Meeting Again - 26 Confession 2

26 Confession 2

"I won't judge" she suddenly said, pulling me out of my reverie.

She really can read my mind. I breathed out,

saying in a m.u.f.fled tone, "Even if I say I love a man?"

"Yes" she said sincerely

"Even if the man is Omega? And I got him pregnant?" I spoke in a trembling voice.

She looked at me with surprise, "Did you really?"

I looked at her. There was no digust, no hate or anger, she only gazed in surprise. I took a deep breath and confessed,

"Yes. Eight years back. I got him pregnant. And then I refused to take responsibility and rejected him when he came to me all scared and worried" I replied honestly

"What happened after that? Did he abort the child?" she whispered, as if scared to know the answer

"No, he gave birth to him. He is seven years old now. After I rejected him, I offered him money to abort but he was extremely hurt and offended by this. He left the city after pa.s.sing his high school. I tried to find him everywhere when I realized what I had done to him but he was nowhere to be found. Coincidentally, I met him in my Resort just recently. I wanted to make up to him but..."

I couldn't continue any longer.

"But he is not ready to forgive you" she answered in my stead.

My throat was too dry so I nodded. She remained silent. She was looking at me deeply as if trying to figure out what am thinking. I avoided her eyes. I was too afraid of what I ll see. I feel I always disappoint the ones I love. She put a hand on my cheek and made me look at her. She looked serious but there was not a trace of hate.

" need to forgive yourself first! You have been blaming yourself all this time because you feel guilty and can't forgive your action. But, if you don't forgive yourself, then how can others?"

"But my actions are not forgivable! Because of me Tony suffered so much"

"Ssshhhh" she said, putting a finger on her lips to silence me, "Yes you made a huge mistake that you shouldn't have. Yes, your decisions were wrong but you were just a teen. Even adults get scared when such heavy responsibility is put on their table, what can you expect of a kid? Your Tony is an exception though. He is very strong. Even at such a young age, he was brave enough to shoulder the responsibility that many adults would run away from. I can see why you love him"

I looked at her not sure what to say. It is true that this latent strength and the qualities Tony possess is what made me fall for him but that's no reason for me to hurt him.

"Listen to me Robbie. Not everyone is capable of feeling what you are. Not everyone is capable of accepting their mistake and trying to make up for it. It is hard to accept that you are wrong. It is hard to take steps to do something to get it right. But you are doing it. That shows that you have realisation of your wrong doing. That makes you deserving of forgiveness"

I felt a little embara.s.sed by her words and smiled sheepishly. She smiled at me, pulled my head down and kissed my forehead, then said lovingly

"Darling, you shouldn't give up. If you want your love to forgive you then you have to work for it. Respect and forgiveness had to be earned. You can't seat over here feeling guilty and hoping that he will forgive you. If you truly love him then show it. If you honestly want him to be a part of your life then fight for it. Family, love, bonds are very precious and have you ever seen any precious thing available for free?"

I shook my head. Mum knew exactly how to motivate me and get my confidence back. I was losing all my hope and confidence to win Tony back. I was thinking there was no way it is going to happen. But now after hearing mum I understood, I was in too much hurry and was giving up without even fighting. I held mum's hands and said with sincerity,

"You are right mom. I will fight. I love him and I want him to be part of my life. And I want my son to recognise me as his father and not be ashamed of me. I will fight mom. Thank you so much mom"

She laughed heartily, "Silly boy. If I can't even help my son when he needs me then whats the use of being your mother"

"Your the best mother in the world! How do you do it mom? You didn't even frowned to know your son is bi"

"Why does it even matter? As long as the person your with makes you happy, I don't care if it is man or a woman" she said patting my head.

If only dad was as accepting as her. But everyone can't get, what they want. At least, I should be grateful that I got the best mum. I will work hard, so that, I can give a great life to Tony and my son and make her proud of me.

"Haaahhh" suddenly mum sighed when I was absorbed in my thoughts, "Well, I wish I knew you loved a man. I have to now change this ring to a male's ring"

I looked at her, she had a ring box in her hand with a single female ring of platinum jaded with small diamond pieces. The ring was very pretty and I ended up thinking how Tony would look with a ring in his finger. I smiled at the thought and said sheepishly,

"I guess you have to"

"But before that, I want to meet my grandson"

I was astonished at the word 'grandson'. Since, I never thought of both my family as one, I didn't relate the fact that my son is my mum's grandson. But now getting the fact I couldn't help but feel warm inside. I smiled at her broadly,

"Of course you will definitely meet mom. He has the same eyes as me and you. I am sure you will love him"

"Oh, now I wanna to meet him even more" she said laughing.