Memories Of The Night - 128 Chapter 128: Inviting To Birthday Celebration

128 Chapter 128: Inviting To Birthday Celebration

Given this, Sophie can't be calling with good intentions.

But she can't possibly be calling just to hurl insults at her, can she?

While Katrina ponders on Sophie's purpose, Farrah reaches out and picks up the phone. "Katrina, since you're unwilling to pick up, let me answer it for you!"

Farrah's eyes flash a hint of resentment. She wants to kill Sophie's spirit, so she doesn't dare behave arrogantly or bully Katrina in the future again.

Katrina knows that Farrah must want to take the opportunity to teach Sophie a lesson. But she doesn't want to involve Farrah in her troubles with Sophie.

After all, Sophie has no shortage of hatred. It can't be good if she sets her sights on Farrah.

Katrina hurriedly takes the phone from Farrah's hand. "That's all right, Farrah. I can answer it myself. She can't bully me again."

Hearing Katrina's response, Farrah has no choice but to return the phone to her reluctantly. "Fine. Katrina, if she goes too far, record the call and give it to Marcellus."

Katrina picks up the phone, her voice cold and distant. "What do you want?"

She's ready now.

If Sophie verbally abuses her again, she will hang up the phone without hesitation and block her number immediately.

She doesn't have the heart to go to Marcellus with the recording behind Sophie's back, but she has the right not to listen to Sophie if she goes out of line again.

It's Sophie's business to curse and vent anyone. But Katrina won't sit quietly and accept it.

When Katrina answers the phone, she is ready to hang up at any moment.

However, the first thing Sophie says is, "Katrina, it's my birthday today. Come early tonight to Room 102 of the Jameson Hotel."

Her birthday?

Is Sophie inviting her to her birthday celebration?

In all these years, this is the first time that Sophie has invited her.

Katrina is shocked to hear Sophie's invitation.

What the h.e.l.l is Sophie doing?

Katrina doesn't believe that Sophie would act kindly at this point. She's wary that Sophie is inviting her to a fake banquet. She can't possibly want her to come to her birthday party. Does Sophie want to mess with her at her birthday party?

"I'm sorry. I can't go tonight because I already have an appointment." Sensing that something is wrong, Katrina directly refuses her.

Katrina's rejection doesn't surprise Sophie.

Sophie grunts, "You think I want you to come? If my father didn't make me invite you, I wouldn't have bothered to call! 7 o'clock tonight at Jameson hotel! I've already done my part and invited you. Whether you come or not is up to you!"

Sophie immediately hangs up after.

Hearing the line go dead, Katrina becomes even more hesitant.

Sophie is still as impatient as ever. Was Sophie really forced to call her?

Today is Sophie's twenty-fourth birthday.

In Abbe, a person's 12th and 24th birthday is a traditionally significant year to celebrate.

In the past years, Sophie celebrates her birthday by partying with her friends. This year, it's not impossible that Carl wants to celebrate her birthday with her family.

Carl has always valued Katrina a great deal. As long as he's present in a family activity, Katrina will definitely be taken into account. It makes sense for Sophie to call Katrina against her wishes and invite her to come to her birthday.

Looking at the stunned expression on Katrina's face, Farrah asks worriedly, "What's wrong, Katrina?"

Katrina replies bluntly, "Today is Sophie's birthday, and she invited me to have dinner with her tonight."

Farrah is also stunned to hear the reason for Sophie's call.

"Sophie's inviting you to her birthday? She's not going to harm you, is she? It must be a Trojan horse. It's like a weasel sending a chicken New Year's greetings with ulterior motives! Sophie doesn't have a good heart, and this can't be good!"

As soon as Farrah finishes speaking, she realizes that she said something wrong and covers her mouth in shame. "Katrina, I didn't mean… Don't get me wrong…"

Farrah berates herself for blurting things out tactlessly without thinking.

How could she compare Katrina to a chicken?

She wants to crack her skull and check its contents.

Katrina doesn't care about what Farrah said at all.

Chickens are animals. It's only a recent development that calling someone a chicken implies something bad. She knows that Farrah definitely doesn't mean to insult her. Why should she care about such trivial things?

After thinking carefully, Katrina says, "Sophie must be telling the truth. Uncle Anderson told her to call me, and she won't dare do anything to me in Uncle's presence."

Since Carl asked Sophie to call her in person, it's rude for Katrina not to attend. She can't explain her absence to Carl without arousing suspicion, so she has to go to the birthday dinner tonight.

Farrah says with some unease, "Katrina, why don't you call your uncle to confirm?"

"No." Katrina laughs, shaking her head. "I don't want him to question my relations.h.i.+p with Sophie."

Carl told Sophie to call her. He must have wanted Sophie to extend a sincere invitation by making Sophie invite her in person.

Although it was against her wishes, Sophie called Katrina to invite her.

If she calls Carl to confirm this, it will imply that she doesn't trust Sophie. It's not good for her image either.

In the end, Katrina decides to attend Sophie's birthday dinner.

"Katrina, be careful tonight. If anything goes wrong, please contact me! I'll call Marcellus and save you!"

Katrina grasps Farrah's hand rea.s.suringly. "Trust me, Farrah. It's just a family dinner. It's not as serious as you think."

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At most, it will probably be a little bigger than the usual family dinner.

Since she's going to Sophie's birthday party, it's inappropriate not to prepare a gift. She should act appropriately in front of Carl.

After their meal, Farrah returns to the hospital to work.

Katrina spends the rest of her lunch break shopping at a nearby mall to pick a gift for Sophie.

She can't afford expensive clothes, bags, and jewelry, but Sophie looks down on cheap gifts. In the end, Katrina spends a few hundred dollars on a stylish umbrella for Sophie's birthday present.