Memories Of The Night - 154 Chapter 154: This Is Unbelievable

154 Chapter 154: This Is Unbelievable

Her body feels exhausted and sore from having s.e.x for the first time. Melvin has been drugged and now lays unconscious beside her.

Fighting back the anxiety and fear in her heart, she gets out of bed and dresses up.

She's already sold off her virginity. She shouldn't care about the next step of her task. Melvin already entered her body and took away her innocence with this filthy p.e.n.i.s.

She just needs to think of it as getting her revenge.

Holding a pair of scissors in her hand, she approaches Melvin and points it towards the man's groin. Finally, she clenches her teeth, steals herself, and cuts it off determinedly.

The scissors fall to the floor with a resounding clang.

After the deed is done, she runs out as fast as she can.

As she runs to the entrance of the hotel, she sees a black and nondescript car outside, flas.h.i.+ng its headlights at her.

A man opens the door and gets out. "Miss Simon," he greets.

Olive is extremely pale as if she was soaked in the water and is now suffering a cold sweat. She hurries over and gets into the car.

Soon, the car disappears into the night.

"How did it go, Miss Simon?"

Olive tries to calm down, making her voice sound a little terrified. "I-I've done it."

The man hands Olive a bank card. "That's good. Mr. Wilson will get you out of the country so you can hide for a first. Here is the other half million. We will take care of your father."

Olive takes the card. "Please thank Mr. Wilson for me."

Before she accepted the a.s.signment, he told her that he would keep her safe afterward.

After all, the Quentin family is not an ordinary family. Since she cut off Melvin's p.e.n.i.s, the Quentin family will not let her off easily.

Olive may have used a fake ident.i.ty and gave false information. But if she stays in Abbe, there's a chance that she would encounter Melvin one day.

She has to go abroad for a period of time to hide and come back later.

After explaining the arrangements, the man pulls out his cell phone. He calls an ambulance and reports an emergency, giving Melvin's room number.

Although Aaron had Olive cut off Melvin's p.e.n.i.s to avenge Katrina, he has no intention of letting Melvin lose his life. He's kind enough to have his heeler call an ambulance for Melvin after Olive's success. Afterward, whether his p.e.n.i.s can be reconnected, or whether he can still use it after it gets reconnected, has nothing to do with him.

Melvin had the audacity to covet his woman, to drug her, and even hit her. He needs to be taught a lesson.

Not every woman in the world is his to covet.

The next morning, Aaron is eating breakfast at the table in his mansion in Abbe City.

"Mr. Wilson, last night, Miss Simon cut off Melvin Quentin's p.e.n.i.s as you instructed. She has been sent abroad, and the best doctor in the hospital has been arranged for her father's operation," his a.s.sistant reports respectfully beside him.

The expression on Aaron's face doesn't change as he replies, "I see."

At this moment, Katrina is busy preparing her breakfast in her apartment, when someone suddenly gives her a call.

Who would call her so early in the morning?

Katrina picks up her phone and looks at the caller ID, only to find that Farrah is calling. She answers the phone in confusion. "Farrah, weren't you on the night s.h.i.+ft last night?"

She should be getting off work now. Why isn't Farrah taking a break and calling her all of a sudden? Did something urgent happen?

At the other end, Farrah lowers her voice deliberately. "Katrina, I was on the night s.h.i.+ft last night. Something very strange happened."

Professional curiosity compels Katrina to ask, "What's the matter? What happened?"

She switches the phone to her other hand and takes the fried eggs out of the pan with the other.

"Last night, someone suddenly called an ambulance, saying that someone was injured. When the paramedics rushed to the location, they saw a man on the bed. His p.e.n.i.s… had been cut off. By the time they arrived, the man had already lost consciousness.

"The paramedics immediately brought him to the hospital and arranged for surgery to st.i.tch it back. The whole operation took three hours. In this day and age, it's strange to hear that people still play these kinds of games in a hotel…

"What's even stranger is when the man's family came over this morning. Until that moment, we had no idea that the patient was the heir of the Quentin Company, Melvin Quentin! Mr. Quentin only has one precious son. The young Quentin apparently has neither a wife nor children, if he can't… If this comes out, what would the public think of them?"

The more powerful the family is the more pressure for the bloodline to continue, especially for families with an only son who can inherit the family business.

If Melvin Quentin really loses his ability to reproduce, the Quentin family will have no heir.

Farrah's news leaves Katrina shocked. She stands still for a long time with an incredulous look on her face.

The heir of the Quentin Company?

Melvin Quentin?

Melvin's p.e.n.i.s has been cut off?

My G.o.d!

This is unbelievable!

Melvin Quentin, the disgusting playboy, had his most precious p.e.n.i.s cut off?

"Farrah, the man you're talking about, are you sure it's the heir of the Quentin family, Melvin Quentin?"

"Yes! I was so surprised that it's actually him, so I called you. We get so many other strange cases like patients who get a wine bottle stuck inside their body. One time, we had a patient come in because they inserted a catfish inside themselves for the sake of s.e.xual stimulation. In comparison, this story isn't so strange at all!"

From Farrah's words, Katrina knows that the man must be Melvin Quentin.

When Katrina thinks about what Melvin did to her, finding out what Melvin experienced makes her feel a burst of excitement. She can't help saying, "Sure enough, G.o.d punishes bad people!"

Melvin loves sleeping around with women, going as far as to be rough with them if they don't cooperate. Now that his p.e.n.i.s has been cut off, he can't do whatever he wants anymore.

Hearing the hatred in Katrina's tone, Farrah can't help asking, "Katrina, do you know him?"

She told Katrina about it because the news was very shocking. But why does it seem like Katrina has strong feelings against the man?

Stunned, Katrina quickly answers, "No. I just heard that he's a secretly s.e.x-crazed person."

"Oh! By the way, Katrina, please keep quiet about this. I don't want you to get in trouble."

Melvin Quentin, the heir of the Quentin Company, had surgery in the middle of the night to have his cut-off p.e.n.i.s reconnected…

The Quentin family definitely didn't want anyone to find out about this. They warned the hospital staff not to speak about it.

Farrah trusts Katrina. She knows that her best friend can keep secrets, so she feels confident that she can tell her about it. She can't resist sharing the story with someone.

But if the story gets out to more people, the Quentin family surely won't let them go.

Upon hearing Farrah's words, Katrina nods repeatedly. "Yes! Don't worry! Farrah, you came from the night s.h.i.+ft, go home early, and get some rest now."