Meeting Again - 55 Family

55 Family

Pat! Pat!

"Mommy! It's morning. Wake up" I heard a sweet voice call me

"Mmm" I raised my head slowly from the knees where I placed it and dozed off last night.

"Mommyyyyy" I heard the sweet voice cry a little louder shaking me

"Huh" I woke up feeling like my head had been hit.

I rubbed my eyes, and groggily looked at the owner of the small hands that were still patting my cheeks

"You are such a sleepy head, mommy" Twen said, continuing to pat

"Okay! Okay! Stop patting Tw-" I was about to used my right hand to stop Twen's patting when I realized my hand was stuck.

Turning I saw my linked hand with Robbie. Our fingers were still intermingled. Robbie still appeared to be deep in sleep. A thin ray of sunlight was falling on his beautifully shaped features, highlighting them. His black curly hair completely messy and a few curly locks adorning his smooth olive forehead. I was slightly mesmerized by the sight. I can't help wondering how can this guy look like a fas.h.i.+on model even when his hair is so messed up and he is sleeping like a log.

"Mommy...when did this mister came to our house?" Twen asked placing his hand on my cheek and turning my head towards him. I saw him having a slight pout and a downcast expression

Is he insecure about his own dad?!

The corner of my mouth twitched. This was a little hilariously. I wonder if he got this possessiveness and stubborn att.i.tude from his dad. I carefully pryed my fingers out of Robbie's hand and placed his hand on his chest. I wrapped my recently freed hand around Twen and kissed his pouty cheek.

"He came last night" I said smiling

"Is this mister going to stay with us now?" he asked looking upset

"Do you not like the mister?" I asked Twen softly trying to read his expression. I didn't want to force Twen to call Robbie 'dad'. I wanted him to take his own time to acknowledge Robbie.

He didn't answered immediately and instead kept playing with his finger. His perturbed expression looked as if he was trying to solve a very hard math problem in his head.

"Twen..." I called him lovingly trying to get the answer

"I am angry that he left us" he answered without meeting my eye

I can understand that why he would be upset with Robbie. Even as an adult, I found it hard to forgave him, and he is just a kid. I just simply hugged him, without saying anything but the naughty little demon instead said,

"Am hungry! I will miss school if Mommy is anymore late"

I smiled at his pouty bossy att.i.tude. I let him go and said softly, "Ok munchkin! Go get ready. Chop chop!" I patted his head as he turned towards his room.

He immediately trotted to his room. I got up, refreshed myself and quickly started preparing breakfast. As I was cooking, my eyes fell on Robbie's sleeping pose. I wondered if he would not go to work today. I increased the portion of my breakfast.

Twen came sprinting to the table fully dressed and ready to leave. I placed his sandwiches on the table which he happily started munching. I went to Robbie softly patted his arm which had no effect. He didn't even twitched and continurd sleeping. Seeing him so deep in sleep, I vigorously patted his arm which woke him up with a start.

"Wake up already drunkard! Don't you have work to do?" I asked with false irritation in my voice

Robbie stared at me as if he was not sure of what he was seeing. He stretched his hand towards me and caressed the edges of my tee s.h.i.+rt. I understood why he was so puzzled. When he was brought here last night, he was dead drunk, so most probably he doesn't even remembered being brought here. So, now seeing him first thing in the morning, he must be pretty astonished. I was about to tell him that Fred dropped him here when out of the blue, he grabbed my tee s.h.i.+rt and pulled me into an embrace.

"If-if this is dream, I don't want it to end" Robbie said snuggling on my waist like a spoiled little kid.

My cheeks and neck turned beetroot red. In the full view of Twen, what was this stupid oaf doing?

"You stupid drunkard! You're not dreaming!" I said patting him lightly but urgently on his arms that were around my waist

"Let go of my Mommy" I heard Twen say in a very annoyed tone, followed by a 'creak' of chair moving, 'thump thump' of footsteps and then a small hand grabbing my T-s.h.i.+rt tightly.

Robbie looked at Twen and I saw the corners of his mouth lifting into a cheeky smile. It was immediately replaced by a puppy dog look as Robbie said,

"Come on Twen. Let me share him too"

What do this son and dad think I am?


Twen looked at Robbie with a little surprised expression but soon it turned sour. He suddenly hugged me with his small arms round my waist, saying in a moody voice,

"No! He is MY mommy"

"But he is my wife" Robbie said with the same puppy dog look on his face

The reddish tinge turned a deep shade magenta. What wife? He is talking as if we are married!! Caught in between them I suddenly felt like a boat stranded in a sea during storm. Both tightly grabbing me and pullinh me, like I was their life boat for safety.

I don't know how this situation came to be?

But seeing this scenario of Robbie and Twen arguing like a two spoiled kids, I couldn't keep myself from laughing.

What was this weird feeling I was having?

They both were clearly arguing and acting like I am their last piece of favourite chocolate that they don't wanna share!

This silly and warm environment....what was this feeling?

Was this the feeling of having a Family?