Memoirs of the Returnee - Chapter 205: Ambition (1)

Chapter 205: Ambition (1)

Ambition (1)

Tick-tock Tick-tock

Time is passing. Droplets of water cling to my body, and the biting wind instantly freezes them.

A cold so severe that even with a magic body, its hard to endure. In reality, not many people are left.

Theres no reward for passing todays lesson, nor is there any loss. After all, cadets at the national university shouldnt aim for grades. Whats important is the ability and will to progress on ones own.

It means its really just a simple test of patience.

Its so cold I could die.

Its bearable enough.

Besides, there will definitely be a reward. Someday, someone will look at the record of my participation in the class.

20 minutes have passed.

Professor Zed said. At that moment, the environment changed dramatically.

Now it was a heatwave.

The temperature difference is really dramatic.


Suddenly, there was the sound of someone gasping for breath next to me. It was Soliette.

She melted down like ice cream in just a minute. I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her up.

Just hang in there a little longer.

Shion I was wrong


She fainted just like that.

As expected, the direct descendants of Arkne were weak to the heat, and the medics rushed over and carried Soliette away on a stretcher.

I was doing better than in the cold. At least it wasnt painful.

I maintained a steady breathing rhythm and let time pass.

Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

The minute hand of the clock in the middle of the magic space touched 6.

Finally, 30 minutes had passed.

Professor Zed looked around with a pleased expression.

This batch seems quite promising.

I looked around at them too. Besides me, there were about a dozen others left, including Gerkhen, Mel, Brown, and so on.

From now on, you may come to my lectures or not. I wont take attendance. Only those who have the will to progress as knights should attend.

Its a radical statement to say attendance is optional, but then again, there arent many people left.

Good work.


The professor snapped his fingers. Then the environment returned to normal.



The dozen or so who had endured lay down and let out sighs of relief. I too took deep breaths to calm my heated body.

Lets go quickly. Im going to die.

Mel and Brown ran out. Gerkhen did the same.

I was about to take a step too but hesitated.

Tick-tock Tick-tock

The clock was still ticking.

Tick-tock Tick-tock

The minute hand was moving forward.

I looked at my palm. I clenched it and then opened it again.

The sensation was strange.

I stood there alone. I quietly watched Zed. Zed raised his eyebrows.

And then, at some moment.


A loud sound rang from the clock.


Zed laughed and clapped his hands. Then the magic space changed again.

Everyone had left, but Gerkhen was standing right next to me.

Are there four of us who stayed till the end?

*Clap, clap, clap* Zed applauded.

Just now, I deceived your senses and cognition itself.

It was a method often used in interrogations.

For example, what if you put someone in a magic space to weaken their mental strength, and then pretend to be an ally to rescue the interrogation subject?

The subject spills all their information, completely fooled.

This kind of illusion is the most tricky and dangerous enemy for a knight. You get deceived even when you know about it. There are many monsters and strange plants that use illusions in dangerous territories.

I looked around inside. Not only Gerkhen, but Kain had also managed to endure, and some dried-up man who looked like a repeater was still there.

Now its really over. Get out.

Gerkhen went outside. I followed him and said,

You held up well, didnt you?

Gerkhen glanced at me with a calm face.

You too.

* * *

After leaving Zias office, Johanna returned to her room and was watching TV.

[World Series of Poker WSOP: Golden Ticket]

A poker table appears on screen. It was the worlds top poker tournament hosted by Johanna and various casino figures.

Of course, all magical elements were excluded. It was a fierce competition purely based on ones luck and skill, held in a no-mana room that had been thoroughly secured.

[The winner of the Golden Ticket 5th round is Gelly del Tom!]

Damn it. Is it another bastard sponsored by Atkins?!


Johanna involuntarily slammed the table.

The Golden Ticket is the top tier in the WSOP, a format that determines the worlds best among renowned poker players.

The format consists of 6 rounds and a final.

Thousands of poker players go through the preliminaries to advance to each round, and the winner of the round earns the right to compete in the final. Thus, the winners of rounds 1 to 6 gather to play in the Golden Ticket Final.

The prize money for winning a round is 10 million Ren.

The total prize money for the overall winner is 60 million Ren.

Johanna, a gambling fanatic, wanted to compete as a player, but unfortunately, as a casino official, she was not allowed to participate.

So, like other nobles, she was in the midst of sponsoring players

Worthless bastards.

The results were somewhat unsatisfactory.

There were a total of 15 players sponsored by Johanna.

11 of them kept getting eliminated in the preliminaries, and the remaining 4 were last in their rounds and got eliminated.

They take the money and what should I cut off their hands?

