Memories Of The Night - 129 Chapter 129: A Hint Of Disgus

129 Chapter 129: A Hint Of Disgus

In the afternoon, Katrina goes home after work to change and apply simple make-up before going to the party on time.

Led by a waiter, Katrina arrives in Room 102 of the Jameson Hotel only to find Sophie and Samuel in the room.

In the middle of the table is a grand three-tier fruit mousse birthday cake.

Only five chairs are surrounding the big roundtable. Sophie and Samuel are already seated in their seats. The main seats are reserved for Carl and Winnie. It's easy for Katrina to find her place and sit down at the table.

But staying with Sophie and Samuel in a small s.p.a.ce makes Katrina feel uncomfortable.

Sophie is still hostile to her. The expression in her eyes is quite aggressive. And Samuel's gaze on her isn't any better. It makes her feel sick and nauseous.

Without Carl, Katrina feels extremely uncomfortable.

After sitting silently for a few minutes, Katrina can't help but ask, "Where are Uncle Anderson and Aunt Green?"

Although Sophie doesn't like her, she still answers her question, "Dad is at the jewelry store with Mom to pick out a gift. They'll be here soon."

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Since Sophie and Samuel are both waiting in the room, Katrina can only stay in her seat and wait patiently.

Fortunately, Sophie and Samuel are busy with their own matters. Neither makes trouble for her. Katrina is happy to wait quietly.

Something seems to be wrong with the air conditioner in the room because Katrina begins to feel a bit stuffy, and her neck starts to sweat.

But Samuel and Sophie are both acting as if nothing is wrong, and they don't seem to feel any discomfort at all. As an orphan who has gone through many twists and turns since her childhood, Katrina has no reason to say anything and endures the discomfort in silence.

As Katrina's body temperature rises, she can't help wanting to drink water.

There's a clear gla.s.s of water that a waiter poured in front of her. Katrina picks up the gla.s.s and takes a few sips to quench her thirst.

Worried that Katrina will be bullied at Sophie's birthday party, Farrah sends Katrina a message to ask her how she is.

Katrina smiles and sends a message of rea.s.surance to Farrah, telling her that everything is normal.

But after chatting with Farrah for a while, Katrina suddenly realizes that Carl and Winnie still haven't arrived after a long wait.

Perhaps from drinking too much water, Katrina suddenly wants to go to the toilet. As she gets up from her seat to go to the bathroom, she suddenly feels dizzy and unconsciously sways to the side. Fortunately, she holds the table in time and avoids falling down to the ground.

By now, Katrina can't help getting very nervous.

Something feels very strange…

Katrina is in a daze, and her body feels very weak. She can hardly stand on her own.

What's wrong with her? Why is she feeling this way? She was fine when she arrived here earlier. Why does she suddenly feel off?

Is it…

Is there something wrong with the water she just drank?

Either way, she can't stay with Sophie and Samuel in this state. The physical discomfort she feels and Carl's late arrival make Katrina suspicious.

Katrina is afraid that she will faint here. While she's still conscious, she quickly picks up her bag and goes outside. "I'm going to the bathroom."

Without the support of the table, her body is soft, and her walk is a little wobbly. Unfortunately, she wore a pair of high heels for Sophie's birthday dinner today, making it even more difficult to walk.

Katrina grits her teeth as she tries her best to stay awake and get out of here.

As long as she leaves this place, she will be safe. She can call Farrah to pick her up.

But just as she struggles to go outside and her slender fingers touch the door, a big and searing hand suddenly grabs her wrist.

When Katrina looks up, she sees Samuel smiling at her with an evil look on his face. "Katrina, how are you already drunk before we even start dinner?"

A hint of disgust flickers in Katrina's eyes when she hears the ridicule in Samuel's tone.

She's certain that Sophie and Samuel are behind whatever is happening to her.

Despite being so careful, she still falls for their tricks unexpectedly.

Sophie and Samuel used Carl's name to trick her into coming here and drugging her like this. What exactly do they want to do to her?

Will Samuel, that obscene b.a.s.t.a.r.d, try to do something vile to her?

Is Sophie willing to be his accomplice?

At that moment, Katrina is filled with an intense hatred for both of them.

Katrina immediately pulls back her hand and stares blankly at Samuel. Although her voice is soft from being drugged, she says harshly, "Samuel, get out of the way!"

Samuel replies gently, "Katrina, you're drunk. I'll take you to a room to rest, okay?"

Opening the door, he wraps his arm around Katrina's shoulder and walks out.

"Hey! Let me go! Samuel! Let me go!"

Katrina struggles furiously, desperate to escape. But the effect of the drug is getting stronger, and she's too weak to stand on her own. Additionally, Samuel is a man. It's easy for him to maltreat her in her defenseless state.

There's a suite opposite Room 102, separated by a corridor. Samuel drags Katrina across the corridor and pushes her into the room.

Katrina fears that Samuel will take advantage of her while she is unable to resist.

But Samuel doesn't even step into the room. He slams the door with a leer. "Enjoy."

Lying on the floor, Katrina is stunned and doesn't respond for a while. What did he mean by that?

Katrina looks up and studies the large and luxurious room. She's alone in the quiet room.

Did Samuel really just put her in a room to let her get some rest?

No, that's impossible.

If they have no ill intentions, why bother to drug her like this?

Katrina quickly reaches for her cell phone to call Farrah for help, only to find that it's not in her bag. It seems that she left it in the other room.

Whatever Samuel and Sophie are plotting against her, she can't sit still and wait for trouble.

Katrina struggles to get up from the floor, stretching her arm to reach and open the door to get out.

At that moment, a familiar voice suddenly comes from behind, "Little beauty, where are you going?"