Memories Of The Night - 148 Chapter 148: Olive's Reques

148 Chapter 148: Olive's Reques

One of them looks at her in confusion. "Katrina, what's wrong with you? Why aren't you eating?"

In the middle of stabbing her food, Katrina immediately comes to her senses and stops immediately. She restrains herself and smiles. "Oh, I'm full."

"Katrina, you didn't eat much. How are you already full? Are you on a diet? Don't worry! You're very thin and in great shape. There's no need to be hard on yourself about losing weight."

He helps Katrina with more food. "Come on! Eat more!"

Katrina knows that her colleagues care about her. But she still feels upset and has completely lost her appet.i.te.

When she looks up, she can see Aaron and his new lover sitting nearby.

She's so unlucky. Why did she into him on her lunch break?

To keep her colleagues from worrying, Katrina lowers her head and forces herself to eat. But no matter how delicious food is, it's bland and tasteless to her.

When the waiter leads Olive to Aaron's table, Olive clutches her bag nervously and greets stiffly, "Mr. Wilson."

Aaron replies, "Sit."

This is the second time that Olive meets Aaron.

They were in a nightclub last time. It was in the evening, and the strobe lights kept flas.h.i.+ng in the room, so she didn't see Aaron clearly before.

Now, they're sitting face to face.

Aaron looks handsome and perfect in broad daylight. He has thick eyebrows, deep eyes, a straight nose, and thin lips.

To eat with such a man of n.o.ble status and outstanding looks…

Olive stiffens in embarra.s.sment. Her cheeks flush faintly. She doesn't dare look up at Aaron's face directly.

Biting her lower lip, she keeps her gaze on the orange juice on the table and says, "Mr. Wilson, I've decided to accept your offer."

She desperately needs the money. She can't wait any longer.

Although Aaron's terms are a little crazy, it's still a million dollars.

Even if she works hard for many years, she probably won't be able to earn a million. More importantly, a million can save her father's life.

Besides, she's worried about the consequences of working in a nightclub.

What if she b.u.mps into someone she knows? What if her cla.s.smates and teachers find out?

Olive is still a student. If people at school find out that she works in that kind of place...

What would they think of her?

They would talk about her behind her back and berate her for her life choices. She could even fail to get her diploma. She can't even imagine the dilemma she would be in if that happens.

If she takes the risk of accepting Aaron's job offer, she won't have to deal with all kinds of men anymore. She won't have to worry about her teachers and cla.s.smates finding out that she works in a nightclub.

In order to ensure her father's smooth surgery, in order to protect her reputation, she has to try.

When she came to the hospital that morning and saw the pained look on her father's face after the dialysis, she resolved to strengthen.

It became an easy decision to make.

Outside the ward, she immediately called Aaron's a.s.sistant.

The sooner she gets the money, the sooner her father will get the surgery. Her father would no longer have to undergo regular dialysis.

Olive looks up nervously at Aaron before lowering her head again. "Mr. Wilson, is the offer still open?"

Aaron is absolutely dominant in this trade.

Even though she's made up her mind to accept the deal, she is worried that he might have already found another candidate. He might not need her anymore.

Aaron doesn't bother to answer Olive's question. Since he was willing to waste his lunchtime to meet with her today, he has already stated his purpose.

Pulling a bank card out of his pocket, he pushes it in front of her. "There's a deposit of half a million inside. Once you finish your task, someone will give the rest to you."

Olive doesn't expect Aaron to pay her half a million so easily.

Half a million is not a small sum of money.

With the deposit, she can immediately arrange the operation for her father at the hospital.

Olive is surprised by Aaron's decisiveness. She ventures to say, "Mr. Wilson, are you not afraid that I might run away with the money?"

This deposit will be sufficient to solve her present problem.

If she runs away with the money without finis.h.i.+ng the task, he will lose a lot of money.

At Olive's words, Aaron stares at her intently. After a couple of seconds of silence, he says, "No one would dare play tricks on me under my nose."

Aaron's voice is low, but his tone is severe.

He was able to investigate her life and background very quickly thoroughly. How could she run away with his money under his nose?

Clutching the bank card tightly, Olive replies solemnly, "Mr. Wilson, I will try my best to complete the task as you have instructed."

"There's a high-cla.s.s dinner in Abbe the day after tomorrow," Aaron says, cutting the food in his plate elegantly, "My a.s.sistant will give you a proper ident.i.ty and let you in. The man will be at the dinner party. How you proceed is up to you."

A high-cla.s.s dinner...

Olive has never attended such an occasion in her life.

But Olive inwardly cheers herself on. As long as she's determined to seduce a man regardless of her dignity, she will be successful.

But before that…

Olive whispers nervously, "Mr. Wilson, I have one more thing to discuss with you."

Aaron replies, "Tell me."

"I..." Olive is so nervous that her body trembles slightly, and her heart pounds quickly. She bites her lips and finally says, "Mr. Wilson, I want to have my first time with you."

Olive is still a virgin.

She was prepared to save her father at the expense of losing her innocence. But because her first client was Aaron, she hasn't lost her virginity yet.

Soon, she is going to use her body to a.s.sault another man to accomplish the task. She is bound to have s.e.x when the time comes.

But she doesn't want to lose her virginity to a stranger. She doesn't want to give it to anyone else.

If possible, she wants to spend her first night with Aaron.

Although Aaron looks cold and frightening, Olive wants to give him her precious innocence.

The first time they met in the nightclub, he didn't touch her or embarra.s.s her. She thinks that his integrity makes him different from other men. She has inexplicable positive feelings for him.

The reason Olive called his a.s.sistant and requested to see Aaron is that she wants to ask him this.

Because he's spending so much money on her, she wants to spend her first time with him.