Memoirs of the Returnee - Chapter 206: Ambition (2)

Chapter 206: Ambition (2)

Ambition (2)

I still dont know why my father said those words at that time.

In the Aerial Garden of Libra.

Having returned home, Zia was lost in thought. Lying on her bed, she stared blankly at the ceiling.

But when I encountered Miss Zia in the castle of Trick City, and also when Lord Jade asked me to become Miss Zias knight

The voice of Shion Ascal echoes in her ears. The words he spoke while facing her in his pajamas

I felt it was like fate.

It seemed somewhat persuasive.


Zia quietly reminisced about the past.

There was a day when she definitely attended an elementary school entrance ceremony.

It wasnt for any particular reason. Until then, she had spent her entire life in the Aerial Garden. She just wanted to see the people on the ground.

It was merely that curiosity.

Could such small things have led to this moment?

Is Shion Ascal a product of such fate?

If that were truly the case, it would be a mysterious providence, but she does not believe in such irrational things. She is certain that fate does not exist.

Zia called Johanna.

Dial tone


Johanna answered the phone quickly.

Im sorry, please, I, I, aaaaah-!

Screams and the sound of bones being cut flowed through the receiver.

Quiet them down. Its noisy. Oh, and while youre at it, cut out the tongue too. They took money with that three-inch tongue of theirs.

Johanna is cruel. Especially when it comes to money. If someone were to steal from her, she would annihilate even their distant relatives.


Have you decided?

Um Yes.

Zia hesitated before answering. Johanna chuckled.

Dont worry. Even if that guy fails to advance, this wont happen. These thieves took my money and failed to deliver results, so this is what they get

Gurgling sounds.

The screams from the receiver splattered like liquid.

It seemed like the tongue was really cut out.

The tickets Ive delivered them

Good. Dont feel pressured. Im not even expecting much. But remember my promise, if by any chance you win in the 6th round, Ill give you 60 million Ren.

60 million Ren. Thats enough to buy one or two buildings near the capital.

Since most of the enterprises Zia runs are in other peoples names, the money that ends up in her account is very crucial funding.

Im hanging up. There are still many I have to deal with.

Johanna hung up the phone.


Zia let out a sigh of relief without realizing it. Somehow, she had managed to finish the surprise visit without upsetting Johannas temper.

To this day, Zia is still afraid of Johanna.

When she was about 7 or 8 years old, she nearly broke her leg just for secretly eating one of Johannas candies. Johanna had counted the number of candies in the jar herself.

The Johanna of today is much more dangerous than she was back then.

Money has made her that way.

* * *

Its really gold.

I flipped the golden ticket in my hand and let out a hollow laugh.

Today, Zia asked me if I was good at gambling. I asked her what kind of gambling. She said poker, and I replied that I wasnt bad at it. Then she handed me this ticket.


Its a request from Johanna, or so she says. Anyway, its a ticket to a gambling event where you can win 10 million Ren if you come out on top in the round.

Zia gave me this opportunity, but she didnt reveal her ambitions to the end. She didnt show even a hint of her desire for the succession.

She still doesnt completely trust me.

Shes a difficult person.

I searched for [WSOP] on my smartphone.

[World Series of Poker: Golden Ticket]

[Who will be the last 6th round winner?]

[All players sponsored by Libra eliminated]

The World Series of Poker.

Its tempting even for me.

From the round-winning prize of 10 million Ren to the grand prize of 60 million Ren, I need money more than anyone.

But the problem is how to win.

I can keep a poker face. Even if a royal straight flush comes up, I can maintain a nonchalant expression.

However, that alone is not enough.

Poker is played in a no-mana room. Mana loses its utility and properties in a no-mana zone. Therefore, the various functions of the Notepad are also likely not to work.

And then


Suddenly, [Bethune] came to mind.

There, my class is a gambler.

The description of the gambler class is simple.

[Receives a bonus in all gambling-related activities.]

I wonder if that applies.

I had transplanted not just the gamblers skills from [Bethune], but the gambler class itself into the reality Notepad.

If it has an effect in reality, even if its a very slight boost to my luck


The alarm on my smartphone went off.

Ah. Right.

Whether its gambling or whatever, I have classes to attend first today.

* * *

The grounds of the National Magic University are vast. All the buildings are large and state-of-the-art.

Among them, the massive first-floor auditorium of the Balkan Hall is particularly noteworthy.

