Meeting Again - 72 Call Me Mom 2

72 Call Me Mom 2

"Yeah!" Robbie answered s.h.i.+fting the gear.

Twen was sitting at the backseat leaning on the seat playing some mobile games. He was told about the meeting just yesterday, that was going to happen now with his grandmother. I was a little worried if he would deny meeting since he didn't show any emotion on getting the news. He remained quiet for a little while and only asked if it is his grandmother who wishes to meet him. Robbie patted his head and said that she had been dying to meet him. To which he simply shrugged and said, "Okay". I am not sure if he is happy with the meeting or not, but hopefully Robbie's mother could make him happy.

I looked at the road as we entered the bypa.s.s. It was full of cars, afterall, it was Most jobs have half day and evening time roads were very congested. I turned my eyes away from the road and asked Robbie hesistatingly,

"Do you hate your dad?"

Robbie didn't answer immediately. He was concentrating on the road. As we reached the traffic signal, he slowed down the speed seeing the red traffic light and stopped behind a Volvo. He looked at me with a complex expression,

"I don't hate him but am not particularly close to him like I am with mum. Dad had always seen everything from the viewpoint of business. To him family, bonds, relations.h.i.+p are only valuable if they help in the progress of business or family honour. Anything that obstructs the business or stains the family honour, he would do everything to get rid of it. He holds this business started by my ancestor in high regards. Though, I don't blame him for wanting to expand and grow his business, I feel he needs to give importance to the relations around him, otherwise, he might end up alone"

The traffic lights turned green and Robbie slammed on the accelerator. We were suppose to meet in a cafe called 'Paris Delite' which according to Robbie was a near to his mother's jewellery showroom 'Coruscent'. I was a little tensed so I kept making small talks to ease my tension.

"Why don't you and your dad sit and have a conversation? You can make him see your point of view!" I asked still feeling a little squeazy

"I want to but if it is not about business, dad simply isn't interested to talk" Robbie took a sharp turn throwing me to the window. The mobile in Twen's hand, slipped and fell close to the gear near my seat. Once the road straightened I spread out my hand, picked up the phone, checked if it was working and handed it back to Twen. He continued with his game while I looked at Robbie again with a little concern,

"Lack of communication often leads to misunderstanding. I feel like you and your dad need to talk"

Robbie chuckled but didn't commented on it anymore. I understood he didn't want to continue with the topic so I changed it and asked him about the merger,

"I knew that Hotel Plaza had been the biggest rival in the growth of Exquisite but never thought they would agree to merge with their biggest rivals! Is Hotel Plaza going to run independently or will it come under Exquisite brand?"

Robbie didn't move his eyes from the road as he answered,

"We are not acquiring Hotel Plaza, we are just merging the business, so they won't be coming under our brand. Moreover, they have a high brand value, so, it is better if they run under their own brand name. The merger would basically deal with profit sharing, a.s.set distribution, business operation and management. This meeting will also serve as the introduction of both the planning boards with each other so that they can function together. This is why this merger is so important. Normally, such dealing are handled by dad as, though I am the CEO, I am still two years old to the business. This merger is the first biggest deal handled by me and so Roger, my dad's a.s.sistant, had been helping me with this matter"

I didn't get half of what he said. My knowledge of business was pretty limited but I wanted to learn more since I was planning to start my own. Guess, I have to ask Robbie's help in this matter. Starting a business was by no means easy! I smiled at him as I said,

"Your dad must trust you a lot to hand you such an important deal"

Robbie's expression became complex again. He remained silent till we reached 'Paris Delite' cafe. He parked the car outside the cafe in the parking area. He took out his cellphone and started surfing through the contacts. He spoke in middle of his search in a neutral tone,

"I have been trained since the age of thirteen as the heir to Exquisite hotel, so, rather than saying dad trusts me with the deal, you could say he is testing me with it" Robbie pressed on one of the contacts and opened his car window.

I heard the ring on his cellphone followed by a female voice answering the call.

"Mum? Oh, Alice! Where is mum?" Robbie spoke

I looked back at Twen who looked very absorbed in the game and was muttering something along the line "hit it, just hit it" . I wondered what he was playing. Was it some fight game and all? I wonder what kids play in the phone nowadays? In our time, there were no smartphones. We were more into outdoor games, though, I was terrible at it. The only game I was good at was chess and I was also a member of indoor games club in school.

I looked back at Robbie who was speaking fast with someone. I didn't listen to what he was saying as Robbie's previous words from our conversation was still echoing in my head. I understood that his dad and he shared a complex relations.h.i.+p. They were not on good terms and Robbie's dad wanted him to carry on the legacy. Robbie's love for me was hindering his plans that's why maybe he hated me. Also, of all the people, Robbie just had to fall for a male Omega. I guess that infuriated his dad even more. I wonder if his mother is fine with it!

"Mum will be here in fifteen minutes. We should go and wait inside" Robbie said as he kept his phone and looked at me.

Then, he looked back at Twen and said gently, "Twen, we have reached. Let the game be for now"

"Just one minute, I have almost killed the last boss" Twen said, furiously pressing on the phone but almost at the next moment, he loudly screamed, "NOOOO...I lost"

I laughed at his reaction. Kids this days i tell ya. Robbie sighed and shook his head smiling from ear to ear, getting down from the car. I opened mine and Twen's seat belt and we both got down. Robbie forwarded his hand to Twen to hold. Twen looked at his hand for a second before put his hand on it. Robbie's face suddenly broke into a wide smile as we went into the cafe.

The cafe was s.p.a.cious and very beautifully decorated. It was not one of those super luxurious cafe which makes you feel uncomfortable by it's expensive ambience but rather it had a homely feel to it. Even, the firnis.h.i.+ng was very homely. The interior designing was simple and very easy to the eyes. The light was not very bright neither too low just the right amount making a very pleasing atmosphere. I really like the feel of this cafe, so, I looked around trying to take some ideas for my own future restaurant. As soon as we took our seat in a cozy but simple semi circle couch which could fit four, Robbie said chuckling,

"I thought you would like this place. You have always been fond of homely cozy environment"

I smiled happily, "I like the simple designs and pleasing homely feel to a place. It is very comforting"

"I know. They make one of the best cold coffee, Heaven Cream Cuppa. You must try it. It is the best in the entire city" Robbie said enthusiastically

"If you say so" I laughed

After a little while, we both ordered Heaven Cream Cuppa and some pastries and snacks while waiting for Mrs. Walker. Robbie was all for letting Twen have a taste too, but I strictly said no. He was only seven. No caffeine for him now. Twen pouted and gloomily took a mouthful of his chocolate truffle cake. After around twenty minutes, I saw Robbie checking the phone. I was also starting to wonder what was taking Mrs. Walker so long when I heard the 'Clop Clop' of high heels behind me, I turned at the same time when Robbie looked up from his phone and said in a relieved voice
