Memories Of The Night - 149 Chapter 149: She Wants To Give Herself To Him

149 Chapter 149: She Wants To Give Herself To Him

For a girl who's been innocent her whole life, Olive is embarra.s.sed to hear such words, let alone hear the words come from her own mouth.

Aaron is most likely to think she's a debauched and shameless woman.

But she's afraid that if she doesn't speak up now, she would be left with regret. She knows that a man like Aaron would have numerous women around.

She also knows that after the deal, they will go their separate ways and become strangers. She will never have anything to do with him again.

But Olive wants to have her first time with a man she likes. That way, her first time wouldn't be a painful memory when she remembers it.

Olive knows that she's attractive. She grew up being praised for her beauty. A lot of boys pursued her, including some rich second generation men born in wealthy families. But because of her insecurity and desire to be independent, she never paid any attention to them.

Even at the nightclub, rich clients look at her with l.u.s.tful eyes.

Few men would refuse a beautiful woman offering to give a man her first time.

Even though she's extremely nervous, Olive hopes in her heart that Aaron will agree to her request.

But Aaron's eyes darkened when he heard Olive's words. He pauses, eating, and looks up at the girl. His voice becomes low and cold as he says, "I don't sleep with random women."

Spend her first time with him?

Out of the question!

Any woman who wants to climb into his bed will be rejected ruthlessly.

Except for one woman, an ungrateful woman who keeps running away from him, he will never let any other woman into his bed. Even if he currently doesn't have the woman he wants in his bed.

Aaron's cold and unrelenting refusal makes Olive look up in amazement.

"Mr. Wilson, I didn't mean anything else by that. I don't expect anything from you. I just…"

Olive fears that he's misunderstanding her.

She's not trying to seduce him. She doesn't want him to take responsibility afterward, nor does she doesn't want anything else from him.

She just wants to give herself to him.

Aaron doesn't appreciate Olive's offer. He replies harshly, "You're unqualified."

Although Aaron isn't shouting, his words feel like a sword stabbing Olive's heart.

He isn't afraid that she will come after him. He isn't worried about anything at all.

It turns out that he just doesn't want to sleep with her. He simply looks down on her.

Even though she's willing to use her virgin body as a means to achieve what he wants, he still finds her dirty.

Olive has always been conservative. She hasn't even been kissed. She is certainly a girl with high self-esteem.

To be so nakedly repulsed by a man definitely hurts.

The tears in her red eyes threaten to fall. Holding back her tears, she says firmly, "I know."

How could she be so ridiculous?

She became dirty the moment she decided to work in a nightclub. She lost her dignity the moment she accepted the deal.

How dare she expect to spend her first time with him?

She's overreaching.

Aaron spoke without any consideration of her feelings. He didn't even move to comfort her.

If she hadn't asked for that rude request, he would probably respect her a little. But after her offer, he no longer has any respect left for her.

After the meal, Aaron settles the bill and throws a few notes in front of Olive. "Take a taxi."

With that, he leaves and gets into his Maybach.

Looking at his retreating figure, Olive can't help but feel depressed.

Aaron will pa.s.s by her school on the way back to his office. But he would rather give her money and have her take a taxi than give her a lift. His actions are enough to show how he feels about her.

Her unnecessary request brought shame upon her.

Such a man is too outstanding for her to reach. Even if she stands on her tiptoes, she won't even be able to touch the bottom of his feet.

After lunch, Katrina makes her way back to the police station along with her colleagues.

She was in a bad mood earlier and didn't eat much.

Every time she looked up, she saw Aaron on a date with his new lover.

Although they're far away and she couldn't hear what they were talking about, the girl's embarra.s.sing actions implied that Aaron was teasing her. Her face was flushed, and she kept lowering her head from time to time.

Such was Aaron's way.

But his messy personal life and the kind of girls he pursues have nothing to do with her.

Katrina will never give him another chance to make advances on her or hurt her. She will strengthen her resolve to forget the unpleasant experience she had with him completely.

Back at the bureau, a coworker asks, "Katrina, the day after tomorrow is the weekend. What are your plans?"

"Probably stay at home and read or do housework to pa.s.s the time."

"You aren't going out on a date with your lawyer boyfriend?"

Katrina falls into silence. It sounds as if she used to go out on dates with Marcellus regularly.

Another colleague quips, "Are you trying to steal Katrina from Marcellus?"

"Who was attentive to her during lunch? I knew you had an ulterior motive!"

"Yes, I'm not a good person! So? You're not a good person either!"

While her colleagues begin joking among themselves, Katrina goes to the break room to pour herself a gla.s.s of water.

Just then, the captain calls out, "Don't make any plans! We're working overtime this weekend!"

"No! Overtime again?"

"Captain, do you have something against me? I just set up another date with that girl I was supposed to go out with last night! Now you're saying we have to work overtime again?"

The captain's announcement makes the office burst into complaints.

"I don't want this either! There's going to be a very important banquet over the weekend. A lot of important people will be present. Everyone has to attend, no excuses!"

"Really? Are we going to a party? I have to get a haircut and wear something nice! Maybe I can hook up and find myself a girlfriend!"

"We're not attending for fun. The bureau is sending us to keep the site safe in case something happens."

"What? How cruel! We're basically security guards!"