I am looking around inside, where people are swarming.

What are you doing there?

A voice came from somewhere. It was a clear, piercing tone.

Of course, its Elise.

She was, as expected, in the front row.

Huh? Hey.

I looked around her. A pencil case was placed next to her, and next to that, a tumbler seemed to be holding a spot.

Are they taken?

No. Sit on the next seat. That one is next to Laylas.

Elise said, using telekinesis to bring the tumbler to her.


I immediately sat down in that spot.

But do you also attend this class? I thought you didnt.

Its Professor Theia Esils class. I didnt know that before. It means I didnt sign up for this class because of you.

Elise shrugged nonchalantly and sipped from her tumbler.

By the way, where did Soliette go? Wasnt she taking the same class?

I looked at my smartphone. I had contacted her five minutes ago, but there was still no reply from Soliette.

She must be sleeping. Seems like shes slacking off since its the first class.


Shion, is that you~?

Just then, Layla appeared. She sat down next to Elise, smirking mischievously.

Shion, want to switch seats~? To sit with Elly and gossip-

Shut up.

Elise covered Laylas mouth.

I put my notebook on the desk.


Suddenly, a familiar scent wafted over from the side.

I glanced over and saw Gerkhen.

Well, hes the man who will soon become Theias disciple.


The clock struck 10 a.m., ringing loudly.


The front door of the auditorium opened, and the noisy crowd of 500 inside fell silent as a mouse.

Theia Esil.

She stood on the stage, exuding her presence.

Today, we will only have a brief orientation for [The Use of Magic Spells].

Her voice resonated as if it had been amplified.

It wont take more than 30 minutes, so try to concentrate as much as possible.

The first class wasnt long. After all, she dislikes teaching the talentless masses. This class is just something the university told her to do.

First. How much do you know about Magic Space Magic Spells?

Theia asked. Elise raised her hand.

Magic is the phenomenon of manipulating reality by assembling magical power into a specific form.

Theia nodded.

Correct. But how is that formula shaped?

She suddenly shifted her gaze.

It was towards me.

Through research, calculation, and verification to invent.

I answered spontaneously.

I knew that much.

Thats right. Researchers refine every aspect, each unit of magic power, each formula in the lab to complete new formulas.

Wow~ Shion~

Layla playfully raised her eyebrows and poked my shoulder.

However, utilization is a bit different.

Theia spread her right hand open. A flame sparked to life above it.

This is simple ignition.

Then she opened her left hand. Within it, a breeze formed.

This is a simple breeze. And what happens when you mix the two?

Theia brought together the wind and fire in her hands.


The flames danced like the wind, the breeze taking on the color and heat of the fire.

The formulas had merged with each other.

This is utilization. Without much thought in my head, I extract the formula I desire on the spot. By replacing the process of calculating formulas with intuition, I minimize the time it takes to load the formula.

I watched Theia quietly.

Not passionately, but just delivering her lecture according to the script.

I watched her for a bit too long.

I will teach you such techniques

But then, suddenly.

A strange feeling washed over me.

It was something familiar, yet nostalgically elusive, an indescribable emotion that kept welling up.

What is it?

What am I forgetting?


A sudden, slight pain throbbed at my temple.

Were you a woman?

A voice echoed in my ear.

But it was something I had never said.

Words that did not exist in my memory.

It was impossible.

My Notepad should surely remember everything, right?

Thats all for now. Any questions?

Theia Esil asked in the middle of the lecture. Unknowingly, I shot my hand up. My body moved on its own.

She slightly furrowed her brows.

What is it?

I didnt even know why I was doing this.

Do you, by any chance, have a younger sibling?

I just felt compelled to ask.

I knew she didnt have a sibling. After all, she was my teacher before my regression.

Or perhaps a cousin.


Its strange.

Looking at Theia now, I feel as if Ive lost something precious.

A precious friend.

Dont sit in the front starting from the next class. Next.

Theia dismissed me with that.

Are you crazy?

Elise also shot me a look as if to say what are you doing.

I replied blankly.

I dont know either.

I really dont.

I cant figure out what this feeling is.

* * *

Todays lesson ends here. Well start with the practical applications and assignments next week.

As soon as Theia finished her lecture, she turned around swiftly. Many students hesitated as they started to approach the podium with questions, but she ignored them all.

It was an emergency.

She hurriedly made a phone call.

Yes, Professor Theia. Its Bin.

