed Sophie's plot and the look in her eyes when she left.

As she requested, he gave them time apart so she could contemplate on things. Now, he finally summons up the courage to come to her again.

Avoiding each other is not the solution.

Today, he wants to open his heart to her solemnly.

Seeing Marcellus again doesn't surprise Katrina so much. She feels a lot calmer now, and his appearance is entirely predictable.

Katrina smiles politely in greeting. "Marcellus."

"Katrina, let's have lunch together."

Marcellus pulls the car door open and invites Katrina to get in. Then he drives to a fancy restaurant nearby.

He can feel a difference in Katrina's att.i.tude towards him. Although she doesn't outright avoid him, she deliberately keeps a certain distance from him.

Their relations.h.i.+p seems to have reached its peak, and it doesn't seem likely that it would move any further. It looks like Katrina has given up on the idea of trying to accept him.

Last time, he remembers accidentally hearing Katrina's change of heart in her phone conversation with Farrah. But compared to her att.i.tude now…

Marcellus suddenly feels a little lost.

If not for what Sophie and Samuel did, Katrina probably wouldn't draw back so quickly.

For so many years, in the face of his feelings for her, she's like a snail hiding in her hard sh.e.l.l, reluctant to come out. Not long ago, she was willing to try to leave her sh.e.l.l and explore outside. But when she decided to try, Sophie frightened her back in again.

Marcellus feels frustrated and helpless.

Katrina skipped breakfast, so she is a bit hungry. After lunch is served, she buries herself in food.

Seeing Katrina's obvious hunger, Marcellus refrains from saying what he wants, afraid of disturbing Katrina's appet.i.te by speaking out. He keeps quiet, thoughtfully helping her to some dishes from time to time.

"Marcellus, you should also eat! Don't be so polite!" Katrina looks up with a smile on her pretty face, helping Marcellus to some food.

Marcellus smiles back pleasantly. "Okay!"

At lunch, instead of talking about their relations.h.i.+p or Sophie, they chat casually and catch up with each other.

"I'll go to the washroom," Katrina says when she is nearly full, standing up from her seat.

Marcellus nods. "Okay."

Marcellus is gentle and caring throughout lunch. The meal is very relaxing, without a hint of any pressure.

When Marcellus is about to call the waiter to ask for the check after lunch, Katrina stops him with a smile. "I've already paid the bill."

She settled the bill when she went to the washroom.

Marcellus can't help but be stunned by her words. "Katrina, I was the one who asked you out to lunch. How could I ask you to pay?"

As a man, Marcellus feels very uneasy about letting a girl pay for their meal.

"Marcellus, you've helped me so much," Katrina says with a smile. "When I came back, you gave me a new cell phone and accompanied me to reapply for my doc.u.ments. I don't know how to thank you. Let me treat you to this meal!"

Compared to what Marcellus has done for her, paying for lunch is nothing at all.