Meeting Again - 27 Misunderstanding

27 Misunderstanding

Last few days, I had been very busy. I wanted to visit Tony but I repressed the urge. I didn't want to barge in his place all the time putting him in a spot. Though, I can't help sneaking a peak at him when he is busy at work. The work was getting hectic by the day. He and another Chef were the only ones present heading the main kitchen and all other resturant and coffee shop, cafetaria, In room dining kitchen. I had given out orders for internal tranfer a month back for few more employees but they had just arrived today. I hope he doesn't get sick with all this running. I had asked Boris, my Executive Sous Chef, to give them proper breaks for meals and check if the employees are in good health.

I was shocked to learn that Tony hasn't even taken a single break in the last week. I immediately asked Boris to give out breaks to every chef under him at least once a week, no matter how busy it is, hoping that Tony will at least be able to take a little rest. I never knew he was such a workaholic and that too when he has a son to take care. Or maybe it is because he had to take care of his son that he works so hard. I felt impatient at the thought.

To divert myself from this thoughts, I started taking updates of the properties of other cities. The winters might be a peak season in Warham but not in every other cities. The cities which experiences freezing winter, there the tourist flow decreases sharply and at times the hotels had to be shut down for a month or two due to extreme weather. Such losses are covered by profits made from hotels of these cities. Again the opposite happens during summer. My concentration was broken by a call.


"Sir, the Chairman is on line" the voice on the other side said

"Connect him" I replied wondering what work does dad have with me

"Robbie" dad spoke in his usual business like tone

"Yes dad" I replied in an abored tone

"Do you remember the collaboration we are having with the Home Plaza?"


"I would be visiting out of country to attend the Global Corporate Event during that time so I won't be able to sign the deal. You have to follow it up. I will send you the details of the collaboration tomorrow. Look through it. It will be next month"

I was a little suprised to hear that he wants me to take it up as he had been making so much fuss about this Resort project. I asked in a doubtful tone,

"Are you sure about it? What about my Resort project?"

"Delegate your duties to the General Manager. Brief him about the ongoings and the responsibility he needs to take care. Give him the handovers" Dad answered in crisp precise sentence.

But why was dad handing it over to me now? It was after a month. He could have told me later but then again dad was a very particular person. Maybe, he wanted me to prepare beforehand rather than in a hurry. I sighed,

"Okay. Email me the details. I ll take care of it"

"Good. I will ask Rogers to email you. And during work refer to me as Chairman, not dad" Dad said in his usual strict tone

"Yes Chairman" I replied, feeling tired to hear another addition to my already inflated schedule. Dad hung up. He is always like this. Once the details are given, he wouldn't stop to talk anything extra or familial.

I looked at the time. I had to go for a meeting. I quickly got ready, pulled the blazer over my shoulder, latched my wrist watch and rang the bell for my personal a.s.sistant, Jane. She quickly walked in and without even him speaking, she took up the files and the bag that he will require for the meeting. She was a lady in her early thirties, bespectacled, dark hair in tight bun, slightly chubby and sharp features. She was very efficient in her work, alert and very intelligent. He liked her as she was not nosy, interfering or gossiping and she handled her work without being a hindrance. I called my chauffeur as I was leaving my office, to bring my car and we took the elevator to the parking area. As we drove off, I saw Tony's Toyota parked with other cars and smiled. 'I will meet you soon'

I didn't expected my thoughts to come true in such a horrid manner!

That very evening when I returned after my meeting and was about to go to my office to update the meetings conclusion, I was caught hold by Sarah. I don't know why she wouldn't leave me alone no matter how many times I reject her. I thought Alphas are extremely prideful but her behaviour doesn't portrays it at all. He ignored her and started towards the elevator but she grabbed hold of my arm which I quickly removed.

"Sarah, I think I made myself very clear. Stop being so pushy"

She frowned looking a little upset and angry, "Pushy? Is it now a crime to meet with one's fiance?"

Fiance? How many times have I told her that our engagement is cancelled. She was still carrying the idea that we were engaged. I opened my mouth to retort but was interrupted by a loud GRRRRR of a car speeding. I looked up to see, to my horror, Tony's car being driven out. I forgot all about Sarah's presence and ran towards it calling loudly, "TONY" but the car vanished, in a matter of few minutes.

I stood there fl.u.s.tered at this turn of events. I had hardly even gained Tony's trust and now, if he had heard our conversation, he would think all my previous words were lies.

What should I do?

Should I speak to him tomorrow and tell him everything?

What if it's too late then?

No, I promised mum that I would never give up. I have to do something. I am not about to stand here, watching Tony walk out of my life again

I turned around, asked my chauffer to leave the car, and was about to take behind the wheel when a hand grabbed hold of me.

"Where are you going? I came specifically to meet you" Sarah said, her tone a pitch higher.

It was all her fault. Following me like a shadow and not leaving me alone. Whether on dad's instruction or not, thanks to her now I am back to square one with Tony. If only she had accepted my refusal to marry her, this wouldn't have happened. I looked at her furiously. She left my hand, looking astonished by my expression. I raged,

"Sarah, I don't love you and neither do I wanna marry you. Leave me the f**king alone"

I saw her looking extremely hurt by my words but frankly, I couldn't care less. She had pushed me too far. For the sake of our childhood friends.h.i.+p, I tried being as polite to her as possible but she just doesn't seem to get the message. She had been clinging to me like a pest for the whole of last year. I am so done.

"Do you love someone else?" she asked in a shaky voice


Sarah's face turned ashen. Her eyes started watering as said in a bitter and stunned voice, "HIM??"

"HIM" I retorted, "Now if you have understood, stop imposing your presence on me" I harshly told her off, got in the car and banged the door close on her face.

She didn't stop me anymore. As I drove off, I saw her in my rearview mirror. She was still standing in the same position, her hair covering her face. I couldn't bring myself to feel guilty about it. She brought it upon herself.