Now only the last 6th round remained, but no matter how she thought about it, her players had no chance of advancing.

Its so damn embarrassing.

That Atkins bastard has already sent two to the final.

Looks like Ill take a loss after a long time.

This isnt just about the sponsorship costs.

Johanna had made a bet with the big shots of the casino.

The bet was that she could definitely send one of her players to the Golden Ticket final.

The stake was 300 million Ren.

Knock, knock-

Just then, there was a knock. Johanna opened the door with telekinesis.

Belingham Kantar. He entered and closed the door behind him.

How did it go?

Belingham asked just that. Johanna replied with evident dissatisfaction.

Are you talking about the gambling?

No. I mean that person.

It seemed to be about Shion Ascal.

Johanna downed a large glass of whiskey.

Is that balancer candidate really loyal to that stutterer?

Its not certain yet, but he definitely rejected Dereks offer.

Then Derek will surely refuse the balancer appointment. If I refuse as well, he cant become a balancer. Not even a candidate.

It was still doubtful whether he even had the potential to become a balancer, and besides, a direct majority agreement is required for the appointment.

Even if Jade and Zia agree, if Derek and Johanna refuse, it means the balancer appointment is impossible.

That Shion or whatever his name is, hes grabbed the wrong end of the stick.

Of course, if Sherlock permits it, it would be a different story

But the head of the family and father now seems to have no interest in worldly affairs. Its been almost a few years since shes seen his face.

Is that so?

Yes. But even putting that aside, hes quite a decent fellow. He has the makings of a balancer. He wasnt fazed by the enchantment at all. His expression too

Thats when a thought struck Johanna.

Shion Ascal had maintained his composure even in that extreme situation. Not a hint of wavering.

He had a poker face.

Suddenly, Johannas eyes grew sharp.

What are you thinking?

Belingham Kantar asked. Johanna stroked her chin and furrowed her brow.

Im thinking. If he serves only Zia from beginning to end, then it doesnt matter if he becomes a balancer.

Zia, who had been timid and stuttering from birth, was just a disabled person to Johanna.

In other words an imbecile not worth killing.

As such, he had already been excluded from the succession structure.

Even if by some chance Jade joined forces with her, or rather, if Jade joined, it would be even worse. Jades business acumen is hopeless.

Whether he serves Zia or not doesnt matter. After all, what belongs to Zia

Is as good as belonging to Libra?

Belingham finished the sentence for her.

Johanna twisted her lips.

Yes. Thats right.


Just then, an alarm sounded from Belinghams pocket watch.

Johanna frowned.

Must be something important.

Yes. It seems one of the collateral members has caused a serious incident.

The collateral members are always like that. Go on, take care of it.

Johanna waved her hand dismissively. Belingham quickly turned and left the office, and Johanna called Zia.




Johanna looked at her nails and smiled deeply.

Do you have any thoughts on gambling?

Gambling you say?

Yes. Gambling.

The players she had raised were all failures. Her ability to judge people was flawed.

Theres a game with a stake of 300 million Ren at play, a very big game.

Shes prepared to cut off their wrists and throw them out onto the streets, so now shes grasping at straws

* * *

At the same time.

In the most affluent neighborhood of the capital, Edsilla, a grand mansion stood imposingly.

Youve done well.

In Dereks residence, where most people wouldnt dare enter, Bell Moore was directly facing him and receiving praise.

Thank you.

I knew it would come to this. I always knew it would happen.

Derek put down the letter as if he had anticipated Sonyas betrayal.

Do you think cross-verification is unnecessary?

Bell Moore asked cautiously. Dereks brow furrowed slightly.

Would you tell Aventagher that youve identified a collateral member colluding with you and me?

No, sir. My apologies.

Good. Besides, you were on a mission with a Chaser named Shion Ascal.

Yes. Hes under my command. Rather than together, he assisted me.

Bell Moore bowed his head.

Lately, theres been a lot of talk about Shion Ascal. Everywhere he went, he only heard that bastards name.

Its almost irritating.

What kind of guy is he?

Derek asked as if he didnt know, but in reality, his pride was quite wounded. He had been rejected for Zia, after all.

Hes a noticeable rookie. Not as much as me, though.

Not as much as you?

Yes. Shion Ascal didnt find that evidence.

Hmm I like that confidence.

Derek pulled out a checkbook and started writing numbers.

Six zeros, one million.

The unit was Libra Points.

He handed it to Bell Moore and asked,

If I order you to eliminate your subordinate, could you do it?

Bell Moore hesitated for a moment, but there was nothing to ponder.

Of course. If you order it, I can do it right now.


Should I eliminate him?

