Meeting Again - 35 Revealed

35 Revealed

Looking at the picture of the man my son is chasing after, I ended up asking myself, exactly what he saw in him or is my son always so poor at choosing. The guy has absolutely nothing whatsoever that can attract a person's attention. He looked very average. His almond shaped eyes were pretty but that's basically all. What possibly could my son see in him?

After all the researches done by the Rogers we know that he came here long back as a teen with his son and worked several part times before entering our hotel chain. His Alpha and the father of the child is unknown but seems like they were high school mates. Did he get raped by a cla.s.smate but still kept the child? It is very uncommon among Omegas but sometimes when their partners leave them, they find solace in the company of their kids and esp in case of r*pe where they got bonded by mistake. But it still doesn't answer the question as to why my son would find attraction towards such a bland, bonded Omega guy with a kid no less.

"Uncle!!" I heard a girl's voice from the doorway

I was sitting on my work table facing the wall. On hearing her, I turned and saw it was Sarah. She looked furious. She was glaring at me. I wonder how she entered my room straight off? What were the servants doing? No one even informed me of her arrival

"Oh my dear! What happened?" I asked feeling a sense of foreboding

She stomped to my table and banged both her hands on it. Locks of her messy hair fell on her face. Her pretty face was twisted in anger and pain. There were tear tracks made from her mascara. I was quite shocked to see her in such a disheveled state.

"Did Robbie said something? You look very upset!" I asked her concerned, "Don't worry I'll talk-"

"Please stop! How long are you going to lie? Robbie told me that he loves a man! A MAN!" she almost yelled

I didn't get the opportunity to be even surprised as I heard quick steps from outside my door and just in a second the white as sheet face of Rogers appeared on the doorway. He came in front of the table with hurried steps,

"I am extremely sorry sir! I went for dinner and didn't see Sarah ma'am coming. I apologise for my deleriction of duty" he said bowing to me apologetically, "Should I escort madam out of the door?" he asked, formally

"Am not going anywhere until I get my answer" Sarah suddenly burst out at Rogers

"Rogers it's ok. You may leave. I and Sarah have some talking to do" I said dismissing Rogers who bowed formally and walked out of the door.

Once he left and closed the door behind, I looked at Sarah. I saw her huffing and an angry tear flowing out of her eyes,

"Have a seat dear-"

"NO! First answer me, why did you deceive me? Robbie doesn't loves woman, you knew it, didn't you?" she interjected furiously

I entwined my fingers and looked at her calmly, "I will talk to you once you take your seat and calm down"

She remained standing glaring at me. This girl was definitely raised in a pampered environment. She is used to ordering people around and seeing them follow it without a word. But I am in business for 30 years already. I have commanded large numbers under me. I am not the one to take orders and esp not from this naive little girl.

She finally took her seat. I forwarded a gla.s.s of water to her which she grudgingly took and downed it in one go. I smiled. That's more like it. I don't like disobedience but some rebellion are to be expected.

"Now, calmly tell me what happened!"

Her breath got fast again. She swallowed down her saliva twice before speaking,

"Robbie, I went to meet Robbie and just as usual he was trying to get rid of me" she paused, as tears leaked out of her eyes and she again gulped down her saliva, " But we had hardly finished talking when a car went out of the parking and Robbie turned white as sheet. He almost ran behind the car and then went to take his car to chase after it. When I stopped him to not leave me, he told me he- he" she couldn't continue.

Tears like flood started flowing out of her eyes. Her tears dropped on my table. I gave her a tissue which she took and dried her face. I patiently waited for her to calm down. After around ten minutes, I gave her water which she drank and looked much calmer. Then, I spoke to her slowly,

"Robbie doesn't only love men but women too. But there is this man who he had recently developed interest and is chasing after-"

"Lies again" Sarah interjected again, "He told me that he loved this man for eight years! EIGHT YEARS!!! You were definitely aware of it and were using my feelings for him to force our marriage to hide this truth isn't it?"

This was totally new information to me. He knew this guy eight years back? How is that even possible? Robbie was not in this city then! No, wait....eight years! Didn't Rogers said that this Tony guy came to Warham eight years back as well? Could it be that Tony and Robbie were in the same city back then? And maybe met him in college? No, he was not even a college student then? Where did he meet him? High School?

Wait! High school?!!

No way!!

Could it be?

I quickly opened the side drawer and searched my notes of Guyan City and the high school Robbie studied in. Yes, it was that year when recession hit and our company suffered financially. I put Robbie in a public school to put down the stress of the fees of his elite luxurious school. Could they have met there?

I put the notes aside and looked at Sarah who was still crying and throwing angry looks at me at the same time. I picked up the picture of Tony and turned it towards her.

"Is this the man he chased after?" I asked

"I didn't see the man's-" she started but stopped suddenly looking at the picture. She took it from my hand and scrutinized it thoroughly, "I-I have seen this man somewhere! I am sure I have but where?" she murmured to herself

I saw her a.n.a.lyzing the picture thoroughly and then slowly comprehension dawned on her eyes, "Yes-yes! I saw his picture in Robbie's cell phone. He was with another man and a kid"

"Yes. He is the one Robbie claims to be in love. He works in our hotel. His name is Tony Hawker. He is an Omega but has hidden it-"

"He had hidden his ident.i.ty?" Sarah asked eyeing me from her mascara tear filled eyes.

"Yes. Many Omegas do that in order to get a stable job. It looks like I have been neglecting my son's life a lot to not have known his love interest for this many years. Don't worry I will try to find a solution to it. You should now go and take rest. You look exhausted"

"Omega? Omega...don-don't tell me Robbie is bonded to can't be right?"

Frankly, I did think of that possibility when Sarah mentioned that he had known Tony for so long but that had only complicated the matter.

"Sarah, we'll talk about it when your calmer. Okay? Now you need to go back and rest" I told her sternly.

Sarah looked a little lost. She got up like a robot and mechanically walked to the door. I saw her leaving and sighed. Things have now gotten more jumbled than before but the picture of the situation has definitely gotten clear. If Robbie really is that Omega's bonded Alpha then he is also the father of that kid, it all makes sense now. Robbie is getting all soft and emotional because of that kid!

I quickly took out all the pictures Rogers gathered for me of that guy and looked for the picture of the kid. There were some of them with the kid but mostly his back was on the camera. After looking through for some time, I finally found a picture where the kid's side face was showing. For a second, my mind got blocked. The kid was almost an exact copy of Robbie. There is no doubt, he is Robbie's son. Huh, no wonder Robbie was so persistent about this matter and chasing after him. Blood relation often make people weak.

l leaned back on my chair with my eyes closed and a smile. 'Did you really think I wouldn't find out about it Robbie? Were you hiding this in fear that I might do something to your kid? Ha! You thought wrong. Am not so ruthless! Well let me play the part of a n.o.ble grandfather and unite a father and son. You really don't know how to play your cards; getting all emotional over a kid. If you had just spoken to me, you wouldn't have to go through such an arduous process. If that kid is the price for you to leave that Omega, then you will have it'