Meeting Again - 34 Double Touble

34 Double Touble

I stopped listening after that. What is going on? Me being Omega is not known to anyone in the hotel or the resort except Chef Samuel and Tanya then how could this news possibly leak out.

"Tony? Tony? Are you listening to me? h.e.l.lo?"

Tanya urged tensely

"Ye-yeah. It might just be some rumour. It will die down soon" I a.s.sured myself more than her

"I hope so too. But-" she paused as if not sure whether to speak or not

"What is it?" I said feeling a sense of foreboding

"Tony, I would suggest that you come a bit mentally prepared tomorrow. You know how it is with male Omega" she said hesistatingly, "But don't worry, I ll be there for you. If you need any help" she said quickly trying to make the truth sound less bitter

"Thank you, Tanya!" I said, smiling inspite of myself. She is a good friend.

I had just hung up the phone when it rang again. It was Robbie this time. I stared at the caller Id contemplating whether to pick or not, but ended up picking anyway. A concerned voice sounded at the other end,


"What is it?" I asked. I don't know why my heart started beating fast

"I called to know, if-if your ok?" Robbie asked sounding a little embara.s.sed as well as anxious

I remembered the horrid last night's event and turned red. He left me a hickey as well,

"You left me a hickey" was all that came out of my mouth

"Oh" Robbie said surprised, "I am sorry for losing control like that. Your pheromones are stronger than before"

Of course they were. He is bound to me, he is going to be affected 100 times more than by any normal unbonded Omega. But I didn't say that and simply sighed,

"Did you call to justify your action?"

"Uhh No that's not-" Robbie paused, then suddenly busted, "Did you by any chance mentioned someone of your being Omega?"

I remained quiet. I did mention it to two people. But I have full trust they won't expose me. They have been very close to me and have no reason to turn against me.

"Tanya and Sam. But I am sure they wouldn't expose me" I said cautiously

"So, you are already aware of the situation?" Robbie enquired

"Tanya informed me just a while back" I replied

"I see. I am not sure how the word got out. Can it be someone from the quarters?" Robbie asked

I shook my head as I answered, "That's not possible, we barely see each other. I doubt that any of us even know each other, well other than by face, let alone knowing my sub-gender"

"But Twen-"Robbie had just began to say something when Fred entered my room speaking in his booming voice

"Tony, I am sorry to nose in you business. You don't need to avoid me"

I looked at Fred who's eyes had a sorry look and his musles and shoulder looked tense. I suddenly remembered the reason for hurrying into my room leaving Fred on his own and then, Tanya's call totally made me forget about Fred's presence. I didn't think what Fred might be thinking after I left like that. I quickly replied,

"No, I AM sorry. I got busy with call from my work place" Fred squinted at the cell phone on my ear. His tense shoulder relaxed and he smiled.

"Who's that?" came the inquiring and a slightly irritated tone of Robbie

"A friend of mine" I replied shortly

"Which friend?" Robbie persisted

"I'll talk to you later. I'll deal with the current situation tomorrow. I have a guest now" I said, ending the conversation and hanging the call.

I heard a sound like he was about to say something, but I didn't hear. Now, from where did this situation occured. But, no matter, I will deal with it tomorrow. It is just a rumour. There can't be any solid source to it. People must be guessing depending on something they have heard or seen. I took deep breath to relax myself and then looked at Fred who was looking at me questioningly,

"Is there any problem?"

"Sort of. Nothing very serious" I forced a smile

"Are you sure? You look anxious! If there's anything I can help with-"

"Fred, Chill!" I said as we made our way to the the drawing room.

"If - If you say so! I was worried that you are arguing with your boyfriend because of the hickey" Fred said awkwardly

I was stumped for a while. I forgot to come up with an excuse. The leaking of me being Omega weighed so heavily in my mind. What to do! Should I be honest? Maybe...Maybe I should tell the partial truth,

"I don't have any boyfriend. This-well-this was an accident"

"Accident? How can someone accidentally give you a hickey?" Fred asked blinking

I had no idea what to answer. I bit my lips wondering if I should let him know about Robbie.

"Th-that' see my heat pheromones...well..."

Fred's face darkened. Midway he turned and held my shoulder and looked me in the eyes as he asked,

"Your heat pheromones can only affect your Alpha. Don't tell me, that-that b.a.s.t.a.r.d dare to show his face after abandoning you"

It was true that Robbie hasn't done something praiseworthy and neither am I such a forgiving soul to forget his deed but still it was somehow hurting to hear someone esp a friend speak about him in such blatant disgust.

"Fred, it's all in past" I said

"So, your gonna forgive him? Are you going to forget all this years of your hards.h.i.+p? And what about champ?"

It was uncomfortable speaking about this matter. I knew that Fred had feelings for me and he had always felt it unfair that my Alpha left me after bonding with me. But my situation with Robbie was quite complicated. I didn't want to explain it so, I changed the topic saying,

"Would you like another cup of coffee? I have made some sandwich in the morning. It's still there, would you like some?"

I put his hand away and hurried towards the coffee table, picked up both our mugs and went to the kitchen. I couldn't look Fred in the eye. He somehow understood that I am not willing to pursue the topic so he didn't force but his mood got extremely gloomy. I got him coffee and sandwich which he quietly swallowed down.

I tried to lighten the mood speaking about the food he could include in his menu. I suggested some popular dishes and some side dishes. I also gave him some idea about including some special Italian desserts. Though, his mood got considerably better, and he also noted down all the points, he still had a sour expression.

As he was leaving, I asked him to put his mind to rest but instead, he looked at me and held my hand. He spoke softly, totally unlike his usual nature,

"You don't need to keep everything to yourself. I know I am not very reliable and I also know that last time it was because of your concern for me and my dad's relations.h.i.+p that you stayed away, but this time, I truly want to be of help. I would be there if you need me and you know that right?"

He didn't let me reply and instead put his arms round me and hugged me gently, burying his head on my shoulder. I was a little taken back. I stood motionless with my thoughts muddled. I couldn't bear to take this affection of his. He is too kind to me even after all the hurt I caused him. I was about to ask him to move back when I heard an angry plus shocked call of Robbie