No. Thats enough.

Derek waved his hand.

It was to hear your resolve. Why would I care about a mere Chaser? Especially when theres a man in front of me who is superior to that Chaser.

Thank you.

Bell Moores lips twitched.

Indeed, Derek knows how to recognize people.

Bring Sonya to me. I have someone waiting outside.


Be a bit kind to her, considering the work shes done. Its okay if shes late. Give her time to settle her affairs.


Even a traitor receives such gentle treatment. Perhaps Derek isnt as bad as the rumors suggest.

Bell Moore left the office.

In front of him was Riley.

Were you also involved in this?

A smile spread across his face as soon as she saw her.

In contrast, Riley responded stiffly without an answer.

Did you really find that evidence all by yourself?

Bell Moores nose wrinkled at the question.

What are you talking about? Of course, I found it myself.

I see.

What do you want to say?

Its nothing. Shall we get going?


Bell Moore brushed back his hair.

He said to be kind, right? Give her some time. We need to prepare in advance. If we rush in, she might run away.

Riley looked at Bell Moore without a word, her face still full of suspicion.

Bell Moore let out a hollow laugh.

What? Should I call that bastard Shion Ascal? Work in a trio? Hes got a pretty face, tall and handsome. You liked him a lot, didnt you?

Riley clicked her tongue and shook her head in disapproval.

Stop talking trash and explain the plan. Im here to help you with your work.

* * *

The next morning.

I woke up.


I yawned and woke from sleep, but the ceiling looked a bit unfamiliar.

Of course, it wasnt the residence of the Endexs old building.

This place was a single room in the dormitory. The rent was free, but it was a comfortable dwelling of no less than 50 square meters, complete with a luxury bed, sofa, TV, and a clean shower room

I got up.


I was about to head to the shower when suddenly, my thoughts froze.

I glanced around the inside of the dormitory.

There was someone here.

At first, I thought I saw something wrong and just stood there blankly tilting my head.

It wasnt a mistake.

It was a real person.

Some person was sitting demurely on the sofa in my dormitory.

To me, the sight was more chilling than a phantom, more sudden than a horror movie.

Blink blink.

The person was staring at me intently, blinking like a light bulb.

She was Zia Celsien Libra Rain.

This is unexpected.

It was such an unforeseen situation, but I still maintained my composure.


She raised her hand.

My name is Zia.

She introduced herself too calmly, but her presence was too confusing.

I know.

I had no idea how to react.

Is this perhaps a dream?

What brings you here-

You said you would serve me?

I just looked at her silently. For quite a long time.

Then Zia tilted her head with a slightly perplexed look.

Is that not the case? Brother Jade told me

Thats correct. I wish to become the sword for Miss Zia.

I was still a bit dazed, but I straightened up as much as I could, like a knight ready to serve.

Its a bit embarrassing to be seen in my pajamas, but I cant just change clothes in front of her.


Zia asked with a tone of curiosity.

What do you desire?

What I want from Zia is not important.

Honestly, I still cant believe the current situation, but if this is Zias way of casting, then its understandable.

If a person who has never shown themselves to the outside world comes to you personally, it would feel like a kind of baptism.

Therefore, I must maintain the image that Zia expects of me.

Always calm, cool, and stable

I wish to serve.

To serve?

Yes. No matter what Miss Zia does, I wish to be the knight that guards her side.

Zia became silent for a moment. She seemed to be pondering something in her head.

Then, she tentatively asked again.

Is it simply because of the Orphanage?

There was a faint suspicion in her voice.

Zia is full of doubts. Not just a little, but a lot. She constantly doubts and questions all her people.

Therefore, a certain level of assurance is necessary.

Miss may not remember, but I have seen you before.

Its true.

I happened to see Zia when I was entering elementary school.

It was when I was a child. When I, as the son of a Libra knight, was entering Libra Elementary School Miss Zia was there.

Zia had appeared there.

I dont know why.

At that time, my father who was beside me said this.

Looking at Zia on the stage, who was more Libra than anyone else, my father said,

Take a good look.

Take a good look.

Zia looked into my eyes. I met her gaze as well.

That person is the direct line of Libra.

That person will be the one you serve in the future.

I changed what my father had said.

Suddenly, Zias eyes wavered.

My father fell in battle the following week.

She seemed to be trying to discern the truth of my words, but my expression would have been utterly sincere.

Therefore, my fathers words remained with me like a final will

Even Zia wouldnt be able to see through me.

She cant penetrate my inner thoughts.

It now feels like a destiny to me.

After all, that day is unknown to everyone else.

Its a story that remains only in my memory.

To you all, my father such an existence