Bin, the researcher. The man who was in charge of the unconscious test at Edsilla National University last time.

It may be sudden, but may I ask you one thing?

Of course. You could ask anything if you need to.

Its about the unconscious experiment

It was because of Shion Ascal.

Today, during the lecture, he had asked her out of the blue if she had a sibling.

Anyone could find out she was an only child with a simple search on a portal site.

But, the question he asked was not due to a brain short-circuit.


The unconscious, you say?

Yes. If that unconsciousness even a little bit of it remained with the student, what would happen?

During the unconscious test, Shion Ascal had asked Tae, who was himself at the time, if he had any connection to Theia Esil.

If thats the case, it would be a big problem, wouldnt it?

I know its a big problem. Im asking what specifically would happen.

Usually, memories from the unconscious test are supposed to vanish when you leave the capsule. But if theres an error and they dont disappear they become very important memories.

Very important memories?

Yes. Memories that take root through the unconscious are much stronger and more certain than those acquired consciously.

In the unconsciousness of Shion Ascal, Tae was his only friend. They empathized with each other and shared secrets.

It was a rare friendship, even in reality.

The unconscious is a very deep part of the mind, so if it hasnt disappeared, the person will be very confused.

Very confused.

He actually looked that way.

Theres a case file. Its about a single woman who tested the unconscious capsule. Should I send it to you?

Just summarize the contents for me. I have another appointment.

Ah, yes. Well, there was a female test subject during the development of the unconscious capsule. She was single, but in her unconscious, she experienced having and living with a child. But, due to a mistake by the researchers, they failed to erase the memory properly.

And then? What happened?

She became convinced that she had a child, and after searching for this non-existent child, she committed suicide. It was a tragic incident.

Theia pressed her temples with two fingers.

It seemed to be quite a headache.

But dont worry. Weve discovered that as long as the personal flexibility is maintained, such incidents dont occur, and now the safety is 99.995%.

That was the problem.

That personal flexibility had been shaken once before.

End the call.

Theia hung up the phone with gritted teeth. She shook her smartphone up and down and muttered to herself.

How should I handle this

* * *

Meanwhile, I arrived at the [World Series of Poker] qualifier with a somewhat unsettled mind.

There sure are a lot of people.

As expected, the venue for the qualifiers was a no-mana room, and there were thousands of participants. They all had numbers attached to their chests.

For reference, I was number 333.

Number 333, please come here.

Ah, yes.

I followed a staff member to a certain table. There was one dealer and six players seated.

The speakers in the ceiling announced.

The first round of qualifiers will start immediately. We will narrow down to six people over three rounds of qualifiers, and the fourth round will be held at the broadcast set next week.

How many hours does this go on?

I asked the dealer. As he distributed chips to me, he said,

The qualifying game ends when one player monopolizes more than 60% of the chips. Therefore, it can go on for several hours.

Ah, I see.

You didnt know that? You have a golden ticket, right?

A bald man, number 332, snickered at me. I just plopped down in the chair without saying much.

Lets begin the game.

The dealer immediately started dealing the cards.

The game was Texas Holdem, the first thing that comes to mind when you think of poker, essentially a game of matching hands.




I casually called as well, sizing up the situation.


I will distribute the cards.

The dealer dealt the cards. I tried to sneak a peek with my dynamic vision, but couldnt catch even a glimpse.

Youre really good at dealing the cards.

The dealers expression didnt change.

Anyway, my hand the combination of community cards and the cards hidden in my hand amounted to a four of a kind.

A crappy hand.

But I couldnt let it show.

Instead, I had to act very naturally.

The moment the dealer handed me the cards, I very slightly shook the wrinkles at my fingertips. I flared my nostrils faintly as if I had gotten a good hand.

All of this was to be expressed in the minimal possible way, like a very natural bodily reaction.

It was my Deception through facial expression


One person dropped out.


Another one dropped out.

Ill go too.

All five players laid down their hands.

Thanks to that, I won some chips, but I didnt forget to pretend to be disappointed.


The other players maintained their poker faces as they watched me, but I could see the faint sneer hidden within.

I memorized their expressions.

Its certain.

I cant use the no-mana Notepad, but the memory capacity of the Notepad itself doesnt disappear.

I just need to remember the expressions of my opponents as much as possible, and deceive with my own as much as possible.

Maybe, just maybe, I could easily pass through the qualifiers.